#173557372Monday, September 07, 2015 4:40 PM GMT

[-Pem-] The potion hits the other alchemist, who explodes, his insides literally going everywhere. The two other bandits are too horrified to see you slip into your escape hatch, leading you into a series of tunnels. You can see your underground base of supplies at the end of the tunnel. [-Wilfred-] As you predict, your spear guts one of them and your horse breaks through the broken formation and kills another few men. All around it seems your force is coming out on top.
#173557669Monday, September 07, 2015 4:43 PM GMT

Wilfred, in the midst of battle, has already forgotten about his squad leader. He felt a shining light was brought down upon him and he felt the need to command the men. The formation now broken, he attempted to take command of the surviving rebels (i g2g so i'll leave it off here first)
#173557881Monday, September 07, 2015 4:45 PM GMT

[travish] "Travish? Doctor from the Men of Knowledge?"
#173557935Monday, September 07, 2015 4:46 PM GMT

[-Wilfred-] The rebels seem lost, though a few start following your orders. The formation continues to break as the riders continue to charge into them.
#173558014Monday, September 07, 2015 4:47 PM GMT

(Sht i shouldn't have done that. Oh well I'll be back soon)
#173558163Monday, September 07, 2015 4:48 PM GMT

[/Tavish\] "Who is asking?" The obviously rather bored doctor says, before putting his feet up on the table and revealing the serrated blade he has. He feels ever so slightly across the sharp edge of the knife, making it clear not to try anything.
#173558252Monday, September 07, 2015 4:49 PM GMT

[Jeffy I changed my class too archer my CS is on the bottom of Page 2
#173558314Monday, September 07, 2015 4:50 PM GMT

[-Tavish-] The man raises his eyebrow. "I'm from the politician, here to bring you to him."
#173558538Monday, September 07, 2015 4:52 PM GMT

Sweet I escaped, walk down the tunnel and grab as many supplies as possible, their probably gonna come looking for me and you know my house is burning down.
#173558557Monday, September 07, 2015 4:52 PM GMT

[/Tavish\] Tavish will look look up at him, an eyebrow raised. "Last time someone said they were from the person I was working for, I nearly got mugged and killed. Could you produce some identification?" Tavish asks, sheathing the blade in its scabbard inside his coat pocket.
#173558593Monday, September 07, 2015 4:53 PM GMT

You grab a sack and take as many supplies as you can. Leading from your alchemy area is a tunnel leading to the sewers of the nearest town.
#173558695Monday, September 07, 2015 4:54 PM GMT

[Tavish] "The more I'm here the more I want to leave." He mumbles, showing you a letter from the politician. Indeed, the writing is very similar to that of the politician. "Got that from him."
#173559033Monday, September 07, 2015 4:57 PM GMT

Name: Radnor Tyndall Age: 26 Gender: Male Faction: Arigins Shield Class: Archer Inventory: He is currently carrying an assortment of poisons and different sized daggers,he also carries a bow and 20 steel tipped arrows Appearance: He is around 6'1 he is has a slightly muscular build he has short brownish hair and a bit of stubble. He wears strapped leather boots, black leggings and a black and grey striped tunic with a overlay of light armour. He wears leather gloves, He will also pad his arms and legs with a few bits and bobs of light armour which way him down but not that much, his gloves are specially designed to give him better grip for when he's scaling buildings. He sometimes puts on a plain steel mask with two eye holes and some breathing ones, he also wears a plain black hooded cape. Personality: Well Radnor likes to get things done and if he can't do it he gets quite angered and will sometimes lash out. He is also quite sadistic and likes to kill people but only those who deserve it he follows one rule: stay your blade from the innocent. Illnesses (if any): Bio: Radnor grew up in Orgidan and he loved king David but when he was 14 he moved out to a near farming village, when he was older and didn't want to farm he told his mother and father that he was going back to Orgidan to join the kings army, but when he got back he wasn't happy anymore his favourite king had died and the new one was a tyrant, he walked around confused, he went up to a man and asked what's happening. The man responded by saying 'The new king is a tyrant and he's wanted dead by argins shield.' As he finished that a few guards ran past him talking about the village he had just left, he followed the soldiers from afar and he saw them rush into the village and burn it to the ground, this angered him he ran as fast as he could pulling a small iron dagger from his shoe and he ran up behind a soldier ripped of his helmet and slit his throat, He smirked he liked the feeling of holding someone else's life in his hand, he then proceeded to kill the other guards and did but he had been injured. He passed out then woke up a man had found him on the floor and took him with and stitched him back up, the man told Radnor about how he joined argins shield and how he could join too, Radnor agreed after a few days had passed and Radnor could start to walk properly the man gave him some clothes and armour [His current ones] and took him to William, William said Radnor could join if he wanted to so he did and now he spends his time going around killing the kings soldiers and generals helping Arigin's progression in the war. Other: Sammiches and grapes
#173559269Monday, September 07, 2015 5:00 PM GMT

[/Tavish\] Tavish would quickly glance over it, before looking back at him and saying, "Alright, take me to him then," he gets up and looks ready to go.
#173559951Monday, September 07, 2015 5:06 PM GMT

Why did this tunnel have to be connected to the sewer? I didn't even know this place had pluming. What's the next city like anyway?
#173571594Monday, September 07, 2015 6:50 PM GMT

"Cavalry on me!" He bellowed. Wilfred began circling in a wide radius around the remaining enemies to irritate the dirt under him. This would mean that the enemeis would be blinded, but his men on the horse were able to use their height to see above the cloud.
#173579655Monday, September 07, 2015 7:55 PM GMT

[Tavish] "Come." He leads you out of the tavern and into the moon lit city. [Pem] It's pretty slummy, the closest source of water is about half a days walk away.
#173579801Monday, September 07, 2015 7:57 PM GMT

ffs [Wilfred] You continue charging through the ranks, impaling the soldiers as they struggle to keep what's left of their formation together. Some of the men on the sides begin attempting to run away, but the faster cavalry force easily mows them down.
#173580234Monday, September 07, 2015 8:00 PM GMT

Daniel sat on a stump outside of his shack sharpening one of his daggers. "I think I'll pay a visit to the stronghold" He said sheathing his sharpened knife as he walked towards his steed with his saddle in hand You have not surrounded me, you merely placed me in a target-rich environment.
#173580395Monday, September 07, 2015 8:01 PM GMT

[Daniel] You made your way over to your horse, throwing your saddle onto it. All around the camp, people were celebrating todays looting, feasting and dividing up the loot.
#173580678Monday, September 07, 2015 8:03 PM GMT

Daniel untied his horse and mounted it. It only took about ten minutes to reach the camp. He approached the gate to hail someone to let him in You have not surrounded me, you merely placed me in a target-rich environment.
#173580766Monday, September 07, 2015 8:04 PM GMT

[you're already in the camp]
#173580911Monday, September 07, 2015 8:05 PM GMT

((Woops)) Daniel wandered through the camp looking for someone to talk to "Hm, must of been a big haul" He said to himself as he walked towards a fire to warm himself. You have not surrounded me, you merely placed me in a target-rich environment.
#173581170Monday, September 07, 2015 8:07 PM GMT

The camp was filled with people to talk to. Though closest to you was a large man drinking rum and telling a story to his fellows. Everyones eyes were on him. "That's me, alright. Killed the bloke soon after he took my mom's purse, ran him through with this blade." He raised a sword, which was indeed stained with blood. "Turns out he was the son of a noble. Nearly got my head hung. Then the Heart saved me."
#173581332Monday, September 07, 2015 8:09 PM GMT

((Imma get off for a couple hours)) "You took him head on? Brave!" He said approaching the man "Yet slightly stupid, but were bandits, what can you expect?" He said sort of hoping to start a fight You have not surrounded me, you merely placed me in a target-rich environment.