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#16868737Friday, November 20, 2009 5:40 PM GMT

Number 1,im bored... Number 2,I like all your fancharacters and Number 3,il do Stories of them...from action to drama..and stuff... --------- FILL IN THIS CHARACTER SHEET,And we'll talk! --- Note: Story is a complete episode,so Expect it in a few days... --- Name: Nicknames: Age: Species: Gender: Height: Weight: IQ: Marital Status: Birth Place: Residence: Occupation: Social Class: Economic Class: Alignment: (Evil or Good) Top Speed: 200 (slow jog) 300 (Normal jog) 500 (run) 800 (Sprint) Over 1000 (In his Supersonic mode. He dosent go this speed much) Basic Stats (All numbers cant be over 10,and you can add Minus numbers) Agility - Speed - Strength - Defense - Evasiveness - Dexterity - Intelligence - Skill - Special Attacks: Combat Combo: He mostly uses a power kick, a jab, then a uppercut, and maybe a blast. Abilities & Aptitude: Forms: Hobbies & Talents: Weaknesses: Personal facts (A few suggestions,erase if you don't want them in) Friends: Sonic and friends, Elisa prower, Aurus and Fenrir, Tann His creator, and Speedy. Sonow, Speedy, and MANY others. Rivals: Siloga, and sometimes Sonow Enemies:Eggman, And pretty much all people on the dark side. Known relatives: Likes/Favorite activities: Dislikes/Least favorite activities: Gourmet of choice: Ice cream Sandwichez :D Beverages of choice: Cream soda. Favorite color(s): Personality: Physical Appearance Color: Green for fur, and a small black scar on his left shoulder (From his first battle..) Skin Color (i.e. muzzle, arms): A nice Tan. Eye Color: Brown Hair/Quill Style: Like Sonic, when in Super, spiked like Super Sonic, and all other forms like Super Shadow.. Nose: Black Ears: Tan and green Tail: just green. Other bodily features: A nice thin body, but very strong. You cant really see them muscles, but he can lift around 100 LBS when he is sleepy O_O Attire: A long red shirt with sleeves that go to his wrists, and a pair of blue jeans. He has a mysterious small ring on his right wrist.... Items & Weapons: Vehicles: Themesong: Back Story:(Example) Mach's story begins when he was first created in Tann's lab. Tann was a black wolf that was quite lonely. He was kidnapped by a hedgehog Lando, and he found out that he was MELLEPHIES. He destroyed LANDO, but not Mephlies. He first met Elisa in "The Invasion" RPG, where he met most of his friends. They developed a close relationship. He has been thru SOOOO adventures, its not very rare for him to be attacked...His creator is named Tann. Also, Speedy was actualy the second person Mach met. Tann was first... Characters you want in the story(OFFICIAL ONES): How you want it to end:(Killed?,or happily ever after?)
#16868752Friday, November 20, 2009 5:41 PM GMT

(Im not filling this in -.-)
#16868833Friday, November 20, 2009 5:46 PM GMT

can i get a chao sheet
#16881790Saturday, November 21, 2009 12:44 AM GMT

Bump! =D
#16881897Saturday, November 21, 2009 12:47 AM GMT

(It's going to take a hours to fill this out....)
#16881931Saturday, November 21, 2009 12:48 AM GMT

(Oh happeh face, this is going to be interesting.)
#16882290Saturday, November 21, 2009 12:59 AM GMT

[It would take at least an hour for me to fill out for ALL my characters, but luckily I have them all saved in a Word document!] -Zero Gamma sheet- Is this character based on Sonic Team's or Archie's portrayal of Sonic the Hedgehog?: Sonic Team Character Image (if available): N/A Name: Zero Gamma Nicknames: N/A Age: 14 Species: Hedgehog Gender: Male Height: 4’3” Weight: 121 lb. IQ: 131 Marital Status: None DOB: September 29th, 1993 Birth Place: A hidden lab in the Russian steppe. Residence: Apartment in Moscow Occupation: Stunthog Social Class: Average joe Economic Class: Upper-middle class Alignment: Neutral, but can be turned to either side. Top Speed: 120 mph Basic Stats (added numbers cannot exceed 40) Agility - 3 Speed - 4 Strength - 7 Defense - 6 Evasiveness - 5 Dexterity - 8 Intelligence - 4 Skill - 3 Special Attacks: Spindash, Chaos Blast, Chaos Lance, spinball jump, Raigeki (accelerates speed to 740 mph. 2 Power rings required). Abilities & Aptitude: Can take massive damage, very strong. Hobbies & Talents: Tinkering with junk from the junkyard, practicing his stunts, playing video games, reciting useless junk. Weaknesses: Hot-tempered, hates the fact that he is slow, seeing one of his creations destroyed. Personal facts Friends:Sonic and friends, Mach, Sonow, MZ79, A.L.F. Rivals:One Gamma Enemies:Eggman, Dr.Igosiku, One Gamma, any other baddies Known relatives:MZ79, One Gamma Likes/Favorite activities:Owning One, building stuff out of junk, fighting baddies, looking up junk on the Internet. Dislikes/Least favorite activities:Saving the world(unless he has to), destroying a rebellious creation. Gourmet of choice:Peanut-butter nuts and bolts sandwhich, Dodger dog with everything on it, oil covered popcorn. Beverages of choice:Mandalade, hydrolic fluid. Favorite color(s): Black, silver Personality: Cheerful, quick-tempered, partially insane, combat-loving. Physical Appearance Color:Black fur. Skin Color (i.e. muzzle, arms):Tanned Eye Color:Dark brown Hair/Quill Style:Shadow’s quill style, only with silver streaks on top of quills. Nose:Black Ears:Slightly pointier than normal, with a silver ring along the top. Tail:N/A, he’s a hedgehog. Other bodily features:Scar a centimeter from left eye. Attire: Tan cargo pants, Black helmet(when using motorcycle) Items & Weapons: Uzi, Small medkit, Power ring, short dagger, keys. Vehicles:A motorcycle like that seen in Terminator:Salvation, a custom modified biplane. Themesong: Me against the world by Simple Plan Back Story: Zero is a stunthog who lives in Moscow. He also defends it from Dr.Igosiku, who wishes to conquer it and the rest of the world. Zero enjoys a good fight. -One Gamma sheet- Is this character based on Sonic Team's or Archie's portrayal of Sonic the Hedgehog?: Sonic Team Character Image (if available): N/A Name: One Gamma Nicknames: N/A Age: 15 Species: Hedgehog Gender: Male Height: 4’1” Weight: 89 lb. IQ: 140 Marital Status: None DOB: October 12th, 1994 Birth Place: A hidden lab in the Russian steppe. Residence: Igosiku's ariship Occupation: Hithog Social Class: Loner Economic Class: Middle class Alignment: Evil Top Speed: 200 mph Basic Stats (added numbers cannot exceed 40) Agility - 5 Speed - 7 Strength - 3 Defense - 4 Evasiveness - 6 Dexterity - 5 Intelligence - 5 Skill - 5 Special Attacks: Spindash, Chaos Blast, Chaos Lance, spinball jump, Raigeki (accelerates speed to 740 mph. 2 Power rings required), homing attack. Abilities & Aptitude: Quick and very nimble, cool and collected in battle. Hobbies & Talents: Running on a treadmill, dodging bullets, and thinking of ways to kill Zero. Weaknesses: Easily takes damage, flypaper. Personal facts Friends:None Rivals:Zero Gamma Enemies:Any good guys, Zero. Known relatives:MZ79, Zero Gamma Likes/Favorite activities:Owning Zero, running, coming up with ways to kill Zero. Dislikes/Least favorite activities:Working with Zero, hand-to-hand combat. Gourmet of choice:Bread and butter, chicken nuggets. Beverages of choice:Mandalade, Lemonade Favorite color(s): Silver, black. Personality: Dark, reclusive, cold, combat-loving. Physical Appearance Color:Silver fur. Skin Color (i.e. muzzle, arms):Pale Eye Color:Light green Hair/Quill Style:Sonic’s quill style, only with black streaks on top of quills. Nose:Black Ears:Slightly blunter than normal, with a black ring along the top. Tail:N/A, he’s a hedgehog. Other bodily features:Scar a centimeter from right eye. Attire: Blue jeans Items & Weapons: 9mm pistol, Power ring, short dagger. Vehicles:None Themesong: War is my destiny-Ill Bill Back Story: One is Zero’s brother, rival, and enemy. He lives to see the day that he kills Zero. As a result, he ended up working for Eggman, thinking that he will be able to destroy Zero in Eggman’s quest to conquer the world. -MZ79’s sheet- Is this character based on Sonic Team's or Archie's portrayal of Sonic the Hedgehog?: Sonic Team Character Image (if available): N/A Name: MZ79 Nicknames: N/A Age: 21 Species: Human Gender: Male Height: 5’7” Weight: 126 lb. IQ: 210 Marital Status: None DOB: July 11th, 1988 Birth Place: Moscow Residence: A lab hidden in the Rusian steppe. Occupation: Partially mad scientist Social Class: Super-genius hermit Economic Class: Upper class Alignment: Neutral Top Speed: 15 mph Basic Stats (added numbers cannot exceed 40) Agility - 3 Speed - 4 Strength - 5 Defense - 5 Evasiveness - 3 Dexterity - 7 Intelligence - 10 Skill - 3 Special Attacks: None Abilities & Aptitude: A super-genius, able to use all sorts of weapons. Hobbies & Talents: Tinkering with mechanical parts, coming up with new designs for robots (and possibly other hedgehogs) Weaknesses: He is weak. Having his power-suit destroyed. Personal facts Friends:None Rivals:None Enemies:Any who try to break into his lab. Known relatives:Zero Gamma, One Gamma Likes/Favorite activities:Building stuff, trying to create new hedgehogs. Dislikes/Least favorite activities:Fighting, failing at making a hedgehog, having Zero fly him around. Gourmet of choice:Salami sandwhiches. Beverages of choice:Gatorade Favorite color(s): Red, Orange Personality: Stubborn, very focused on whatever he is doing. Physical Appearance Color:Eh…… Skin Color (i.e. muzzle, arms):Pale Eye Color:Light blue Hair/Quill Style:Dirt-encrusted black hair, with the tops glowing green(don’t ask). Nose:Pale Ears:Human ears. Tail:N/A, he’s a human. Other bodily features:left hand is robotic(again, don’t ask) Attire: White lab coat, goggles on forehead, blue jeans, black tanktop. Items & Weapons: Plasma Cannon, Large medkit, welding gear, a cube that can turn into a power-suit. Vehicles: Customized VW Bug. Themesong: Rock’n’roll ain’t noise pollution-AC/DC Back Story: MZ79 is One and Zero’s creator. He enjoys being alone and building robots. He hates when either One or Zero come by, because usually they ask for weapons. As a result, he has a very strong defence system in his lab(ie, A bucket of water on an ajar door, auto-laser turrets, proximity mines, laser doors, diamond reinforced titanium doors, and an EXPLODING VENDING MACHINE!). -A.L.F. sheet- Is this character based on Sonic Team's or Archie's portrayal of Sonic the Hedgehog?: Sonic Team Character Image (if available): N/A Name:A.L.F.(Artificial Life Form) Nicknames: N/A Age: 7 Species: Robot Gender: Male Height: 6’3” Weight: 341 lb. IQ: 299 Marital Status: None DOB: January 18th, 2002 Birth Place: An aprtment in Moscow Residence: An apartment in Moscow Occupation: Robotic Assitant, 1 Robot Army Social Class: Robot Economic Class: Upper class Alignment: Neutral Top Speed: 40 mph (170 when in motorcycle form) Basic Stats (added numbers cannot exceed 40) Agility - 2 Speed - 3 Strength - 7 Defense - 8 Evasiveness - 2 Dexterity - 6 Intelligence - 10 Skill - 2 Special Attacks: None Abilities & Aptitude:He can become any object he has scanned, or become a power suit for it if it is a living being. Hobbies & Talents: Heavy lifting, Being of general assistance, destroying stuff, helping Zero build stuff, scanning objects. Weaknesses: Power control on base of neck.If turned off, he is useless. Personal facts Friends:None Rivals:Any robots Eggman makes. Enemies:Any baddies. Known relatives:N/A Likes/Favorite activities:Anything Zero wants him to like. Dislikes/least favorite activities:None Gourmet of choice:Computor chips Beverages of choice:Lube oil Favorite color(s):Gold Personality: Very helpful, respectful, your general goody two robotic shoes. Physical Appearance Color:Gold Skin Color (i.e. muzzle, arms):Gold Eye Color:Gold Hair/Quill Style:None Nose:Gold Ears:Gold human ears. Tail:N/A, he’s a robot. Other bodily features:None. Attire:None Items & Weapons: None, he is all the items and weapons he needs. Vehicles: Himself Themesong: N/A Back Story: A.L.F. was created by Zero in Moscow. He currently does all the heavy work Zero doesn’t want to. He hates the robots Eggman and Igosiku have made, thinking of them as slaves. How I want the story to end?:At least one death, with happiness for the others!
#16882511Saturday, November 21, 2009 1:08 AM GMT

{Im now writing!} oh and it only takes about 20 mins of your time to fill it in!
Top 100 Poster
#16882777Saturday, November 21, 2009 1:19 AM GMT

Won't let me post my Character....
#16883428Saturday, November 21, 2009 1:36 AM GMT

(Oh yea, this is going to be epic!) Name: Sethanaris Scarlet Nicknames: Seth Age: 21 Species: Hedgehog Gender: Male Height: 5'8' Weight: 98 IQ: 167 Marital Status: None Birth Place: A small house nearby the Town Inferno in the Pyro Realm. Residence: A tent in the Twilight Realm.(Nothing to do with Zelda: Twilight princess.) Occupation: A.ssasan Social Class: He is hated by Everyone exept for the people of the Twilight realm. Economic Class: So-So Alignment: Evil Top Speed: 50(Slow Jog), 75(Normal Jog), 80(Run), 150(Sprint) Basic Stats (All numbers cant be over 10,and you can add Minus numbers) Agility - 7 Speed - 4 Strength - 9 Defense - 6 Evasiveness - 1 Dexterity - 6 Intelligence - 6 Skill - 5 Special Attacks: Imagain what Flame can do(Fire), exept its with a Dark corruption in it. Combat Combo: Will punch twice, kick, shoot them with a Blast, and try to slide a dagger into there Ribs. Abilities & Aptitude: ... Forms: None. Hobbies & Talents: Killing people, planing to kill someone, destroying things. Weaknesses: Lots of stuff, like pure Elemental energy. Personal facts (A few suggestions,erase if you don't want them in) Friends: No one at all. Rivals: No one. Enemies: Anyone that gets in is way and his younger Brother, Flame. Known relatives: Flame Scarlet Likes/Favorite activities: Killing people. Dislikes/Least favorite activities: getting caught. Gourmet of choice: He dosn't eat. Beverages of choice: He dosn't drink. Favorite color(s): Black Personality: A little crazy, but serous. Physical Appearance Color: Pitch Black Skin Color (i.e. muzzle, arms): Pure White Eye Color: Black Hair/Quill Style: Imageing a Star, yea, it spreads out like that, and he has two bangs. Nose: Black Ears: Black on the outside, Pure White on the inside. Tail: Black Other bodily features: Strangly, he has no scars. He has a Dragon on his Right palm, like Flame. Attire: A black robe with a hode, perfect for hideing his daggers. Items & Weapons: No items, but Daggers in his sleaves, hidden in his shoes, hidden in his hood. Vehicles: None. Themesong: Hmm.... Back Story: He joined the elemental Army when he was 12, he also lead the attack on the Twilight realm when he was 15, his comrades were killed, but he was corrupted into this..thing. Characters you want in the story(OFFICIAL ONES): No one! How you want it to end:(Killed?,or happily ever after?) Killed.
#16884807Saturday, November 21, 2009 2:08 AM GMT

--- Location:Eastern Siberia --- There stands a large stadium,with a Huge Ramp that spans 20 meters long,and 2 meters wide...there was a huge crowd that occupies the seats...perhaps a million?...probably Billions! And out from the Stadium's inner entrances,comes a Black hedgehog,walking as if he were a guest of honor...towards his New,Shiny,and Technologically Modifed MotorCycle...armed with a Superior Engine,Some Nitro,a BIG Exhaust pipe,and dual Turbo Systems "Ok,People,lets get this Show on the road!" The announcer spoke out,"Right here,right now,you are about to witness one of the most Ridiculous but most Spect-TACular stunts ever devised by great Planner,Dr.Ukisogi!,he isn't here at the moment...but he's surely watching from any TV in the world!!" Zero walked beside his bike,taking a glance at the beauty he had created...thanks to some mysterious Seller on mBay,some user named Dr.Ukisogi...that name may be a little suspicious...but he took no care for a thought. "Psst!" A small little fox appeared from the back of the Judges...the fox had a small hood on,which was aligned with Fur,as well as brown Jacket that covered most of the body,except the shoes,which were black with a white tip... Zero came closer,taking advantage of the Attention spam the Announcer is Sucking in from the audience...rather than Zero himself..."What is it?" The Fox took off her hood "Something isn't right about this...I saw some kind of figure altering your bike last night...I can't really tell,but it seems to me it was a hedgehog...silver in colour..." "Now why would Silver the Hedgehog interfere with this kind of Business?" Zero asked the Fox,which had 1 Tail "Umm,I don't really know,but be careful..." Elisa stumbled back and became the watching population... --- Location:Moscow(Red Square) --- One robot stood there...just there...if he had calculated the Velocity Zero might land to...it's the Red Square.. A.L.F. pointed to where he was standing...He noticed the Workers were sleeping...but this was a perfect chance,he grabbed the Fully Finished Ramp,and placed it on the middle of the Red Square...but wait..was it on the exact middle..or little on the left...ALF did not bother to Re-calculate...he was only following orders..."Get Victory Beverage for Zero." He walked off into the busy streets of Moscow... --- Location:Eastern Siberia --- "10,9,8..." The Crowd was cheering Wildly as the Countdown timer,large enough for a nearby city to take a glance at, Zero prepared for his "Departure" and revved up his bike,it was louder than the crowd's cheering...like some sort of Super Stereo... Elisa looked at the Bike,a magnificent Design...sort of a Dodge Tomahawk..and an Intel Luxury Cycle...both in one...she smiled... "3,2,ONE!!!" Zero Bursted o full speed,climbing the Ramp with Ease,18 Meters...100 MPH,15 Meters,200 MPH,10 Meters,300 MPH,5 Meters,500 MPH,Airborne,1000 MPH,A speechless speed...and as soon as Zero began zooming up in the air,some sort of Pipe Emitted a gas,and that gas had explosive power,that gas was Nitro,and it fired the Bike into the air once more...flying higher...Zero was normal as usual..."Another Days Work..." he muttered...but this...this was once in a lifetime experience...meaning NO Practice took place,he looked back...no stadium...only clouds...he was soaring high,and on a 45 degree angle... --- Central Russia --- 2 Jets Came up,armed with Missiles,"You are invading Russian Airspace"Loudspeakers Burst the air... Zero's jaw dropped,Now why would the Military not know about this stunt!!he pointed his thumb to himself and pointed towards Moscow...then the bike... one of the pilots Barfed,then the other,then began arguing towards each other with the radio...then used the loudspeaker once more "Our appologies...we were just fresh off from the Airbase..resuming Patrol" then dived down into the cloud cover... Zero Remained on his course...hopefully landing soon...
#16888529Saturday, November 21, 2009 3:24 AM GMT

#16888932Saturday, November 21, 2009 3:31 AM GMT

a one and a two and a three and a BUMP!!!
Top 100 Poster
#16890995Saturday, November 21, 2009 4:15 AM GMT

=d i wanna make my character,but ROBLOX won't let me...
#16905463Saturday, November 21, 2009 5:04 PM GMT

Babeh babeh one more BUMP!!!
#16907707Saturday, November 21, 2009 6:01 PM GMT

Name: Cody Zander Nicknames: Cat,Kid,short,cannibal(rare occasions) Age: 11 Species: Cat(Mobian of course) Gender: M Height: 2 ft 9 in Weight: 43 lb. IQ: 57(He dosen't go to school,main reason for low intelligence.) Marital Status: None Birth Place: In the forest Residence: Lives in the forest Occupation: Lives with a nomadic indian tribe,hunts and does things for the tribe. Social Class: Poor Economic Class: He dosen't even have money... Alignment: (Evil or Good) Good Top Speed: 3 (slow jog) 3.5 (Normal jog) 5 (run) 5.3 (Sprint) 50 (In his Blazing mode. He dosent go this speed much) Basic Stats (All numbers cant be over 10,and you can add Minus numbers) Agility - 10 Speed - 1 Strength - 2 Defense - 4 Evasiveness - 9 Dexterity - 7 Intelligence - 3 Skill - 5 Special Attacks: Fire Split,Fire punch,fire Blast.(Fire Blast ignores all defense,can hurt beings in super form) Combat Combo:Fire Split,then a fire blast. Abilities & Aptitude: Weilds fire. Forms: Blazing Cody(Collect 1 super emerald)Ultima Cody(All chaos emeralds)Ultimax Emperor(Can only use in a area with alot of fire,but it has a sideeffect,Cody is overcome with a strong rage.) Hobbies & Talents: Likes to hunt for food. Weaknesses: Ice,Water(water can kill him)SilverWater(melted silver,hardens fast) Personal facts Friends: Tribe Members,Zack the Tiger(R0man4's character)Cream the Rabbit,Blaze the Cat,Marine the Racoon. Rivals:Rivaling Tribes. Enemies: Dr.Kanas(Presumably Desceased) Known relatives: None Likes/Favorite activities: Hunting,Making freinds. Dislikes/Least favorite activities: Fighting,Being Picked on. Gourmet of choice: Rat Beverages of choice: River Water Favorite color(s): Red Personality: Physical Appearance Color:Red Skin Color (i.e. muzzle, arms): Arms are red,muzzle is light tan. Eye Color: Blue Hair/Quill Style: Like Amy. Nose: Black Ears: Red,tan on inside. Tail: Red with a white spot on end. Other bodily features: Very skinny. Attire: Blue shirt with white stripes on it,Brown jeans(tattered) Items & Weapons: None. Vehicles: He's 11,he can't drive. Themesong: Shy Guy's ToyBox music(From Original Paper Mario) Back Story:(Example)Lived in the forest all his life with his tribe,but ocassionally wanders off to see his freinds.He's been through quite a few adventures,he dosen't like to talk about it,but his sister Katay was killed in one,so he dosen't go on very many.But he's not Depressed like Shadow,he has a high pitched voice and he is always happy. Characters you want in the story(OFFICIAL ONES): Marine,Cream,Blaze. How you want it to end:(Killed?,or happily ever after?)Severerly Injured,but still happy ever after.
#16908335Saturday, November 21, 2009 6:19 PM GMT

narrow it down to a few things.so what if it is a third of an hour long. Geez!!!!!
#16908523Saturday, November 21, 2009 6:26 PM GMT

#16932197Sunday, November 22, 2009 4:46 AM GMT

Complaining ain't going to help...im not narrowing it down...it captures EXACT Details...if you're too lazy to type it in,Why are you using the computer?... -={Anyway,Im still doing Zero's Story}=-
Top 25 Poster
#16932938Sunday, November 22, 2009 5:03 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#16933115Sunday, November 22, 2009 5:08 AM GMT

(meh.) (might make a second resprite) Name: Dez Nicknames: Cute Lil' Guy Age: 4 (FOARRR( Species: Chao Gender: Male Height: , dun liek filling heights up cuz i dun noe hao Weight: IQ: Around the IQ of a boy with ADHD who just found the cookie jar. Marital Status: >_> Birth Place: Chao Garden Residence: THE WHOLE PLACE Occupation: DUM Social Class: *Really sad moment here* *Dez is crying* ...*Dez spots something* SHINY THING YAY!!!! *Rush* That explains it all. Economic Class: COLLECTORS Alignment: Gewd Top Speed: SKIP, chaos are slow and stuff except when he spots a shiny thing, then its 500MPH. THE AVERAGE DASH FOR DEZ IS 500MPH. THAT'S RIGHT. Basic Stats (All numbers cant be over 10,and you can add Minus numbers) Agility - 6 Speed - 7 Strength - 4 Defense - 5 Evasiveness - 9 Dexterity - 6 Intelligence - 3 Skill - 3 Special Attacks: Combat Combo: FIND THING -> HIT ENEMY WITH FOUND OBJECT -> GET AWAY -> REPEAT Abilities & Aptitude: ..Finding shiny things. Forms: N/A Hobbies & Talents: Collecting objects, finding objects Weaknesses: Shiny things and water Personal facts (A few suggestions,erase if you don't want them in) Friends: Sonic (HE KEPT CAREEEEEEEEEE) Rivals: what Enemies: he doesnt know Known relatives: ENTIRE CHAO GARDEN Likes/Favorite activities: Collecting stuff Dislikes/Least favorite activities: being in empty places Gourmet of choice: Apples. APPLES. APPLES!!! Beverages of choice: waterwaterwaterwater Favorite color(s): Shiny Yellow, Shiny White, pretty much every shiny color Personality: Crazy & Dumb Physical Appearance Color: Brown on everywhere I tell ya. Skin Color (i.e. muzzle, arms): Brown on everywhere, I toldja. Eye Color: Blueeeeee. Hair/Quill Style: Nose: BRRROWWNN. Ears: BBROWN Tail: naw Other bodily features: WEENGS Attire: ._. Items & Weapons: 300 rings, 1.5 mil. rocks, and a random object he stole (AKA: Any possible object in the Sonic Series) Vehicles: ... Themesong: Red Zone Back Story: Dez, wants to explore every place on the universe. He was bored of Chao Garden because there was nothing else to do than find more rocks (He DOES have 1.5 mil. rocks), So he escaped. I don't know how he did it, but he escaped. Characters you want in the story(OFFICIAL ONES): SONIC OBVIOUSLY How you want it to end: Dez finding the 301th Ring.
Top 100 Poster
#16934038Sunday, November 22, 2009 5:39 AM GMT

That just made me lol'd abit..
#16941633Sunday, November 22, 2009 3:14 PM GMT

Yay, Zero does an epic stunt! Fly, hedgehog, fly!!!
#16942221Sunday, November 22, 2009 3:34 PM GMT

Name: Cyril Nicknames: Tokarief Age: 16 Species: Cat Gender: Male Height: 5 ft Weight: Ehh... 40 kilograms IQ: 90 Marital Status: Single Birth Place: Angel Island Residence: Angel Island Occupation: Nothing Social Class: Wut? Economic Class: Wut? Alignment: Slightly Good Top Speed: 250 Basic Stats Agility - 5 Speed - 2 Strength - 9 Defense - 7 Evasiveness - 4 Dexterity - 4 Intelligence - 6 Skill - 7 Special Attacks: Earth Rock (sends a flying rock), Spikes (spikes appears from the ground) Combat Combo: Jab, low kick, roundhouse kick, earth stomp Abilities & Aptitude: Earth Powers Forms: N/A Hobbies & Talents: Singing, practicing fighting. Weaknesses: Air Element, he's slow. Friends: Not yet. Rivals: Not yet. Enemies:Eggman, And pretty much all people on the dark side. Known relatives: Nothing Likes/Favorite activities: Practicing fighting, climbing Dislikes/Least favorite activities: Running, parkour Gourmet of choice: Some plants (he's veggie) Beverages of choice: Coke Favorite color(s): Orange, purple. Personality: Wary, grim Physical Appearance: http://tokarief.devia*ntart.com/art/Cyril-the-Cat-144345880 (remove *) Items & Weapons: Nothing. Vehicles: Nothing. Themesong: Blow Me Away (Breaking Benjamin) Back Story: He was born on Angel Island, but his parents gone, when he was young. After 16 years he decide to find them at all cost. Characters you want in the story(OFFICIAL ONES): Sonic, Shadow, Knuckles, Amy, Silver. Eggman. How you want it to end: Cyril freed them, but he sacrificied himself.
Top 25 Poster
#16942259Sunday, November 22, 2009 3:35 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]

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