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#171299214Saturday, August 15, 2015 6:08 PM GMT

1005 years ago, we knew earth was a lost hope and that we have done more to poison it then preserve it, so in the year 2025 we started to build a Ship, one that will allow us to be free of our planet, it was complete in 2045, in 2046 2000 Doctors, leaders, farmers, scientists, engineers, and Soldiers left Earth, in order to stay alive they went in cryo sleep, all hands were awoken on December 31 3029 earth years, one of the drones had found something, a lush green planet with Oxygen and water, it was arranged that The soldiers and engineers would go first into our new planet, But when they got there we learned something... It's not ours. The first ones to be dropped from orbit to the planets surface were the U.N.E Rangers and the engineers, When we discovered earths days were numbered and would end soon all study and technology went to making the ship, not to military or new weapons, So the rangers only have old Weapons, the plan was to drop them from orbit, then they set up a base camp, then a colony would start to slowly form up, but something unexpected happened... life, each planet that can support life has a dominant species earths was humans, this new planet's main species is the Tenchole. The Tenchole have evolved very simular to a common wolf from earth, but they have been evolving for a larger period of time, Tenchole are two times the size of Dire Wolves, what makes them unique is how colorful they are They have no natural predators so genetic mishaps don't die off, if there large teeth or razor sharp claws does not scare you, the fact that they are highly intelligent and speak there own form of language should, these animals live in a sort of honor system each member in the pack has there own role and they are expected to follow it, First off theres the Apha and Beta, then its the hunters, soldiers, gathers, teachers and pups.http://www.roblox.com/games/282546993/Operation-Redemption-3030-MASSIVE-WIP in this game it is up to the players how the story unfold's every few weeks there will be a key battle or meeting which will shape it into the game it is, it goes by a chapter system so lets get started. Chapter One:The Battle For The TreeLine, January 2 3030 U.N.E Rangers set up base camp in a small clearing, but when on a patrol to find a water source they stumble into a Tenchole Pack, After a few strange stares growls and yelling the first shot was fired by a U.N.E Ranger (Pvt,James) At a charging Tenchole, the shot had little affect on Her, but it did send the message, They escape the area and make it back to the base camp, now they must fight of the Tenchole. :Battle Outcome-to be fought. Chapter Two:
#195096697Monday, August 01, 2016 12:04 PM GMT

Ververy nice lore
#195103714Monday, August 01, 2016 3:00 PM GMT

Nice man!
#195104655Monday, August 01, 2016 3:16 PM GMT

#195107734Monday, August 01, 2016 4:09 PM GMT

The sentences here run on far longer than they ever should, and it hurts to read it because of the complete lack of indentations or breaks.

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