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#167478214Monday, July 13, 2015 9:35 PM GMT

I'm not sure what the hell happen. But all of a sudden, i go into edit mode to work on my 'project tokyo', and my brick wont freakin collide. "What do you mean?" you may ask. Well i use the drag tool to grab a brick to pull it, only thing is it wont go threw the other bricks, if i drag my mouse enough the brick just goes on the other side of the brick. Its annoying as hell and i can't progress forward if this glitch wont let me slide bricks into each other. http://gyazo.com/65357ef3c6fe83489223eb9ff8cc0837 Look here, I'm trying to make the selceted brick go into the wall but it refuses to do so. WHAT IS CAUSING IT TO BEHAVE LIKE THIS?!
#167478571Monday, July 13, 2015 9:38 PM GMT

You have collisions enabled. Disable it by pressing on the button between "Transform" and "1/5th Stud"
#167478585Monday, July 13, 2015 9:39 PM GMT

Holy crap, i went on all my other places and its doing the same thing, it won't collide! And i also tried shutting studio off and getting back on and the glitch is still doing it. roblox fix your stupid innovation updates, you always seem to screw something up every time.
#167478710Monday, July 13, 2015 9:40 PM GMT

make sure you have transform on, or use the union tool. 5zr be dominating hissy fitty aaron
#167478884Monday, July 13, 2015 9:41 PM GMT

@que I must be a complete idiot, but where is the 'transform' button?
#167479030Monday, July 13, 2015 9:43 PM GMT

Oh nevermind, i found it myself. it was in the model tab. Nevermind. I was freakin out for a moment.

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