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#17180810Saturday, November 28, 2009 2:23 PM GMT

Okay, so you're just a soldier in either NOD or GDI, blah blah blah. Let's just get to the point. ROOLZ: Don't godmod/uber. Regular ROBLOX RP rules. DO NOT CONTROL OTHER PEOPLE'S CHARACTERS, OR KILL THEM WITHOUT PERMISSION. YOU MAY ONLY INJURE THEM, BUT THIS DOESNOT EXCLUDE TAUNTS, ETC. You are an infantry soldeir, no tank driver characters! ((Except if they're NPC's)) Be funny! Charsheet will be posted later.
#17182965Saturday, November 28, 2009 3:42 PM GMT

Now I have the time to post teh charsheet! Name: Age: (OVER 20) Appearance: Class: Gender: Bio:

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