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#172416854Wednesday, August 26, 2015 2:08 AM GMT

No matter who you are, we've all wanted to disassociate. From a crap comment, a crap thread, a crap place, you name it. Sometimes you just wish something so shameful wasn't attached to your name. We've all acted like idiots before, I'm sure. Well this suggestion would allow you to do just that, by this process: 1. You click the "Clear Associations" button on your profile that's only visible when you're viewing your own profile. 2. You either pay 100R$ or wait long enough to use it. 3. Once the purchase is complete, your account page is now moved to a new CharacterID, and that means your profile page will also have a new link. 4. The old ID is now a blank page that you can choose to either show the link to your new ID or not. You can also choose if the avatar from your old ID can be loaded or not. It will always say this: " [ Content Moved ] " (<--- at first I thought this would be super annoying, but then I thought it wouldn't be any more annoying then [ Content Deleted ]) 5. All comments, etc made previously link to that blank page when they click your name. Your profile avatar from the old ID is not updated (and like I said before, you can choose whether or not you want it to be loaded when you finish the purchase). USEFUL WITH: Name changes: Name Change + Clear Associations = Clean Slate ROBLOX probably won't want to do it as they may require them to make some edits to the template code (such as if they have it so profiles link to their current ID regardless in their site script). And they may not want to do it if they have to store more data in their servers, but to that I say new IDs are created in excess when thousands of players make new accounts per day, so tell me the difference if you dare. Even so, they probably won't add this because S&I is pointless. But I can see the use in this. Just a lone thread passing through.
#172417371Wednesday, August 26, 2015 2:14 AM GMT

Wow this is actually a good idea! 100% support!
#172418506Wednesday, August 26, 2015 2:26 AM GMT

100 robux isnt enough for that. Atleast more than 1000 A$APMURDA
#172420339Wednesday, August 26, 2015 2:46 AM GMT

.......what? When life gives you lemons, you take those lemons and burn your neighbors house down!
#172585986Thursday, August 27, 2015 11:47 PM GMT

This is not worth a 1000+ robux. For a new ID and profile link? That's the most ridiculous price ever, new accounts do that for free. This is worth at the most 250R$, but I like the price how it is tbh.
#172587846Friday, August 28, 2015 12:07 AM GMT

Very nice. Support! Bump.
#172588070Friday, August 28, 2015 12:09 AM GMT

2.5k robux Also, I half support since people could remove all their spamming etc
#172588291Friday, August 28, 2015 12:11 AM GMT

#172588403Friday, August 28, 2015 12:12 AM GMT

If you want a clean slate, make a clean new account. You can't erase your past. Embrace your stupidity and mistakes instead of being embarrassed and running from them. You can't escape your past. This feature would mess up lots of games' ban scripts. Since the username-changing feature was implemented, it messed up ban scripts because most developers just put the username of the banned user. Now, developers are using the user ID of the banned user because that doesn't change. This would just screw up the whole ban script system, allowing anyone to bypass bans from any game for a measly 100 R$. No support
#172589116Friday, August 28, 2015 12:20 AM GMT

@cyber Just because the ID changes and their profile is moved doesn't mean their usernames current and old are no longer linked to them. You might need to review your "understanding" of the concept Lucario is presenting. You can still find and ban players based off their previous names, and their previous mistakes still exist (if you read you'd know their comment/thread, previous avatar and username are still shown). They are simply separating themselves from them and making themselves as untraceable as possible from it. Note how I said "as possible". Now that I think of it though since Places are attached to your profile they'd still be linked back to you though, so your places would stick with you, but as you know you can just clear the current version and make them inactive. No big deal.
#172589352Friday, August 28, 2015 12:23 AM GMT

You obviously have no idea what I'm talking about, so let me tell you a story. Bob is an exploiter. Bob comes to Randy's game and exploits it. Randy notices this and adds his name to the ban script he made. Bob changes his username, so he can enter the server again. Randy notices this and adds Bob's user ID to the banlist instead. Now Bob can't join. This feature will allow Bob to join again, because it reassigns Bob's user ID to something new. Bob pays 100 R$ to change his user ID. Bob can now bypass the ban script. All for a measly 100 R$. 100 R$ to exploit.
#172589544Friday, August 28, 2015 12:25 AM GMT

@cyber That would only work on ban scripts than ban you by your PlayerID, and as far as I know there aren't any. Since all usernames you've ever had are attached to your name anyway ban by username is superior and is probably the most used. Who gives a sh*t on a shingle? I can't understand why people would rather ignore reviewing the idea itself rather than get stuck in any misstep they find in envisioning it's implementation. News flash: Any feasible idea can be implemented without the missteps people try so hard to find when put in practice by a skilled development team, such as ROBLOX's. What's the method to your madness?
#172589928Friday, August 28, 2015 12:29 AM GMT

Their previous username data was never deleted, cyber. Players can see their previous usernames if they changed their usernames on their profile remember? Do you not notice in your scenario "Bob" needs the help of an already existing feature ("1000R$ username change") to fulfill this byp-ss? Not to mention the fact that ROBLOX would probably just store the account's "previous character IDs" in the data too so that isn't possible. I mean come on, there's another reason why you're not supporting. Probably you didn't get a good first impression.
#172590217Friday, August 28, 2015 12:32 AM GMT

You still don't know what I'm talking about. There's no way for a script to access a user's previous usernames or previous user IDs. I'm not supporting this idea because there is a barrier called logic that's preventing me from doing so. It's a shame that I'm the only one that sees it here. Just because everyone else is supporting doesn't mean I necessarily have to.
#172590477Friday, August 28, 2015 12:34 AM GMT

This idea seems useful to have, although I don't have any shameful things I have posted... yet. Support! @cyber Adding on to what rend said, every idea that ROBLOX has already implemented has gone through a testing stage and many edits during its implementation and suggestion phases. No idea that ROBLOX has ever made has been perfect as in this world imperfections are sought out, revealed, and used to the seeker's advantage. I don't really like when people try to stop an idea from the get-go, from it's very birth just because it isn't perfect and try to foil its chance of ever reaching the next stage. Perfection is an ideal, and imperfection is usually the creation of the beholder.
#172590617Friday, August 28, 2015 12:36 AM GMT

Keep telling yourself that. In reality, this suggestion will never be implemented. Just wait and you'll see I'm right.
#172590745Friday, August 28, 2015 12:37 AM GMT

There's a story here... Private Road - Residents Only
#172591450Friday, August 28, 2015 12:44 AM GMT

"You still don't know what I'm talking about. There's no way for a script to access a user's previous usernames or previous user IDs." http://www.roblox.com/search/users?keyword=iiSilentparty&startRow=0 "Previous names:denver180" That there proves that the data has never been destroyed, and is actually on display. If the data was never destroyed, then there's no reason that it wouldn't be retrievable. Going off your previous posts, I assume that you're OK with speculation (at least when it comes from you), so let's pretend that ROBLOX is capable of skillfully making the update without it making the data unretrievable by a previous ban script. If they could do it, they could do it again for this idea. And you probably had no idea what me and the others are talking about either. What we were saying was there are a million ways to speculate an idea's implementation, but in reality the real undertaking of its implementation will never match your speculation, or missteps you find during your speculation. That's been true for every time I've ever done what you're doing right now, and every time I've witnessed someone else do it, so in reality imposing a misstep found while you were trying to make sense of how this would work isn't really a misstep at all, and as Jascha said, any misstep found for real would be just a regular part of the process. People acknowledge every other idea went through phases of testing and edits to make it work, but don't for S&I ideas, and it's kind of pointless. And I thought we were debating, not trying to make each other support or not support.
#172592249Friday, August 28, 2015 12:51 AM GMT

@Wolfgang LOL! Idk Lucario looks pretty clean. I've seen him a lot around the forums and I haven't seen him do anything stupid once XD @rend Wow you might need a TL;DR The gist of it is besides the fact that cyber's speculated ban workaround is extremely debatable, the fact of the matter is that we all can speculate all we want about how an idea will be implemented, but if it were to be implemented by ROBLOX in the real world, it would happen way differently from what we came up with. And no one can predict what will happen once it's released to the world. Cyber's ban workaround could be combatted and eliminated by developers and ROBLOX staff alike if it ever makes its way out of cyber's mind and into the real world, and maybe nothing like that would happen to begin with. Tell me somebody who actually knows. Basically any speculation is debatable, but every concept has potential.
#172593922Friday, August 28, 2015 1:08 AM GMT

@cyber You use logic? Try this on for size: Use what we already know: ROBLOX deletes all useless data. rend00 showed you that the username data has been kept. Since ROBLOX deletes any data that's not useful, we can say that the previous username data was kept since it was useful. Based off of that, it is likely to have been kept in the already near full databanks because they need it to keep those ban scripts and other things working. The lesson is logic can take you anywhere. Let's say your concern holds truth; it can be fixed easily: 1. Make it so you can access an account based off of any of its previous character IDs and usernames (if by some reverse miracle that wasn't possible already). 2. Make it so instead of it giving an account a new ID/profile link, make it instead that they just can't be linked back to the account profile and the profile avatar and username are not updated for those comments/threads made before the "Clear Associations" purchase was made. The lesson is ideas can be edited to fix these possible problems; finding one isn't the end of an idea--you just want it to be. And yes, the fact that you need the help of an already existing feature to make your workaround actually work proves its not this idea's fault the workaround is possible, as if that were possible it would already be done everywhere. So what's it matter? Now are you gonna find other ways to rationalize your dislike of this thread or give me your no support and move on? Rationale for emotions will never be as concrete as people believe. The strongest rationales are the ones that invoke emotions afterward.
#172595714Friday, August 28, 2015 1:27 AM GMT

Well actually what cyber was saying that this idea ruins the stability developers found in banning people by their IDs when banning by their usernames didn't work. He wasn't saying this was the cause of it happening, he was saying it would ruin the current solution. My issue is that the "problem" seems made up to begin with, especially considering what rend00 posted. He implies that accounts can only be banned from games by their display usernames and ids, which I find simply untrue. Every username and ID that an account would ever have is always linked to their account, and never re-used--what other reason could there be for that? And as Lucario pointed out, ideas can grow and evolve (heh heh, Pokemon reference), and if you don't allow or want it to grow after you've pointed out some flaw or fault you found, then in reality you probably just don't want it to succeed. As for the idea, I like it. Support.
#172597235Friday, August 28, 2015 1:44 AM GMT

Oh yeah, I forgot to add: 100R$ is too low. I agree with the price of 1000R$, even 2.5k seems OK. This is simply to regulate the usage right? I think people should rely on getting a chance to use it every two years and the few people who would rather pay the 2.5k or 1k robux can, and give ROBLOX money for it, but that way the 2 year wait would be the road commonly taken. I also think that people should only get one free use after 2 years, because that will make people more wary once they use it.
#172597382Friday, August 28, 2015 1:46 AM GMT

@Kudos It actually makes sense the way you put it, and since I'm in the minority now anyways I'll change my POV: I now also think that the price for this should be increased.
#172600825Friday, August 28, 2015 2:22 AM GMT

Yeah it's cheap af, and you should only get it for free once. And no don't get rid of the "Wait 2 Years" to use it thing cause I can think of people who need it.
#172624536Friday, August 28, 2015 11:51 AM GMT

You guys still don't understand what I'm talking about or have no basic knowledge of scripting. Once a user ID and username is changed, a ban script cannot ban a user effectively. A server script does not have access to a user's past usernames. A server script cannot even use HttpService to retrieve past usernames because of security issues. This would break the whole system. Try to understand that before replying again.

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