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#168979893Monday, July 27, 2015 2:07 PM GMT

Real Name (Optional)- Parker Venezio Physical Appearance- A little tan, black, spiked hair, brown eyes, decently muscular. Clothing (This isn't your all-black outfit, something you'd wear into public to disguise yourself)- A baseball cap, a red scarf covering his mouth, a hoodie with it's sleeves rolled up, blue jeans, Nike shoes. Age (Optional)- 24 Items (Not weapons, you start off with a knife) (Optional)- Knife, iPhone5S, bandages (in case he gets hurt during a contract). Other- I hate the Feds. You arrive at a dark and moody restaurant, clearly disgusted that this was your meeting place. Your next contractor, a chubby man, sat down on his chair and ordered a small meal. "I'm going to be here for a while, that's why we are meeting here." He said, crossing his legs and twiddling his thumbs. "I see you have two successful kills under your belt, and they are all slightly local celebrities, that's why I have requested you to kill this man." the contractor slammed a photograph of a smiling man with black hair, neatly combed hear, a deep tan and circular glasses on the table. He looked like the typical businessman. You took it and observed it carefully. "Stephan Xiaolin, a business executive that hasn't given me my money back after he asked for a loan. Oh, and if you could, before you brutally kill him could you say that the loan shark called?" Things escalated quickly, and the contractor stated that Stephan lives in a rather big house in Dakota Street, house number 36. He has also stated that, if you could, steal his wallet and give him it. He tells you to be careful though- buy a cheap pay as you go phone and dump it and buy another one every so often, this lowers the chance of police tracking you down if you use your actual phone. Also, with that he noted that you always do your killings with gloves. It won't leave DNA behind and you won't be identified. Current time- 16:11 Time till dark- 21:00 Current cash on hand- $1000 Current reputation- Feared, not majorly known.
#169053770Tuesday, July 28, 2015 2:53 AM GMT

(You've been online for three hours when this thread came out, come on.)
#169055881Tuesday, July 28, 2015 3:16 AM GMT

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#169057990Tuesday, July 28, 2015 3:39 AM GMT

Nice bait, could work a little on spelling and punctuation though.
#169091564Tuesday, July 28, 2015 1:31 PM GMT

(Bump for the great hitman 9000.)
#169092305Tuesday, July 28, 2015 1:43 PM GMT

(Finally got around to doing this.)
#169092598Tuesday, July 28, 2015 1:48 PM GMT

The statement is at the original post.
#169095165Tuesday, July 28, 2015 2:27 PM GMT

Parker climbs a tree near the house and scouts out the possible entrance areas. He marked down possible entries which were, front door, back door, chimney, or window. He finally settled on going on a more direct approach. He set out at dawn to the house. Parker rings the doorbell, and Stephan answered almost immediately. Parker pulled out his knife, ready to kill. "Hello--" Parker immediately stabbed him. He did it two more times to make sure.He went inside the house to find the wallet. He wandered into the kitchen and stole a tub of ice cream. He found the wallet and put it inside his pocket. Parker relised he left a blood trail with his boots, so switched them out with another pair he brought. He called the contractor to ask him where to meet him.
#169110719Tuesday, July 28, 2015 4:55 PM GMT

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