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#17123659Friday, November 27, 2009 2:42 AM GMT

Hello, I am making this guide to teach people how to roleplay correctly depending on circumstances. It will also be used to teach new roleplayers on the basics. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Roleplay Participation~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To start, we should talk about participating in a roleplay. In this section, we will cover the terms that are regularly used in rules, and some roleplay techniques. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rules and terms~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The rules tell what you can and can't do in a roleplay. It's like the laws of a roleplay. A commonly used rule is No Godmodding. Godmodding is when you make your character so powerful that it destroys a whole roleplay. Example: Bob has the power to kill anything with one touch and can only be kiled by putting an arrow through his left eye on the first hour of the second Tuesday of November in 1976. A godmod can ruin the roleplay fast and the best way to defeat a godmod is to ignore them. Godmodding back makes you stoop to their level. Another common rule is No Romancing. This can also be found as Light Romancing only. This means that you cannot have love scenes or only light love scenes (Like a kiss or a hug) Heavy romancing can take it above the age level of ROBLOX. I expect I don't need an example of a heavy romance. That wraps up common rules. You can ask about any other rules in this thread or in the thread you found it in. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Roleplay Styles~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You will sometimes hear of different styles of roleplaying. These are either Chatroom roleplay and Story roleplaying. Chatroom roleplaying is the simplest it gets. It has a direct format. It is as follows: Character name: Any speaking *Actions go inbetween asterisks* and you can either speak more, or end it. The action may go anywhere in the post. So it would appear... Bob: *eats the apple* YUMMY! This is, again, a very simple format and is frowned upon by seasoned roleplayers. Story roleplaying is a bit harder to get the hang of, but allows rleplays to be more in depth. It works like a story. An example is: The begin you normally state the character, or subject (Bob...) and then you state what they do (ate the apple) It begins to work and flow like you were writing a story. Any speaking goes in quotes "Like so." So it should look correctly like this (In simplest of forms) Bob picked up the apple and took a huge bite. The flavor surprised him and he shouted out, "YUMMY!" The chatroom format is most commonly used on the forums. But if you want a good rp, use story roleplaying. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Creating an RP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I, personally, would wait until you get the hang of roleplaying before you attempt to create one. But this section was put in so that you may succeed in making one that may attract seasoned roleplayers. I am not responsible for any of these tips not working. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Title~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your title can be made in 2 ways. A very to the point title (High School Roleplay) or it may have a fancy name (Beyond the Darkness.) Either way, it needs to be interesting, or have an interesting topic. This roleplay has been filled to the brim with vampires, so it shouldn't be directly related to vampires. Your title is like the decorations on your roleplay cake. They can change the whole way it feels, or they can be so minuscule, they don't matter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Plot Line~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The plot line is by far the hardest thing to make. If it isn't made well enough, a roleplay fails. If it is too long, it fails... If it is too short, it fails. You have to design it just right. I found there are multiple ways to write a plot line... ------The Overview Plot------ The overview plot basically outlines the whole setting. it describes time, place, era, and the tech of the roleplay. It may also include big events that have happened or are happening. This is meant to be used when players have no main goal. -------The Timeline Plot------ The title says it all. It is a plot that is a timeline. This is when you want to roleplay on from a certain event. There may or may not be a main goal. -------The Perspective Plot---- This is when you write an actual small story to describe what happened to one person during the events. This is used as a plot for when the main goal is set and is known by all roleplayers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Rules~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The rules are very important. You have to have sensible rules for your roleplay. If you have a roleplay themed around high school or college, allow light romance. If you have a fantasy one, allow slight violence. having violence is different from having a PG-13 roleplay. The roleplays must be at least PG (Slight violence, don't get to specific. Decapitation is allowed but describing details is borderline.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The character sheet~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Everybody likes a good character sheet. It should be in depth, but not too descriptive. Don't skimp out on details though, better more than less in this case. If you are looking for a good Character Sheet, here is a good one in my opinion. Name: Age: Race: Gender: Eye color: Hair Color: Clothing appearance: Extra Features: Bio: Personality: It may seem a bit long, but it will help. It tells roleplayers what they need to know about the character. Depending on roleplay, things can be added or taken away. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Conclusions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I know it's a lot to read. Tell me if i missed anything. And remember, i am not responsible for any thread-making techniques not working. Again, tell me if i missed anything.
#17123735Friday, November 27, 2009 2:44 AM GMT

They should make this a rule.
#17123847Friday, November 27, 2009 2:46 AM GMT

Thanks :D I just hope other people bother to read it -_-"
#17124068Friday, November 27, 2009 2:50 AM GMT

I like the plotline part as it should help the simpler RPers.
#17124364Friday, November 27, 2009 2:56 AM GMT

Why do you think story is what you do for a GOOD roleplay?
#17124433Friday, November 27, 2009 2:58 AM GMT

I believe it is alot more descriptive. If you learn to use it right you can make much better descriptive post's than with chatroom and it's easyier not to get floodchecks.
#17124476Friday, November 27, 2009 2:59 AM GMT

Alot of roleplays i like are chatroom.
#17124528Friday, November 27, 2009 3:00 AM GMT

And alot of RP's I like are story-mode.
#17124553Friday, November 27, 2009 3:01 AM GMT

One of mine doesen't HAVE a plot.
#17124618Friday, November 27, 2009 3:02 AM GMT

It should. Much more creative. Creative RP's are good.
#17124669Friday, November 27, 2009 3:03 AM GMT

Some dont need a plot.
#17124780Friday, November 27, 2009 3:05 AM GMT

With a plot thing's can get exciting thing's can get more intense. And with all the no plot or story RP's going on it's becoming unoriginal and when too many of the same thing come up it's not as fun.
#17127554Friday, November 27, 2009 4:07 AM GMT

Way too biased. Biased to the point at which is sucked. There is no way to do a plot right, you just go along with it. There are FOUR ways to roleplay, not just chatroom and storymode. And niether is better than the other. And you didn't even mention that storymode can be done in either 1st or 3rd person view.
#17127582Friday, November 27, 2009 4:08 AM GMT

That was true Spark.
#17128257Friday, November 27, 2009 4:35 AM GMT

Well, you do have a point, and to be exact there are AT LEAST 20 to 30 different ways to role play but going into them would require a Novella, if not an entire novel. But, you have to remember that a LARGE portion of Roblox is age 12 or less, so you have to keep it simple for the basics. If you feel so resolute about it though, I could perhaps aid the situation by adding an Addition to this.
#17128314Friday, November 27, 2009 4:37 AM GMT

Yeah,if theres no plot a bunch of people could end up trying to make the RP go their way.
#17128383Friday, November 27, 2009 4:40 AM GMT

There's no real way to make a plot. You just make it your way. There are four basic types. All of which are covered in RFD...
#17129073Friday, November 27, 2009 5:02 AM GMT

Yes well, Im speaking from knowlage of MANY different games and MANY different RPs, but the most common I see are, Chatroom, Storyline, Textbased, and Interactive. All of which are theoretically possible on Roblox, though getting them to work would be the challenge. I'll add an addition to this later on when I have the time.
#17129098Friday, November 27, 2009 5:03 AM GMT

I am reffering to Chatroom, Storymode, Mixedmode, and Battlemode.
#17135071Friday, November 27, 2009 12:26 PM GMT

I understand those two types and I understand I forgot them. But they aren't as commonly used and, as stated in DarkShadows (Who inspired me to write this) mixed is a bit hard to get the hang of. But yes, I did forget to mention first and third person perspectives. Next, about the plotline comment, there is a correct length a plotline should be. Too skmipy, you won't get people interested. Too long, people won't read it. I think story is the best form because it allows for more detail and it allows the roleplay to run more fluently. With story roleplaying, if you walk into a valley, you can describe the valley in a sentence or two. In chatroom, you just say *walks into valley* or *walks into a beautiful valley.* But yes, I have found a few chatroom roleplays tht I enjoyed. I wanted this to cover some basics and some tips to help new roleplayers. I believe that DarkShadow's is better than this, but that got lost in the archives. Plus, Darkshadow's was meant, it seemed, to be sifted for what you want, rather than a read through.
#17135312Friday, November 27, 2009 12:43 PM GMT

I thought Roleplaying was supposed to be just for fun,not to follow rules.
#17135416Friday, November 27, 2009 12:50 PM GMT

It is for fun. But to enjoy the fun, we need rules in place to keep others from ruining the fun. This is not meant to be a rule to use when roleplaying, it is just some basics to help get an idea of how to roleplay so you don't spoil it for people.
#17135537Friday, November 27, 2009 12:59 PM GMT

I think it is better to be creative and not follow rules,but whatever.
#17135573Friday, November 27, 2009 1:01 PM GMT

Well, the rules are there for a reason. I mean would you like somebody to only be killed in the first hour of the second Tuesday of November of 1974 or whatever I used for the godmod example? The rules are basic to keep the roleplay appropriate and fun for all.
#17135704Friday, November 27, 2009 1:11 PM GMT

Indeed...I encounter God Modders alot.

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