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#173321148Saturday, September 05, 2015 4:38 PM GMT

Orlando Magic [ Players Recieved ] - RoyalRawrz, SaavageJayy, MarioSpider64 [ PLayers Lost ] - Kayska9, Mxnchester, 3for3 REVIEW : The Orlando Magic trade was a So-So, They have proven players in SaavageJayy and Mariospider64, With a potential rookie in RoyalRawrz. One question will be that if SaavageJayy and Mario fit into the system of YBB Based offense. Orlando lost pretty good players but it wasn't gonna hurt the offensive system. Biggest Problem will be if these players on Orlando want to be here. Grade : [ B ] Washington Wizards [ Players Recieved ] - Kayska9, Mxnchester, EliStealEm, KoreyGreenland, and 3For3 [ Players Lost ] - VoidMileEm, WillBall , SaavageJayy REVIEW : This team had the biggest controversy as of late, You question is if it was worth it? In my opinon, absoulutely, Washington Coach gb00 didn't have much of a choice, VoidMileEm and SaavageJayy was unhappy and they wouldn't play so technically any player would be good. Luckily, with that bunch, They got a proven star player in EliStealEm, and Decent players from Orlando. Biggest Question for this team is will they fit into the system? gb00 plays a all passing system with good movement, in Orlando, these players experienced a rather different type of offense where it was YBB on iso then a pass out to the corner or wing. These players from Orlando most likely wanted a trade because they wanted to prove they were better, this is a whole new team and this could be one team to look out for in the playoffs. With not many proven players, this could be a A+ at its potential, but for now we would have to see. Grade - [ B+ ] New York Knicks [ Players Recieved ] - VoidMileEm, Willball [ Players Lost ] - EliStealEm, KoreyGreenLand REVIEW : This team was in the trade talks with the Washington Wizards and it seems like they traded one of there biggest pieces. New York's starting lineup was already very great with DylanDaKidd, True2Swift, YellowMDDC. Basically flipping the switch with EliStealEm and VoidMileEm, And WillBall and KoreyGreenLand. One point is obvious, VoidMileEm is a better player than EliStealEm, And with this new starting lineup, They might be even better and the team to start take real serious. Grade - [ A- ] - Your Friendly Neighborhood Galaxy Man [ Bleacher Report 2015 ]

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