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#173207418Friday, September 04, 2015 1:27 PM GMT

Throughout the course of ATF and it’s lore, mutants are widely viewed as a threat to humanity. Mutation, caused by the Rad X Virus and radiation, can change the physical and physiological attributes of a person. Widely feared and generally shunned from society, mutants never really had a chance. All though the “Feral” mutants from the early days are no longer an extreme threat to humanity in Hawaii, the USCPF and many other faction believe that mutants are to be exterminated. Life as a mutant is difficult, espeicially life in Pearl Harbor, where resources are low and access to the RAD-X vaccine is hard to come by for the poorer citizens of Pearl Harbor. Because of this, mutants generally have to live with what they come by, through scavenging and trading. During 2097, Adam Newton, a mutant himself, realized how badly mutants are hated and made it his life goal to fix this issue. This is when Adam Newton gathered together a group of mutated and irradiated survivors, and established a group, a meeting place, and a code of conduct. This group, known as Aorta, strives to help and lend aid to the mutated individuals of Pearl Harbor, and helps protect them from anything that may threaten the livelihood of mutants. Although it is a mainly peaceful group, it gained recognition by allying itself with several criminal factions of Pearl Harbor to prevent attacks from said groups and to gather supplies and aid for itself. This act helped secure its security from the SandSharks (might change this), it caused the CDF to view the group as just another bandit faction. This caused the relationship with the CDF to become a neutral relationship. The USCPF view this faction to be a threat, as it would view any group who support mutants. The group mainly uses scavenged and traded weapons (nothing OP like the LERC.) It also practices hunting around masterson valley and herbal healing due to it being unable to secure trade with the CDF. The group has no “base of operations” due to it having a set point on the map would make it an easy target for the USCPF. They live life like Nomads, moving from location to location scavenging supplies. A code of conduct, established early in the groups history state that all members must protect any mutated civilian if they are under distress or in danger. It also states that fighting (except for sparring or practicing) is disapproved and generally frowned upon. This is to prevent “war” with another faction. All ATF and Roblox rules apply

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