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#172674119Saturday, August 29, 2015 12:59 AM GMT

I'm sure as you all have realized, here on ROBLOX, there is no undo button. And it's a real shame, too, because God knows how we need it. I'm pretty sure regardless of your experience on ROBLOX you've been a part of, created or witnessed an obnoxious comment, a troll thread or some other bad post that is tarnishing your reputation slowly, or gnawing at the back of your mind. We all make mistakes, but in ROBLOX there's really no chance to atone. Until now. The spiritual successor of this thread (http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=172416854), this idea is a workaround to obtaining a clean slate in ROBLOX. If you can't erase your mistakes, disassociating from them is the next best thing. Which is why when someone posts something stupid, instead of complaining for an undo button (we know why that won't work), we can simply... Kill the identity! Here's how it works: 1. Every thing you've ever posted to ROBLOX you now have the possibility to disassociate from by using the "Remove Identity" button that is viewable on any post that the viewer has made. I was thinking it would be a small black button icon with a grey question mark inside of it. 2. Using this item works as a purchase. Its base price is 25 tickets. Every time you use it the price goes up in this fashion: 25 tickets 10R$ 50R$ 100R$ 150R$ 200R$ 250R$ . . And so on. It takes a day for the price to go down one level, so ROBLOX could really control the R$ influx well here for frequent users and make people who don't wish to use it as much not put themselves in situations where they need to. 3. What the button does is once you use it on the item you posted, it disassociates you. It does this by doing three things: - The posted item no longer updates: If you change your character, the item won't show your updated character in the poster avatar picture. If you change your username, the item you removed your identity from won't update the poster's username. If it's a forum post, the post number and group doesn't update. I think you get what I mean now. - Kills all the links: When you click the poster's username or picture, it doesn't link to anything. When you click their display group link, it doesn't link you to anything. All links associated with the post or item become dead except for ones inside the post. - (OPTIONAL) Changing the poster's name: You even now have the option to change poster's name (that was previously you) to [ Anonymous ]. These two things make it so that you've officially disassociated yourself from that post. That post is no longer has any identity or is linked to your identity. In doing this, you now have a clean slate of sorts; you can make it possible so that no one can trace that post back to you for a nominal fee. Not only is this useful, but it can be used to end a flame war, personal attack, and even earn ROBLOX some cash off of it. It can be used to create a fresh start for yourself without starting over. In that sense it's a tool we all can get something out of. So next time you post something dumb you wish you could take back, you're in control: will you fell regrets, or will you kill the identity? ------------------------------------- *This cannot be used to dodge punishment, punishment (reports, bans, etc) will be given to creators of the post, but this poster can pay for the post not be traced back to them. *If you decided to keep your username shown, you could still be traced back, but this would deter it from happening.
#172674445Saturday, August 29, 2015 1:03 AM GMT

I like this thread more than the first, but it's almost a definite yes that people are gonna have something to say about the prices. Still though, great idea. Double support.
#172675707Saturday, August 29, 2015 1:17 AM GMT

I agree this one is better than the first, but the first one wasn't bad. Support.
#172677333Saturday, August 29, 2015 1:38 AM GMT

... I like it :D Support!
#172678351Saturday, August 29, 2015 1:51 AM GMT

tl;dr I thought Then, I'd SmashedR$92 Tx995
#172678399Saturday, August 29, 2015 1:52 AM GMT

yes we've seen you post the thread like three times now we get it Checkmate.
#172678459Saturday, August 29, 2015 1:53 AM GMT

@0nesh0t I counted twice.
#172678626Saturday, August 29, 2015 1:55 AM GMT

Last time I checked this idea was entirely different from the first. So why would you be annoyed at him posting this?
#172678945Saturday, August 29, 2015 1:59 AM GMT

Love this, support error 404: siggy not found
#172679391Saturday, August 29, 2015 2:03 AM GMT

Support! Lord knows we need this. It's bad enough we've got obnoxious posters, but the fact that all of these posters are traceable leaves them vulnerable to PM personal attacks, harassment, and behind-the-scene flame wars. We don't need a lot of things, but we definitely don't need THAT. Great idea.
#172681594Saturday, August 29, 2015 2:28 AM GMT

Thanks, guys!
#172681756Saturday, August 29, 2015 2:30 AM GMT

No support. If you did something bad or wrote something that people didn't like, you need to own up to it and face the truth.
#172682090Saturday, August 29, 2015 2:34 AM GMT

Support again! "If you did something bad or wrote something that people didn't like, you need to own up to it and face the truth." LMAOOOO XD YA RIGHT X3 Btw wonderful what if making it untraceable is the only way to keep people from PMing PAs to you or something like that? Sometimes this would be the only way to make sure everyone can move on and no new PAers appear (unless of course someone reveals their identity but unlikely for things like comments).
#172682317Saturday, August 29, 2015 2:37 AM GMT

If people are PMing PAs to you then you can report them for harassment, and you can Block players immediately now. You can also change your privacy settings so that kind of thing can't happen.
#172682506Saturday, August 29, 2015 2:39 AM GMT

And I'm coming back from the other thread to support this one. It's better than the first now that I think about it. It's as low-risk as possible. @wonderful You would pass up this idea because you think you're teaching a bunch of children you don't know the importance of responsibility on the internet? Errr..... ok. But you do realize that wouldn't be the only reason it was used. What if you just wanted people to leave you alone for your past mistakes and let it go? I'm pretty sure that someone acknowledging their post was a mistake and using this in the first place is them owning up to it.
#172682701Saturday, August 29, 2015 2:41 AM GMT

I don't see someone using this as "acknowledging their mistake." This is the exact OPPOSITE of doing that - instead of acknowledging that you messed up you're directly turning away from it.
#172682857Saturday, August 29, 2015 2:43 AM GMT

... Fine. But don't think we don't see what you're doing? You think you're being conservative by telling us to find an existing solution, but you know that wasn't the point of him suggesting this. Plus that's only one scenario; there are ones that can only be fixed by this.
#172683049Saturday, August 29, 2015 2:45 AM GMT

I'm not posting this to be conservative, but I am posting it because there are existing solutions that don't make you look like a coward. Also, please name some of those other scenarios and then I can consider those.
#172683324Saturday, August 29, 2015 2:48 AM GMT

Who cares about looking like a coward?????? That's subjective. And as far as your them using this makes them not owning up to their mistake, I beg to differ, as most players wouldn't take steps to remedy things that they didn't view as mistakes. This is the equivalent of leaving the post, or disassociating from it. The history is still there for everyone to see, it's just you acknowledging you don't want to be a part of it anymore.
#172683476Saturday, August 29, 2015 2:50 AM GMT

Exactly, it's you acknowledging that you don't want to be a part of it anymore. It's not acknowledging your mistake. And you're also right about players not taking steps to remedy things they don't view as mistakes - that's also not acknowledging that you made a mistake.
#172683503Saturday, August 29, 2015 2:50 AM GMT

Fine that's your opinion. I just hope you know it doesn't make this idea dysfunctional. You just don't like the sound of it, which is fine with me. We don't need to debate the morality of this.
#172683785Saturday, August 29, 2015 2:54 AM GMT

Well I'm logging off. Maybe we can discuss this later. I still don't think acknowledging a mistake means living with it, though; People should be allowed to do this imho
#172683948Saturday, August 29, 2015 2:56 AM GMT

Acknowledging the mistake literally means you are accepting the fact that you made a mistake and admitting it. Turning away from it, hiding from it, is the exact opposite.
#172689197Saturday, August 29, 2015 3:59 AM GMT

"Acknowledging the mistake literally means you are accepting the fact that you made a mistake and admitting it. Turning away from it, hiding from it, is the exact opposite." okay, but here's the thing: even if someone DID acknowledge their mistake and admit they were wrong, they will STILL be ridiculed. on the internet, you can't safely be wrong. someone will ALWAYS be attacking you for something that you know was wrong and have gotten over, but clearly the other person hasn't. this feature isn't so that people will be "running from their problems", it's so that people can safely be wrong and not be verbally attacked.
#172781225Sunday, August 30, 2015 3:33 AM GMT

^ This. And don't you think it's a little ridiculous to treat this idea as broken because you, who's in the minority, think it's cowardly to use this feature? How is that even fair?

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