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#171780175Wednesday, August 19, 2015 8:11 PM GMT

(BTW, this is my first RP that I fully write, and make. Please be nice with me) (I give Englendish credit for helping me with ideas.) (I give Credit to Enimiem for power-ups and weaknesses in the RP) ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Note: Don't read if you don't accept this rules. Rules: -I say what is right, and what is wrong -No romance, we don't need more children. -If you godmodded, or fail role played. I will just make an NPC do the same for you. -ROBLOX Rules applies here. Note: This may get upgraded by time. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Backstory: The global warming was raising, the North and South pole was melting. Everybody was SO greedy, and only cared for money. Everyday an animal species disappear, and a forests disappear with it. Until, it was the punishment day. The Natural disasters started happening. Everyone was freaked, and tried to fix it, but it was too late. Humans always tried to fix things, after they totally destroy it. The oceans were raising, making most of the islands sink, and most of the cities on the shore disappears. People tried to escape, but most of the humanity disappeared from hurricanes, tsunamis, strong lighting, forest fires..etc. Who survived all of that, is basically located now in Battery City. Because, it is the only place that survived all of those disasters. Now, you are one of those people, but there is one problem, the over-lord is a dictator. He use militia to control all of you. You have nothing that you can do, except 2 things. Win your freedom, or die trying. The problem now, that you are not only fighting the dictator, but also his monsters, and the wild monsters. Because of the Nuclear Waste, some of the animals got mutated. Current year: 2020 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Power ups: Gunman's Eye - Your father used to let you fire the flintlock; your ability to accurately fire range weapons is respectable. Weaponmaster's Hands - Your father sparred with you when you were young. You have an innate knack for close range combat. Swindler's Tongue - You're used to convincing those who have a different opinion than you. Even those who are reluctant to you initially seem to like you over time. Labourer's Arms - You've worked hard in the fields. You're assuredly stronger than the average man/woman. Swimmer champion: You are a fast, great swimmer, and also you can hold your breath for more time. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Weaknesses: Sloppy Drawers - Needless to say, your presentation could be better... Fearful of Pain - When you stub your toe against tables, you don't yell. You drop to the floor and bawl your eyes out. Paranoia - You think there's danger lurking around literally ever corner... Let's just say going to mazes gives you panic attacks. Weak Immunity - You've been sick in bed more times than you can count. You almost always have at least the sniffles. Scatter Brain - People often compare your attention span and ability to remember to a goldfish... A dead one. Slow Blood - You're easily tired, and are commonly seen with a lax, slow demeanor ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Mental State: Sane: You are just fine, the doctors say your are perfect. -Insane: You are insane, you would do things that a normal person wouldn't do. That may effect your survival in a good way, or a bad way. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Weapons:- Main: Long sword: You can slash, you can stab, but you can carry a shield only in your dreams. (Makes you slow) Short Sword: Do all what a long sword do, but is lighter and you can carry a shield later. Dagger: A very light weapon, that can make you do assassinations easily, or even run from a huge crowd of soldiers. Bow: A fast-reloading weapon, and medium ranged. Great if you got some people to help. Crossbow: Slow-reloading, but a great weapon. It can kill a man easily. Axe: Who said you can use an axe in Apoc? Home-made Shotgun: Yes, it is easy to make. All what you need is: A pipe, a nail, and be creative. (They do shotguns in Egypt using a pipe :P) Secondary: (Later to be bought in-RP) ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Armor: (You can just say N/A, as armor slow people.) Iron Armor: One of the great armors that helped people in their struggles over the history. This great armor can hold some stabs or slashes from the swords, and maybe some arrows. Steel Armor: Stronger than Iron Armor, and more durable , but makes you slower. Chain-mail Armor: The lightest armor, but one of the best. It may not be that effective in sword fights, but you won't die by an arrow. Bullet-Proof Vest: This great vest gonna guard your chest from arrows, crossbows, and shotguns! But, they gonna cry on you if you got stabbed by a sword. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Places: The Camp: Where most of the survivors are there, and where the dictator also. The Rebels' Camp: No one know where is this camp, but we know that they want the dictator dead. The Capitol: This is the middle of the city, and it is where all of the government buildings is, that place have great loots, but dangerous monsters. The Gas Station: The only place where you can get gas, but the best place to get shot. You need gas, or you would walk A LOT. The problem is, it is SO hard to get a car. The Mall: The best place to get food, and one of the safest positions in the city. The Radio Station: One of the most empty places, but one of the most strategic ones. As no one goes there very much. The sewers: Bad smell, good hide spot. What you need more? Police Station: Tired of home-made shotguns, then this is the best place to get a good one. Mutants are SO much here. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ CS: Name: Age: Your side: (Rebels or Dictator, and BTW I may close the joining of one side, because it is uneven): Physical Appearance: Clothes Appearance: Mental state: Biography: Power-ups: (Only 3) Weaknesses: (Only 2) Weapons:- Main: Secondary: Inventory: (This is the things you buy later in the RP. I will always post a reminder, so no worries.): Armor: [Posted this on ATR by mistake :P]
#171780503Wednesday, August 19, 2015 8:14 PM GMT

Come on guys, this is a great detailed RP, this can't even get 5 RPers?
#171780895Wednesday, August 19, 2015 8:18 PM GMT

This is okay But chainmail wasint used because in mediveal times, archers killed the people wearing them. Chain mail is a bunch of iron links
#171780943Wednesday, August 19, 2015 8:19 PM GMT

That was why chainmail was wore under the armor, instead of the outside
#171781113Wednesday, August 19, 2015 8:20 PM GMT

@Kit, I know. But Chain mail job was basically to HELP in blocking the arrow. Plus, I didn't say that if you wear it. It is 100% that you won't die because of an arrow.
#171784112Wednesday, August 19, 2015 9:01 PM GMT

In my opinion i'm not so interested. But it's still a nice piece of work.
#171784798Wednesday, August 19, 2015 9:08 PM GMT

It seems too much like a one of those old text based rps, an overflow of guns and choices but very little story.
#171785174Wednesday, August 19, 2015 9:11 PM GMT

@kids agreed. I'm currently working on a Sci-Fi Role Play "Team Random . . . You have been banned from reality" *slams down hammer* "NO WAI-" *pop*
#171785816Wednesday, August 19, 2015 9:16 PM GMT

"Overflow of guns" You can only have a shotgun, lol
#171786570Wednesday, August 19, 2015 9:22 PM GMT

CS: Name: Morle Gork Age: 30 Your side:Rebels Physical Appearance: He has orange hair, and crazy eyes and has the 'demon eye' disability on his left eye which makes him harder to see, yet more insane to him, kinda helps sometimes. He has a beard going all across his face. Clothes Appearance: Ragged brown shirt and pants aswell with glasses with the one broken on his working right eye and a dark black side on his left eye. Mental state: Insanse Biography: *Insert backstory with parents dead a few hours after a birth story here that i cannot think of* Power-ups: Labourer's Arm, Swimmer champion Weaknesses: Paranoia, Sloppy Drawer Weapons: Axe, Home-made shotgun Main: He uses them both equally Secondary: ^^^^ Inventory: Water, Beans, Pills, Glasses Armor: Chainmail
#171787252Wednesday, August 19, 2015 9:28 PM GMT

You didn't read it right.
#171795000Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:39 PM GMT


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