#169771611Monday, August 03, 2015 3:58 AM GMT

first book: second book: chapter 5: i flew back to the angel hideout and went inside. "well?" james asked. "how did it go?" "um, i don't think it went very well." i said. "i think she believes that she's a super angel now." "what did you tell her?" james asked. "all i said was that she was turned by accident and that she wasn't meant to be like this and then she questioned why she was and then she kind of called herself a super angel." i said. "nice going, sara." james said. "maybe i can try to talk to her." jordan said. "she probably won't want to talk to you." i said. "i mean, you were the closest to her, and she doesn't want to talk to any of us right now." "i can't make things worse, can i?" jordan asked. "he's got a point." james said. "just let him go." "fine, go." i said. i have a plan. i knew that bridget probably headed to her own house, which was where jordan was heading. i decided to do a little spying. i flew to bridget's house before jordan did. i saw bridget sitting on a bench on her porch. i hid on the side of her house. i saw jordan flying to her after about 5 minutes. "i'm so sorry for what i did, bridget." jordan said. he sat next to her. "i'm not mad at you." bridget said. "in fact, i feel a little bit bad for you." "why?" jordan asked. "they aren't letting you reach your full potential, jordan." bridget said. "you're just as powerful as i am, but they aren't letting you show it." "maybe you're right." jordan said. "fire is the most powerful element of all of them, yet they never let me use it because they think that i'll hurt someone. i've always felt like a waste." "then maybe you should join forces with me." bridget said. she held his hand. "together we can take those angels down and show them what real power is." "i'm with you." jordan said. "let's do this. let's take them down." "great." bridget said. they started kissing. i flew away. i need to go to the angel hideout to tell everyone what happened. i can't believe this.
#169882744Tuesday, August 04, 2015 3:59 AM GMT

first book: second book: chapter 6: "guys, we're in serious danger." i said as i walked into the angel hideout. "why?" lucy asked. "what's going on?" "jordan betrayed us." i said. "i heard the whole conversation. bridget convinced him to join forces with her and now they're going to take us down." "i knew that she was using him." james said. "what are going to do?" i asked. "we still have the crystal." lucy said. "it's more powerful than both of them." "but we can only use it with all of us and jordan isn't here anymore." i said. "fine." lucy said. "well, it's 3 against 2. maybe we have a shot." "but bridget has all of the powers." i said. "you know, just because bridget has every power doesn't mean that she's smarter than us." james said with that look in his eye. "we can destroy her, with the right kinds of knolege." "what about jordan?" i asked. "will we need to destroy him too?" "i don't think we need to worry about jordan." james said. "he's not as strong as he thinks he is, he has the same amount of power as us." "alright then." i said. "so what do we need to do?" "we need to bate them with one of us." james said. "we need them to think that we're going to come after them and then they will waste their time caging the one who goes. then two of us will come and we'll get whoever is caged out of the cage and then we'll zap them with our powers." "sounds like a good plan." lucy said. "but which one of us is going to go?" "i think i should." i said. "i was the one who led her to believe she was a super angel. this is my fault and you guys know it." "this isn't your fault." lucy said. "i don't want you to go." "i have to, lucy." i said. "what if they do something to you?" lucy asked. "like, what if they use one of their powers on you and you get hurt?" "i'll be ok, lucy." i said. "trust me, i would never die on you." "remember your promise?" lucy said. "you said that we'll never be apart but you're about to let me go." "it's not forever, lucy." i said. "we'll see each other again." "i don't want to be apart from you." lucy said. "i don't want to be apart from you either." i said. "but this is for the best." "i know." lucy said. lucy began crying. i started kissing her. "it's going to be ok." i said. "are you sure?" lucy asked. "i'm very sure." i said. lucy hugged me and after that i teleported to where jordan and bridget were. "show's over guys." i said. "i'm here to stop you." i lit my finger and pretended i was going to use my powers but bridget used wind powers to push me over. "you're PATHETIC." bridget said. "we're much stronger than you." i was too weak to move. bridget held me in her arms and threw me into the cage. it was really hard, but i managed to stand up. bridget made her finger glow and sent wind to me again and i fell over and hit my head on the bars. i fainted after that.
#169925460Tuesday, August 04, 2015 4:27 PM GMT

Read through lal the story so far, 1, 2, 3 and so forth. I like it. it needs better grammer though, and since I read through, the's rude people seem to be hurting your feelings.
#169926151Tuesday, August 04, 2015 4:35 PM GMT

pink, it doesn't fir here because we've been telling you to stop, and you even ignored our advice in the first one. Plus, do you know what RP means? It means Role-play. It's not ST. Story Time. RPF is for ROLEPLAYS. AND INTEREST CHECKS. AND ROLEPLAYS. Wait- did I say that already?
#169929606Tuesday, August 04, 2015 5:14 PM GMT

Pink can you pls turn this into a RP?
#169930450Tuesday, August 04, 2015 5:22 PM GMT

@xbike ok like i said to dan before it literally says "this forum is for STORY-TELLING." @rose i want to finish chapter 7 (which is the final chapter of the whole series) but maybe after i can try to make an rp based on it.
#169930611Tuesday, August 04, 2015 5:24 PM GMT

xbike people can post stories here in RP you know it's kind of a thing that is allowed bird is the word
#169931255Tuesday, August 04, 2015 5:31 PM GMT

Pick I know but it's getting annoying cause we gave her advice and she ignored it. Now I cringe when I read this.
#169951139Tuesday, August 04, 2015 8:59 PM GMT

#169956889Tuesday, August 04, 2015 9:52 PM GMT

@Pink Yes, story-telling. Officially: "The forum for storytelling and imagination. START A ROLE-PLAYING THREAD HERE involving your fictional characters, or role-play out a SCENARIO WITH OTHER PLAYERS" The caps is what I want to emphasise. Take this to Off Topic, or Pop-Culture.
#169961916Tuesday, August 04, 2015 10:39 PM GMT

technically it is a roleplay and i play sara so it fits here
#169963164Tuesday, August 04, 2015 10:51 PM GMT

@Pink: Roleplay: Involves two or more participants, acting out a scenario. Often set in medieval fantasy, the participants tell a story of fictional characters. >Two or more participants >Two >Pretty sure you are not two people.
#169964810Tuesday, August 04, 2015 11:06 PM GMT

ok well i'm sorry i didn't know the rule but i've seen people do stories by themselfs on this forum before and no one said to them that they couldn't do it because it was in the wrong forum so that's why i thought that i could write stories here and that no one would tell me that it's in the wrong forum
#169966917Tuesday, August 04, 2015 11:26 PM GMT

Pink, link?
#169967397Tuesday, August 04, 2015 11:30 PM GMT

No one told you you were in the wrong forum? 1. USE GRAMMAR OR GET OUT. -xbikeman 2. we dont want u here -LeRiddler 3. this is gross go away saggy -FrancisLeePlaysMC 4. NO ONE WANTS YOU OR THIS STORY HERE! -LeRiddler 5. stay out of the rp forum -LeRiddler 6. no more of this'book' -redcutiehorsegirl That's people either telling you to leave, stay our, or stop writing this. That's six examples, I could probably find more if I tried.
#169967822Tuesday, August 04, 2015 11:34 PM GMT

Pink just got burned.
#169968083Tuesday, August 04, 2015 11:36 PM GMT

ok you just told me to take my story to another forum and said that this wasn't roleplaying so i'm sorry you got confused.
#169968268Tuesday, August 04, 2015 11:38 PM GMT

Pink, no, you did xD I'm not confused, but I'm questioning why you continued this.
#169968433Tuesday, August 04, 2015 11:40 PM GMT

How the heck is this damn story still going
#169969403Tuesday, August 04, 2015 11:49 PM GMT

ok first of all xbike i didn't mean a thread i meant like how smart told me to take it to offtopic or pop and i think she got confused. and what do you mean you're questioning why i continued this? it's a trilogy so it's supposed to be 3 books.
#169970127Tuesday, August 04, 2015 11:55 PM GMT

Pink, you got so much trash on the first thread and you decided to continue this? 14 PAGES OF NEGATIVE REPLIES lel Also, this probs goes on a piece of paper from your math binder and then on your fridge, so your parents can see how much they actually worry about you.
#169970469Tuesday, August 04, 2015 11:58 PM GMT

This is so dumb ffs
#169973634Wednesday, August 05, 2015 12:27 AM GMT

xbike i was planning on making this a trilogy since i wrote the first chapter. and also i'm homeschooled so i don't have a math binder and my parents probably don't worry about me.
#169981308Wednesday, August 05, 2015 1:37 AM GMT

"Homeschooled" Explains why, yet I probably shouldn't say that because I might have to be homeschooled next year due to a stupid law that might happen.. "don't have a math binder" So you just write all the important stuff in your pink unicorn notebook, which you lose about every week?
#169989050Wednesday, August 05, 2015 2:48 AM GMT

i am new to this, what do i do? XD