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#172949995Tuesday, September 01, 2015 1:17 AM GMT

*SINGING STARTS 9/1 AT 5:30EST [IF YOU ACCEPT TO MULTIPLE TEAMS YOU SERVER A 2 GAME REGULAR SEASON SUSPENSION YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED] Before I get off for the night, I thought I'd explain a little bit how signing will work this season. Each team will have 80 million cap, (that they can sign, or trade), and make the most effective team with using the lowest amount of cap. You will sign a player for either 1m 1s, or whatever the designated cap is on the cap sheet and if you're looking to see if the player is on the sheet, hit CTRL + F to find them highlighted in green - http://prntscr.com/8b7fyn They will either be worth, 1m, 4m, 10m, 15m, or 20m (look back at the players information or more info) If you’re going to sign someone for a 2 year deal, you must double the contract value (only half of the contract will be counted towards your cap for that season). If you are a coach/staff member YOU MUST SIGN A CONTRACT. Coaches who will never/rarely play can sign for R$ 1M. Staff members must follow their contract requirement. I don’t care what you think of the rankings. If you’re complaining that you are underestimated, that’s fine. You can sign for less + get more players. If you think someone is overestimated, that’s not your problem, now is it? ;) Starting now, as of season 8, you must pay each player their contract value. Any previous contract terms are irrelevant. If a player isn’t on the list that should be, don’t assume they’ll be worth R$ 1M. It will most likely be changed to a higher value. These lists are subject to change at all times. If a player’s contract value changes during a season, that change will become active the following offseason. If a player signed a 2 year deal, the team will pay the player’s value for BOTH seasons, which is why I highly recommend that teams sign players for longer contracts in case their contract values spike up. If you release a player, you must pay 50% of the contract value. The only way to get cap off your roster without penalty is with a trade. A team’s total cap value will be 80 million, meaning that teams can only trade for/trade away a maximum of R$ 10M. This could be in one trade or multiple trades, but the total (NOT EACH TRADE) must equal R$ 10M. I will try my best to keep track of your team, but its your coaches job to make sure your team offers you for the right amount, and the trades correct, if not, the trade / signing will be invalid If you go over your cap room, you will NOT be able to sign until you free up space. Also, if you feel as if I forgot someone, instead of raging on the wall and thinking you will get your way, send Boddizle a message REMEMBER: *Coaches must sign themselves *If you release a player, you pay 50% of their contract *If you trade a player however, you pay 0% of their contract, and it will be wiped off with your new player(s) contract I will also have a google and excel document if you need to look at anytime message Boddize, I will try to post on the wall with it as often as its needed.

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