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#173556396Monday, September 07, 2015 4:30 PM GMT

(This page will have a link on my bio. Feel free to bury this.) ATF MAJOR CHARACTERS: Johnathan- Alias(es): Jacob, Damien, Aaron Age: 50 Height: 5' 10" Skin: Dark Brown Hair:Salt-And Pepper (Brown and Gray mixed) Eyes: Brown Scar(s): None visible Prosthetic(s): Jury-rigged operable prosthetic where right arm would be Faction: Refugee Alignment: Neutral Good Bio: Johnathan is a roamer, finding jobs wherever he can, and barely earning enough to survive. He, despite appearances, doesn't like killing, preferring to use words first. He is haunted by several people he's killed, in his eyes wrongfully, and by several people he was very close to who've died. He wears a broken watch on his left wrist. (Watch fixed by klayman30) The watch obviously means something to him, but he rarely tells anyone about his past. When not wandering in a group or living by himself, he spends his time selling himself as a caravan guard, or running scavenging trips for nearby towns. After seeing his salt-and-pepper hair, many people assume he is weak. Just remember: In a danger-filled apocalypse, he has survived to be relatively old. Get the point? ----- Yaromir Alias(es): Volodya, Sergei Age: 25 Height: 5' 11" Skin: White Hair: Brown Eyes: Green Scar(s): Large one on his right cheekbone, two small ones above left eye, making an 11. Prosthetic(s): N/A Faction: Ex-ACMF Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Bio: Yaromir, meaning 'Man of Peace', is anything but. He will often get into fistfights or worse with people just because of an inane comment or simply 'not liking the look of him/her'. Something seems... off about him, probably because he grins so much. Assumedly he has a Past, but nobody knows what it is because Yaromir isn't telling. He is extremely light on his feet when he wants to be, and is always holding, smoking, or lighting a cigarrette. His accent is very thick, and his English is occasionally broken. This is because he is still learning English. He has tattoos down his arms, but they are weird, undefined shapes. Even with all this, he is oddly affectionate towards children. Unfortunately, due to everything else, parents and guardians are understandably reluctant to let their children near him.(Sergei and Yaromir's characters have been combined, for those of you who knew him. I never used Sergei much.)(Lighter given to by Seamoos.) ----- Keth Sommers Alias(es): The Swordsman Age: 32 Height: 6' Skin: White Hair: Auburn Eyes: Hazel Scar(s): An 'x' shaped scar on his left cheek, and a long, triangular one on the right side of his head, creating an ugly hair gap where nothing but scar tissue shows. Prosthetic(s): N/A Faction: Refugee Alignment: Lawful Good Bio: Keth's parents were caravan drivers, and were massacred along with most of the other caravan crew by a CDF drug raid when he was three. He escaped, carried by the quartermaster, to a nearby scrap town, where he was given to an old man in town. The man in question was extremely skilled in swordplay, and as Keth grew up he was taught fighting technique, fitness, weapon maintenance, and the superiority of bladed weapons over guns. He now looks down on guns as low-class, requiring no skill to operate. He is incredibly good with bladed weaponry, although this means he is at a significant ranged disadvantage versus guns. He and Johnathan are good friends, and although they rarely meet it is always with open arms. ----- Aleksander Alias(es): N/A Age: 39 Height: 5' 10" Skin: White Hair: Black with the beginnings of grey Eyes: Brown Scar(s) None visible Prosthetic(s): N/A Faction: Refugee Alignment: Neutral Good Bio: Aleksander is a traveler and cartographer, mapping sections of the wasteland in exchange for money. From his many wanderings, he has acquired many interesting items, one of them being a pair of gray mirrored shades. The other is a Selected Projection Rifle: Two kilowatt, also known as the SPR-2kw. Its original power source is long gone, but he makes do with D-batteries and tinfoil.(Car battery supplied and wired up by goldenhot, at her insistence. Contains 2 hours full beam on the charge, counting down.) Aleksander is a moral man, and not fond of torture of any kind. He will try to stop his companions from torturing as well, with mixed results. He dislikes factions, but especially SS. ----- Halcyon-(Insert Other Number Here) Age: Unknown Height: 6'0" Frame Color: Various colors, with black overlay and red lights. Cameras: No lights. The visor appears blank. Damages: Ranging from scratches, mud spatters, and bullet holes to missing arms, shattered visors, and blown off legs. Faction: Unknown Alignment: Neutral Neutral Bio: Scattered thinly across the wasteland are the other members of the Halcyon-line production sequence, believed to have started in 2024 and quickly moved to military and law enforcement production. Dozens of these frames in various faded paint jobs and in various states of disrepair can be found wandering aimlessly across the sand/snow, lurking in buildings and occasionally bumping into walls, being reprogrammed as servants by the more tech-savvy wastelander, or being destroyed by the less tech-savvy ones. The most common is the white-painted commercial heavy lifter drone, bought by shipping companies, airlines, and so on. A blue-and-grey law enforcement version is also common. Very few examples of military drones can be found on the mainland. ----- ATF MINOR CHARACTERS: Stephen Alias: The Gunslinger Faction: Refugee Alignment: Chaotic Good Bio: Revived because I found good clothes for him, the Gunslinger carries three MK23 automatics. (For scrubs, automatic refers to the pistol type, not the fire mode.) Two with aluminum slides in shoulder holsters and one solid black at his hip. The silver ones are Right and Wrong, and the black one is named Opinion. He's a chill guy, but enjoys showing off his prowess with handguns. CDF Guy/ Richard Faction: CDF/ CDF:PM Alignment: Lawful Good Bio: A stalwart defender of peace and justice who is unfortunately working towards those goals in the CDF. Nevertheless, he is proud of his faction, although he knows the rules and will not beat down dissidents unless they attack him first. Anya Faction: Refugee Alignment: Neutral Good Bio: Anya is the daughter of Yaromir. She turns up every so often, but prefers wandering the wider wasteland, mostly to avoid her time bomb of a father. (This character can be picked up and used by people.) Father Kazimir Faction: Refugee Alignment: Neutral Good Bio: Kazimir is a son of God, following the Eastern Orthodox branch of Christianity. He is known as a starets, or a holy man. He despises injustice, and will end any he can find, by any means possible. He has a slight russian accent, but still speaks english fluently. Kevin Faction: Refugee Alignment: High Af Bio: Kevin is my 17 year old character in a sea of older characters. He has an inclination towards drug use, and has already developed a serious addiction to Oxycodone. He's also a great cook, if he can concentrate for long enough. Wanders the wasteland looking for free hits and occasional shelter. ----- (RIP Halcyon line, died of intensive lorebreak over long periods) (RIP Ivan Ivanovich, killed by a cannibal) (RIP SEAL Scout Drone A56, died of being too noobish)

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