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#167176524Friday, July 10, 2015 10:03 PM GMT

( Based off of a story that went six chapters before I ended it. ) Polva: The Arctic Hunt   Story:  The roads are covered with ice and not a single soul stands outside, not the jesters playing tricks with children nor the sound of merchants trying to haggle people into buying worthless items not even the sound of the poor begging for coin; all that's heard is the sound of northern winter, quiet, cold and a bit depressing.    Sadly some people are still forced to come out, sometimes to work and get what little pay is given out during winter and sometimes the rare fool who thinks frost death is a wive's tale, but the majority of the people forced to leave the warmth and comfort of their homes are are those chosen for the Arctic Hunt. You see every year before the true winter kicks in and your expecting a blizzard every sundown every single able bodied man or women is expected to go on a hunt at least once in their lives. They march in a group to the northernmost part of Arksdom and either die or become a adult. It may sound like horror to some of you but it's a necessity to keep Arksdom strong, if we don't hunt and nearly die every year we would all die every year, but this year a strong, brave new group of younglings ready themselves for the hunt and what will come with it.  Hunt well Youngling. The Northern Kingdom of Arksdoms: The Northern Kingdom of Arksdom is a major kingdom on the landmass of Polva, It was founded as a unification between King Arks the Wondrous and the Arctic tribes, in return for gold reserves of Arksdom the Arctic people agreed to help him conquer the rest of north. By the time he died his kingdom already controlled all of the north and it's people. These days the Kingdom stays powerful by trading most of gold in the world as well furs and oils to the southern kingdoms, as well it is the biggest and one of the most well defended kingdoms in the world The last major event that greatly affected Arksdom was the War of Beasts when it was discovered that a dragon had been living in the arctic for many years, due to having the majority of it's hunting force killed by the dragon many people starved that year. Ever since then Arksdom has been rebuilding and has managed to get the dragon to flee elsewhere. Weaker beasts still attack the hunters but they rarely do much as damage. Other Kingdoms that will be mentioned: Kingdom Of Areliria: This is the kingdom that makes of up most of Arksdom's southern border.  It's been peaceful with Arksdom for a long time and is hostile to the Kingdom of Creadic Kingdom of Creadic, before the Grand Raid of Creadic Areliria was the only kingdom that bordered Arkdoms, since then they have been raiding the borders of both nations  and has been making themselves quite a pest. Sunset Isles: A group of four islands that is a important trading outpost and naval camp, it's known as the home of dragons to the natives. The northern most island is owned by Arksdoms and the southern three islands are owned by Areliria  Religions: These are the important gods in the northern region. Suesia: The goddess of warmth and fire is a important god to the people of Arksdom as she provides them with much of the warmth needed to survive the deadly winter. This is their main goddess. Foi: The god of Ice and cold, while a polar opposite of Suesia he is a important god as well. People pray to him to not curse Arkdoms with as much snow as usual. Werias: The God of gold and wealth, since Arkdoms is gold capital of the world this god is a important source of trade and wealth in Arksdoms. Hyuiaser:The main god in the arctic culture, most of the northern don't worship nor believe in this god but the people of the arctic believe he is the God of Gods. Beasts: Beasts are crazed creatures that are known as some of the most powerful things in the world, there are thousands of beasts that plague this world and it's people but only three are named and well known in Arksdom. Dragons: They're are known as the most powerful beasts in the world, dragons can be as large as 200 feet, fly at 400 mph and all of them know magic. There are only three known dragons. They usually live pass 1000 years Flamestarter: Was the only dragon ever tamed, it was used in the war of flames to conquer much of the world; after it's tamer died it fled to the eastern continent. It's a bright orange dragon with red streaks. ( It's name is due to it being named by a human as a pet ) Unnamed Ice Dragon: After the arctic hunt was shortly ended by a dragon, they got him to flee to elsewhere. Not much is known. He is a light blue color Reyoius: For the last 800 years the southern continent has been getting attacked and destroyed by Reyoius. Reyoius is known for attacking the southern people at least 10 times a year. He is a jet black color and people claim his eyes are purple. He seems to know the magic of telekinesis. Ferti: A Ferti is a beast that was captured by Arksdoms a while back, it's a yellow bird that six feet long. It lives up to 150 years and seems to have metal like claws. Poareas:  A name given to 10 legged wolf like creature in Arksdom, the one captured seems to know a kind of magic and it only lives up to 40 years. Languages: Arkese: The language the majority of Arksdom speaks. It's the simple language of the north and has been in use for hundreds of years.  Keiloa: The language used in the Sunset Isles, it's being phased out due to the recent  conquering of the isles but is still a known language. Trezaseti: The old language of the arctic people, it's weird and confusing to outsiders to learn but has been used longer then Arkese. Arelin:  the language of Areliria, some of Arksdom knows the language due to people sometimes leaving when winter hits. Important Terms and NPC: King Issa: The king of Arksdom at the moment, in his early 30's. Duke Eriiase: The king of arctic, Issa considers the arctic to be a major duchy instead of kingdom so he's technically a duke. Seian: A term for from Arksdom, means 'person of the north' Youngling: Anyone who hasn't gone on the arctic hunt, you officially become a adult when you go on the hunt Arctic Hunt: Basically, every year anyone 16 or older is eligible to go on a hunt for the kingdom during this hunt they stockpile up food for winter.  Rules: 1. No powergaming, metagaming or being a general idiot. 2. I control the world, you control your character(s) 3. You may have as any characters as you desire, just manage them well and make decent characters. 4. No your character cannot have magic, I don't feel like having someone throwing fireballs over the place. 5. You may die... So be prepared and don't bumrush a beast 6. I'm the only admin. Name: Age: Appearance: Clothing: Items ( whatever you bring with you on the hunt ): Languages ( at least know broken arkese ) Bio: Other:
#167186307Friday, July 10, 2015 11:36 PM GMT


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