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#167365499Sunday, July 12, 2015 8:00 PM GMT

07-11-2015 8:02 PM Official game will have four quarters consisting each of ten minutes Official game clock will have a shot clock at twenty four seconds Both teams will receive seven timeouts and four fouls to give The game play is 2v2 at least or at max 5v5 Fouls to give reset after half time In-bound pressing will only be allowed in the last two minutes of fourth quarter Stealing the ball in the back-court is a foul Grabbing the ball in the air while it is going down or on the rim is goal tending If the ball is being inbounded in the front court it can't be inbounded to the back court unless if it's the last two minutes in the fourth quarter Crossing the front court and stepping back court with the ball or foot is a violation Making the twenty four second shotclock expiring before a shot successfully hits the rim is a violation Disrespectful comments can lead into a technical foul Two technical fouls and a player is ejected from the game Taking five seconds to inbound a ball is a violation In-bounding up to the free throw line is always legal Jumping on free throws is illegal Jumping without releasing the ball is travel Team owners are required to have a facility before the start of preseason Team owners are required to have a co-coach before the start of preseason Team owners can only sign fourteen players not including themselves Team owners can give anybody the ability to sign, release, and trade Team owners must be active, Three forfeit will get them fired

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