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#169484023Friday, July 31, 2015 5:01 PM GMT

These are the official S&I Creek rules and regulations. It is official because it was posted in multiple threads. Fishermen and fish, enjoy your time at the S&I creek! [REMINDERS] -Please do not bring in an invasive specimen listed as HARMFUL or POTENTIALLY HARMFUL. -Please use SAFE** methods when fishing -Do NOT set things on fire Help prevent the spread of the invasive species, "NBC mendicus anatis" [WARNING] These fish are known to bite at fishermen ~Enjoy your stay at S&I Creek~ ** ex: fishing rod, gaff, gig, donuts, dip net, chicken,jug line[FRESHWATER ONLY] etc ex of unsafe methods: lighters, matches, incendiary items etc Have fun at the S&I Creek! Says the spy!

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