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#173056803Wednesday, September 02, 2015 2:47 PM GMT

You can see their join date without having to find a forum post about them. You can see what rank they are in a group, and that group section is really nice. You can see their models just by opening the creations tab, without having to go to the inventory. Join the ROBLOX Backup Forums: http://rblxforums.userboard.net/
#173056867Wednesday, September 02, 2015 2:49 PM GMT

its notg ood Naturally many of you should start seeing the new player layout start rolling out. I can confidently say that it looks visually unappealing, way harder to use than the other one, and obviously designed for mobile. For my analysis, I will use Shedletsky's profile as an example to show just how truly atrocious it really is. Here is the link to the album: /a/UJ1oP (credit to MrNearMiss). To start off, let's start out with the user themselves. As we can obviously see, the user profile thing got expanded. Whereas everything was neatly together under the user, such as friend requests, follows, the blurb, etc., it is now all over place at the top. The blurb doesn't accept any special characters now, only plain text. Needless to say, this was completely unnecessary. But not only that, this was clearly designed for mobile. This change was completely useless and made everything much harder for PC players. When will Roblox realize that mobile design is garbage for desktop users? I thought we learned out lesson with Windows 8 when it first came out. Amazing on tablets, horrid on PC. You now have everything expanded and all over the place with the user, which is freaking unnecessary and just makes things harder and longer to navigate. It was perfect when everything was compact and neat. Secondly, the groups and creations page. May we all say a silent prayer to those people who have a ton of groups and games, for they have just gotten bloxxed. Roblox, what were you thinking into making groups into one of those slide things?! Do you have any bloody idea on how many groups people are in? If you wanted to make groups easier, then you should've just installed Merely's Roblox Group Enhancer on the site! Instead, you've just made groups hard and long to navigate on other people's profile. Same with the games. I do not want a horizontal slide list or a grid. Not only does that take up a ton of space on my page, it's horribly inefficient and takes much longer to get to the game I want! God help those people who have a lot of games and people want to play them. They're beyond screwed, because you've screwed them over too hard. Thirdly, the freaking inventory page. Roblox, why did you completely move the inventory page?! It was so freaking convenient to view other people's models and audio and places by just scrolling to the bottom! Instead, since you've made the whole home page so mobile oriented, you had to move it! Want to view someone's hats? Instead of making one click to go to their profile, and scrolling down and clicking on hats, you just made us go on someone's page, click inventory, then hats, and then scroll through that. Again, inefficient and largely unnecessary.' In conclusion, it's easy to see what you've done the home page and why it's so much bigger and necessary. You've taken it and completely turned it into the mobile version. This just screws over people on PC, as this change was not needed. The old home page was not broken and worked just as fine. This update in fact made it worse. Seriously, it's horrible. Taken from /u/SchnitzelSandwich
#173056997Wednesday, September 02, 2015 2:51 PM GMT

they broke blurbs if you want to see someones groups, youll have to scroll for 5 minutes
#173057018Wednesday, September 02, 2015 2:52 PM GMT

World Of Warcraft is better than Roblox. Get it!
#173057099Wednesday, September 02, 2015 2:54 PM GMT

I know they broke blurbs, but they can easily fix it. That is what they are probably doing right now. Join the ROBLOX Backup Forums: http://rblxforums.userboard.net/
#173057187Wednesday, September 02, 2015 2:55 PM GMT

I like it, it's just that profiles look too much the same. Before you could decorate your profile a bit with place thumbnails and stuff and "Welcome to my profile" places.
#173057243Wednesday, September 02, 2015 2:56 PM GMT

you are ignoring the fact that it looks uglier and its more for mobile rather than PC we seriously need to scroll like what, lot of times to see the group that we want?
#173057291Wednesday, September 02, 2015 2:58 PM GMT

It only takes 1 short scroll to get to my groups. Thats how long it took to scroll in the old profile. Join the ROBLOX Backup Forums: http://rblxforums.userboard.net/
#173057327Wednesday, September 02, 2015 2:59 PM GMT

and adding onto the reason of why it's good.. i like how you can click on their clothes to see what they're wearing instead of strolling through page upon pages of clothes trying to find the thing they're wearing.
#173057386Wednesday, September 02, 2015 3:00 PM GMT

@OP post And that is ALL that's good about it. It broke everything else, it's made specifically for mobile which already has its own fully functional site and app, and it's basically repeating the process of Windows 8, which you can find here. http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=173015349&PageIndex=2#173052371
#173058413Wednesday, September 02, 2015 3:22 PM GMT

These are reasons why it's good. Here are reasons its not: -We have to click 100 times to see all groups of OBC people -Its messed up -Its confusing -Blurbs arent working I have more reasons so get out.
#173058980Wednesday, September 02, 2015 3:36 PM GMT

Bad or good (which it's bbbbaaaaddd), this was something they did that has basically no value. They quite literally could have so many other useful things with the time they spent on this. Roblox makes me cringe. Sometimes I wonder if they are really game devs or just guys who just like to play games on their tablets.
#173059183Wednesday, September 02, 2015 3:40 PM GMT

The thing I like about it is the games tab once you press the icon with 6 squares. They should do that for groups.
#173062009Wednesday, September 02, 2015 4:34 PM GMT

Yay it's impossible to see favorites!
#173062120Wednesday, September 02, 2015 4:36 PM GMT

Remember guys, "it's confusing" is always gonna happen with ANY site update. Things are not where they should be, you're gonna be disoriented for a little while. It's like when YouTube updates its layout, which it does every year or two. You'll get used to it.
#173062413Wednesday, September 02, 2015 4:41 PM GMT

It's not that it's somehow confusing or inherently bad, but rather it's the mobile version of the profile page. It has no business being used a layout for the PC version. It just doesn't work. There was absolutely -nothing- wrong with the old profiles. To change it was a waste of their time and just makes things harder for us (yeah, the community they care so much about). Those people who defend it don't really care because all they do is sit on the forum anyway.
#173066551Wednesday, September 02, 2015 5:48 PM GMT

Its not becouse its confusing. Just.. I almost always check groups and when ill find someone with BC (more than 5 groups) i will just forget the first group and keep circling around..
#173066680Wednesday, September 02, 2015 5:50 PM GMT

"World Of Warcraft is better than Roblox. Get it!" Yep. My favorite part is that they don't revamp the GUIs every afternoon.
#173066902Wednesday, September 02, 2015 5:53 PM GMT

I agree, it's confusing.

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