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#166459576Saturday, July 04, 2015 2:47 AM GMT

Name: Wade Winston Wilson _______________________________________________________ Relatives: Mother: Unknown (dead) Father: Unknown (Unknown) Siblings:None _______________________________________________________ Affiliations:Agency X, Astonishing Avengers, Code Red, Deadpool Corps, Frightful Four, Great Lakes Initiative, Heroes for Hire, Landau, Luckman, and Lake, Maggia, Secret Defenders, S.H.I.E.L.D., Six Pack, Thunderbolts, Weapon X, X-Force, X-Men _______________________________________________________ Occupation[s]: Mercenary, Badass, Chimichanga eater, Chick Magent, Anti-Hero, and finally THE BEST HERO EVER! _______________________________________________________ Place of Birth: Somewhere in Canada Eyes: Green (White with mask) _______________________________________________________ Hair: Blonde _______________________________________________________ Weight: 210 lbs Height: 6'2" _______________________________________________________ Weird facts: Favorite super hero as a child was Captian America, Mother died from cancer, Father left before I was born, I cant die, literally I cant ive tried that multiple times, I like the ladies(sorry guys you cant have none of DP), and I have a Dog who is awesome, his name is Dog-Pool

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