#173546416Monday, September 07, 2015 2:54 PM GMT

[-Daniel-] You sat on a horse drawn chariot, the moon beating down on you and your fellow brethren of the Purple Heart. Multiple chariots could be seen from here. The collection of bandits continued moving until it reached a small complex surrounded by a wooden wall. A gate was built into the center of the wall, which swung open as you and the rest of the convoy rolled in through the gates. You hopped off the the chariot and opened the storage compartment - food, gold, and other important resources filled it to the brim. "Good haul today, eh boys?" One of your fellows said. You were proud of the latest bandit raid. Multiple men fell to your blade today. Of course, you could not stay long. It wouldn't be long before Euturan patrols begin in search of stray Purple Heart members, and as you lived away from the complex... But of course, you could stay a little bit longer and chat with some of the members if you pleased. [-Jans-] Riding in on horse back, you and other vanguards enter the city of Gertios. It's walls were still damaged from the battle against King Edward, and the remains of some razed down buildings are scattered across. All around people once living a life of wealth and importance looked like they were the lowest class citizens. The further you went into the city, the easier your task seemed to be. You and your fellow Vanguards were tasked with turning the entire city against Edward, growing your rebellion's area of support. Of course, the people of the city might not be wiling to align themselves with anyone - they looked so weak. Your closest and best friend, William, the only one of the boys you trained with placed into the vanguards,rode his horse a bit closer to you. "Bit of a ghost town, isn't it?" He whispered. [-Pem-] "Open up, Pem! We know you're in there!" A gruff voice spoke. Your small shack shook with every knock on the door. You rolled your eyes. You know why they're here. Despite earning quite a bit of coin from your exploits in alchemy, you have yet to pay them back for the supplies they gave you. Probably not the wisest idea to deal with a major group of bandits, but what the Hell, right? Anyway, you looked behind you. There was, of course, always the escape hatch you built into your shack for situations like this, but you have enough dangerous potions to probably blow the heads off these jokers if you wanted. [-Asteria-] It was time. A man in a black cloak entered the tavern you were staying in and walked slowly over to you. "Let's go. The politicians on the move." This man was named Aran, and had assigned you the task of assassinating a corrupt politician under King Edward. Normally you would stay out of the business of such important people, but the pay was perhaps more than anything you have seen in your entire lifetime combined. So this was something that you just could not resist doing. "I'm ready to set off when you are." [-Myriddin-] A woman came bursting through the door as you began closing up. She was missing an arm and had a stab wound through her stomach. "HELP ME! I WAS ATTACKED! HELP...ME!" The bleeding was bad, very bad, and she continued to get the area very much red as she continued to stumble around, trying to get you to help her. [-Tavish-] Sitting in a tavern, you waited, slightly nervous. This would be the first time you had left the headquarters of the Men of Knowledge to do a job - supposedly, a major politician was having an assassination plotted against him, and he needed a doctor to heal him up should it happen. You didn't see why he didn't just hire a bunch of body guards, but whatever - the more coin in your hands and not in the pockets of some ignorant tough guy the better. You still had some time to spare, though - the tavern was always full of interesting people. Then again, interesting wasn't always good... [-Annika-] Today was not your day. Despite the fact that Arigin's Shield already had some of the best assassins in the business - cough cough you - they still hired some outsider to do the task you should be doing. The assassination of a politician, something you would absolutely love to do. The temptation to do it anyway was there - oh, yes, it was ABSOLUTELY there. But doing it would mean that you have disobeyed the orders of your superiors, and so you had an impossible choice - stay at Arigin's Shields base of operations, or leave to do the task you were told not to do.
#173546529Monday, September 07, 2015 2:55 PM GMT

[as for you, sovereign, unfortunately i'd appreciate it if you changed your class. we already have a lot of assassins, and few other classes]
#173547024Monday, September 07, 2015 3:00 PM GMT

(I'm conflicted between doctors and Men-at-Wars... Help me choose OP)
#173547185Monday, September 07, 2015 3:02 PM GMT

[bee men of warrrr we have none of those and two docs]
#173547464Monday, September 07, 2015 3:04 PM GMT

[/Tavish\] The smell of the actual tavern itself didn't appeal to Tavish, he also rather hated the obnoxious singing coming from many of the... 'lovely' tavern goers that came here, and not to mention that the actual beverages were terrible. But the tea was nice and he found the 'Bounding Bunny Inn' rather quaint and cosy. Speaking of tea, he took a small sip of it, looking around at the various travellers and drunkards here. "ʜᴇʟʟᴏ ᴍᴏʀᴛᴀʟs, ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ғᴇᴀʀ, ʙᴜᴛ ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛᴀᴋᴇɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴊᴏʙ ᴏғ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴇᴇᴋ."
#173547729Monday, September 07, 2015 3:07 PM GMT

[-Tavish-] Various types of men sat in the tavern, eating and drinking and generally seeming to have a good time, despite the smell that seemed to be coming from a mixture of vomit and drunkards. The inn keeper was kind enough as well, entering the tavern goers no matter how much of his alcohol they'd drink and try to get free.
#173548473Monday, September 07, 2015 3:14 PM GMT

[/Tavish\] Tavish has his legs crossed underneath the table, his doctor's get-up still on. He keeps it on to keep people away from him, as generally he likes peace and quiet instead of having loud, drunk tough guys storing about his table. It sort of seems many are keeping giving Tavish a ten or fifteen foot breathing range. A few men were daring others to go near me, to try and provoke violence or annoy me at least. "ʜᴇʟʟᴏ ᴍᴏʀᴛᴀʟs, ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ғᴇᴀʀ, ʙᴜᴛ ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛᴀᴋᴇɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴊᴏʙ ᴏғ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴇᴇᴋ."
#173551555Monday, September 07, 2015 3:40 PM GMT

I would've gone on this, but it took me like an hour to get half way
#173551688Monday, September 07, 2015 3:42 PM GMT

Also, "froged" first mistake seen by you "The White Sea" The sky would be white near "The White Sea" oh and what shape is the Volcano in? Volcano's aren't just one shape for all of them that is the same
#173552724Monday, September 07, 2015 3:52 PM GMT

[Tarvish] As you sit, trying to keep the drunks away from you, a bearded man walks into the tavern, scanning the room and then making his way towards you.
#173553506Monday, September 07, 2015 3:59 PM GMT

Oh these bastards again? Don't they know not to wake up a alchemist before noon? I haven't even made tea yet, stand up and open the door I'll talk to them, they probably only want some coin or a free sword or whatever bandits want.
#173553944Monday, September 07, 2015 4:04 PM GMT

[-Pem-] Three bandits stood at your door, wearing armor and holding large weapons. "You're overdue, Pem. We gave you the supplies and you have yet to pay us back."
#173554240Monday, September 07, 2015 4:06 PM GMT

Well armed bandits? Well that's a new one the bandits I usually deal with couldn't figure the difference between spear and a pike. "Hello bandits, I welcome to my hut I was jsut about to make tea. "
#173554329Monday, September 07, 2015 4:07 PM GMT

[-Pem-] "I'm not amused, Pem. You might think you're being funny but you're not. Give us the coin and we'll be on our way."
#173554439Monday, September 07, 2015 4:08 PM GMT

Name: Wilfred Kane Age: 33 Gender: Male Faction: Argin's Shield Class: MaW Inventory: Wilfred, being a scavenger of items, has an assortment of items that exceeds the barriers of the stereotypical rebel he is. Of course, he still has his original equipment consisting of his spear, his short sword and leather shield, as well as his oil pot. However, as a renown warrior, he has taken the equipments of vagrants, most notably the prized smoke pots. Appearance: Wilfred is a tall and defined man, and despite the living conditions of the rebels he likes to keep himself groomed. His long brown hair is brought back into a braided ponytail, and his shaggy beard drags down to where his collarbone meets his chest. His eyes are blue and intimidating, with a nose bent to the left, broken in a fight. Wilfred also has a scar across his cheek, and a defined jawline usually covered by his beard. He wears the armor of leather armor and boots, and iron gauntlets and shoulder pads. Personality: Despite his intimidating figure, Wilfred is quiet. Though many see this as a test of strength, the truth is Wilfred is usually shy around everyday people. However, in the battlefield or anywhere within the range of threat, Wilfred's shy demeanor is covered by his glaring and intimidating stare of death. Fearless and brave in battle, but shy and quiet in other days makes Wilfred a rather interesting person. Illnesses (if any): None Bio: Not very important. TBA Other: lol im not saying that noob
#173554797Monday, September 07, 2015 4:12 PM GMT

[Wilfred] The sound of horses running was very clear as you and a group of other men of war rode through the landscape. You held your spear in hand as the group of armed men came into view, charging at you. They wielded swords and shields, and donned the armor of Euturan might. "CHARGE!" Someone yelled. The rest of your group raised their weapons and sped towards their foes.
#173554854Monday, September 07, 2015 4:13 PM GMT

" Bandits, bandits we're friends here right? You gave me some supplies, and I'm gonna pay you in much coin in return but first lets drink some tea to rest your nerves. "
#173554981Monday, September 07, 2015 4:14 PM GMT

[-Pem-] "I'll ask you one more time, Pem. If you don't give us the gold right now then we'll run you through."
#173555068Monday, September 07, 2015 4:15 PM GMT

Wilfred rode fearless with his shield in front and his spear drawn back as if a lance as he follows the squad leader right towards the men. He did what he was told to do in his days of training: Look for chinks of armor. It will be hard to break their formation since Euturan men is, in his own words, "a bunch of cowardly trees who position themselves under a wall." Wilfred refocused on his fight, looking for the extra space between the shields to see if he can make an accurate pinpoint to weave and break the formation.
#173555301Monday, September 07, 2015 4:17 PM GMT

" Well my friends tea time stops for no man, you folk wait out here while I enjoy tea time. " Close the day in those silly bandits faces and begin to make tea, why don't people understand the importance of tea time? Bandits these days have no respect.
#173555497Monday, September 07, 2015 4:20 PM GMT

[Wilfred] In their formation you see a gap in between two of their warriors - a gap in which your spear could easily go through and take some Euturan men to the grave. [Pem] As you begin to make tea, you hear an explosion from outside your shack and someone holding a potion kicking open what's left of your door. He throws the potion, narrowly missing you and setting the shack on fire, with the two other bandits entering the room and drawing their weapons.
#173555941Monday, September 07, 2015 4:25 PM GMT

" MY HUT!!! I live here you bandits, no tea time for you! " Grab one of my potions throw it and run for the escape hatch.
#173556366Monday, September 07, 2015 4:29 PM GMT

Name: Radnor Tyndall Age: 26 Gender: Male Faction: Arigins Shield Class: Archer Inventory: He is currently carrying an assortment of poisons and different sized daggers,he also carries a bow and 20 steel tipped arrows Appearance: He is around 6'1 he is has a slightly muscular build he has short brownish hair and a bit of stubble. He wears strapped leather boots, black leggings and a black and grey striped tunic with a overlay of light armour. He wears leather gloves, He will also pad his arms and legs with a few bits and bobs of light armour which way him down but not that much, his gloves are specially designed to give him better grip for when he's scaling buildings. He sometimes puts on a plain steel mask with two eye holes and some breathing ones, he also wears a plain black hooded cape. Personality: Well Radnor likes to get things done and if he can't do it he gets quite angered and will sometimes lash out. He is also quite sadistic and likes to kill people but only those who deserve it he follows one rule: stay your blade from the innocent. Illnesses (if any): Bio: Radnor grew up in Orgidan and he loved king David but when he was 14 he moved out to a near farming village, when he was older and didn't want to farm he told his mother and father that he was going back to Orgidan to join the kings army, but when he got back he wasn't happy anymore his favourite king had died and the new one was a tyrant, he walked around confused, he went up to a man and asked what's happening. The man responded by saying 'The new king is a tyrant and he's wanted dead by argins shield.' As he finished that a few guards ran past him talking about the village he had just left, he followed the soldiers from afar and he saw them rush into the village and burn it to the ground, this angered him he ran as fast as he could pulling a small iron dagger from his shoe and he ran up behind a soldier ripped of his helmet and slit his throat, He smirked he liked the feeling of holding someone else's life in his hand, he then proceeded to kill the other guards and did but he had been injured. He passed out then woke up a man had found him on the floor and took him with and stitched him back up, the man told Radnor about how he joined argins shield and how he could join too, Radnor agreed after a few days had passed and Radnor could start to walk properly the man gave him some clothes and armour [His current ones] and took him to William, William said Radnor could join if he wanted to so he did and now he spends his time going around killing the kings soldiers and generals helping Arigin's progression in the war. Other: Sammiches and grapes
#173556867Monday, September 07, 2015 4:35 PM GMT

Wilfred aims for the gaping hole, expecting the men behind him to ready their horses to deliver a charge right into the broken formation once he weaves himself to take out the Eutarun warriors.
#173557111Monday, September 07, 2015 4:37 PM GMT

[/Tavish\] Tavish would give a warm smile as he saw the man approach, but he would arm his right hand with the serrated blade and concealed it under the table.