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#168664274Friday, July 24, 2015 4:28 PM GMT

The Boick Caravan is a trading group focused mainly on the buying and selling of various items across the wasteland of southern Hawaii. The caravan was founded in the 2060s when Thomas Boick, a former CDF General, started looking for work outside of joining another faction. He thought of The Boick Caravan a short time after leaving the CDF, traveling from Pearl City to Rockport, Florida to get it started. With about a year's work, he managed to get the caravan founded with only 9 other members and a few donkeys. It has since expanded back to Hawaii and become known throughout the mainland and isles; Thomas's son, Gabriel, took over the caravan in 2084 when his father became too old. The caravan, although founded on the bartering of construction materials with the CDF, now mainly focuses on trading rare clothing, weaponry, and jewelry. Working for the caravan is a very dangerous job, but it usually pays very well. In Hawaii, the caravan usually operates around Crane Town, the mall, and the Fed-X area, selling their wares to CDF civilians and those living in the outskirts of the CDF territory or in the city. The caravan usually hires mercenaries to guard their carts full of precious items. In 2098, they reached their financial peak. In Florida, they travel with donkeys across the sands and sell their wares to passerby's.

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