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#173212406Friday, September 04, 2015 3:00 PM GMT

1. Places should always appear first, and a couple place names should appear immediately. Nobody is going to click a link, and then scroll through every single place just to find out if the creator has made any interesting games. If they can't find a cool game within 5 seconds, they'll just move on. 2. The new profile descriptions are too hard to read. People who surf the web are not planning on spending a lot of effort to read something they may not even be interested in. The wide descriptions cannot be read without moving your eyes a great distance, which any designer would tell you is a bad idea. 3. "Currently Wearing" should not be the attention getter Right now it's the largest and easiest to see part of the page. It is the first thing the eyes are drawn to. It's perfectly okay to have a tab for that, but it's too much of a space waster for the main page. 4. The groups section is also wasting too much space. Where the reader finally thinks they see the user's places is actually a large window showing nothing but the primary group. 5. The user's character picture is shown way too small. This is their profile, dedicated to them. The most visible thing should me their appearance and their most familiar creation. The currently wearing box should not be the only place where you can find a high-quality picture of the user's character.
#173212474Friday, September 04, 2015 3:01 PM GMT

6 It says the user has 30 badges
#173221732Friday, September 04, 2015 5:08 PM GMT

6. (annoying but not critical) The user badge count isn't functional.
#173222119Friday, September 04, 2015 5:12 PM GMT

1) They do if you go to the Creations section. They're separated into two sections for organization and it allows them to add a lot more stuff. You'll be seeing that in the near future. Also see #3. 2) Yeah, I agree. 3) That's because it required the biggest div so far. Later they'll be giving you the ability to move things around the way you want to, so you can fix this if you want. 4) I hope they'll be adding the Grid layout option like they did to the Games carousel. 5) Outfit Viewer has a larger picture, even larger than it was before.
#173222513Friday, September 04, 2015 5:17 PM GMT

"Can I change my profile page? In the future we’ll be adding customization options, so you can move tiles around and organize your profile to show off the things you care most about. We want your profile page to be a reflection of you, and recognize that a lot of ROBLOX users used it to show off art. We’ll be working on ways for you to be able to showcase your talents and interests to the community." Read the blog for once. when the output stays clear http://www.roblox.com/DROP-IT-item?id=145934228 http://www.roblox.com/Toms-Bait-Beans-item?id=292084570
#173308863Saturday, September 05, 2015 2:17 PM GMT

Profile customization only works for the maker of the profile. People already know what they are wearing so few would ever share that first, on the other hand the viewer of the profile might be very interested, but they can't customize someone else's profile for their viewing. Most of the problems I mentioned would not be solved by simply allowing the creator to customize their profile. Rather, the problems I listed are all critical issues that almost every robloxian would want changed. Just because you CAN view a person's places doesn't mean that anybody will. Like I said before, the average viewer will only stay on a webpage for 5 seconds unless he/she sees something of interest. You have a limited time to get the viewers attention, so text on a page and irrelevant data will not do the trick. You're probably already thinking "tldr" just on this post. Apply that to user profiles, and you get my point.
#173334351Saturday, September 05, 2015 6:44 PM GMT

Did they just revert?
#173334771Saturday, September 05, 2015 6:47 PM GMT

Yes. And we sure as hell are happy about it.
#173684397Tuesday, September 08, 2015 11:14 PM GMT

It's back
#173808689Thursday, September 10, 2015 8:57 PM GMT

I already had trouble reading the friend's list, now there's boxes and smaller print.
#174772821Wednesday, September 23, 2015 6:37 PM GMT

6. You can't tell what game a person is at in order to follow them. You have to friend that person and find them in your list in order to even know before following.
#174773691Wednesday, September 23, 2015 6:53 PM GMT

I can't find out what my friends are up to in their profile. All there is is a follow, and I have to go to friends, then find out what game they are in from there.
#174785650Wednesday, September 23, 2015 9:35 PM GMT

yes and also it's hard to find join game and pm buttons the OBC layout is gone now.
#174786004Wednesday, September 23, 2015 9:39 PM GMT

#174786654Wednesday, September 23, 2015 9:48 PM GMT

'2. The new profile descriptions are too hard to read. People who surf the web are not planning on spending a lot of effort to read something they may not even be interested in. The wide descriptions cannot be read without moving your eyes a great distance, which any designer would tell you is a bad idea.' It's the same font and size, and lol 'The wide descriptions cannot be read without moving your eyes a great distance' That's a completely made-up reason, there is no problem with moving your eyes great distances. Because It's not a problem Because Your eyes are super fast lmao that's a completely made up reason. me is the one who gets my haters banned - http://www.roblox.com/awesomestrator-head-item?id=247872966
#174791582Wednesday, September 23, 2015 10:51 PM GMT

1) just revert it to the way it was before bam fixed.
#174791791Wednesday, September 23, 2015 10:54 PM GMT

I agree
#174839282Thursday, September 24, 2015 6:42 PM GMT

@arth they already addressed #2 for the most part. They had it linear before. Also take design class. People ignore things that don't come across as interesting. Long lines of text are unorganized and can't be seen without a little effort, so the brain will move on before they have even realized they were reading the line. Which is easier to read: My cat eats breakfast. My dog eats lunch. You don't eat. I don't eat. Only pets eat. or My cat eats breakfast. My dog eats lunch. You don't eat. I don't eat. Only pets eat. Our eyes are fast, but like a sprinter, they don't like to go fast for a long time. Ever tried to stare at one blade of a ceiling fan? While your eyes are plenty fast enough, they just don't like the constant motion and eventually give up after about one rotation.
#174858265Thursday, September 24, 2015 11:23 PM GMT

The second one is much harder to read, which proves my point, and words on the blurb don't move, that is a completely, completely, completely made up reason, your eyes cannot get tired from that and that reason is just completely made up. lmao. http://www.roblox.com/My-Signature-item?id=299835609
#174858368Thursday, September 24, 2015 11:24 PM GMT

@Ze And please tell me where you found out that the brain will move on from long text lmao yes that's right you completely made it up. http://www.roblox.com/My-Signature-item?id=299835609
#174862888Friday, September 25, 2015 12:20 AM GMT

"Also take design class." that would also apply to you, op am graphic designer and have much friend who are paid ones
#174912983Friday, September 25, 2015 10:19 PM GMT

Given A: The majority of posts come from people who make a lot of posts And B: People who make a lot of posts don't usually care about the topic and prefer stating their own opinion instead of agreeing with the OP Conclusion: The majority of posts come from people who do not care about the topic and prefer stating their own opinion instead of agreeing with the OP.
#174913582Friday, September 25, 2015 10:27 PM GMT

6. There should also be a "currently playing:" link somewhere at the top of the profile page. When I go to join my friends' games, I have no idea what I'm joining. The "Join Game" button should also be a little bigger as well.
#174914219Friday, September 25, 2015 10:34 PM GMT

Insulting me does not make you a credible source. Instead of considering that I may have made a valid statement, you revert to labeling my reasons as "completely made up". And what kind of statement is "your eyes cannot get tired from that". Every muscle in the body gets tired if used to exertion. If you are such an expert on eyes, explain how eyes can regenerate the energy they are using faster than they can tire. Chances are, your eyes are already tired of reading what I have to say, and you will likely skim a long section of text if you think it isn't worth reading. Go ahead, read every last word written here without skipping. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. I like waffles. I like pancakes. Did you? If you did, you are probably glad that I didn't make it any longer because you are tired of reading it. But you probabally didn't because you didn't think it was worth reading, which is exactly my point. If we do not consider something to be worth reading, we spend the effort to read it. So go ahead and post another rude four letter abbreviation, but you do not win an argument that way.
#174914327Friday, September 25, 2015 10:35 PM GMT

we don't spend the effort to read it*

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