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#173654480Tuesday, September 08, 2015 4:14 PM GMT

- To all the people not in this ro-football league, these aren't real life players they are players in this ro-football group. - Just to be clear this is my opinion, not yours and if you think its bias then make your own. - NOTE: SB wins, coaching careers, and skill are all being combined here so even if a player isn't good he may still end up here for great coaching skills or just winning a lot of SBs - The players who were s1ers and retired s2 aren't gonna be at the top because I realize now that they only had 1-2 good seasons, not giving them a huge career or anything. - Ok lets get started with the top 20 players in nfl history. 1. Franky264 This is no surprise, one of the few s1ers still dominating in this league. He had accomplished everything in his career of nfl except win a SB and he just did yesterday. This player is the s1 mvp, a successful head coach of the Oakland raiders for many seasons, and now he is a SB winner. All around a great player, a top 3 qb each and every season, in s2 he was known as a top DE but as nfl changed he changed too. Franky became a top 10 cb in s3-s4 making him a deadly threat on both sides of the field. All around he is the most successful nfl player in this league 2. Creepy1234 This is another s1er who still flourishes in this league. A little inactive these days but creepy still remains at the top as a great wr/cb. He brings a huge impact to the teams he is on and he just won a SB the other day to help his career look even brighter. This player is extremely knowledgeable about the game and always knows what going to happen next. Any new players should look up to creepys knowledge for the game because it could very much help them. 3. Yhurk Well, im sure a lot of people didn't expect this guy to be ranked 3rd in the best nfl players all time but this is much deserved. In s2 this player took on the hcing role, and qb roll on a falling team. He brought back this team and they went on to go all the way to the conference champs when they should've finished 4th. Then this player and coach came back s3-s4 and was considered a top 3 qb each season. His coaching greatly effected his team and he ended up winning the SB s4. This player was also a top 10 cb in s3-s4 but was heavily underrated because most players just see him as a qb when they don't know this players career started as a wr/cb. 4. Ejected Can we all consider this player one of the best success storyies in nfl in s3-s4? This player is considered a s2 Seahawk but that's not where his career started. In the preseason of s3 this player was basically supposed to be shadowed by deusix, he was a wr/cb until deusix ended up leaving the packers. This gave ejected the chance to shine and shine he did. Ejected went on to not only be the best qb s3, he was also the best coach. He brought people down from legends and made them into elite players. the s3 SB win eje had was much deserved. In s4 he also was considered the best qb and again the best head coach. He hardly fell short of another SB but his impact on his team is huge. HIs cbing is also top notch and is overlooked a lot of the time. 5. Zepitus Well, in his 2 seasons in nfl he was the best wr/cb yes. So why isn't he ranked higher? This player really was insane s1-s2 but his career is just about over. All this talk of him coming back but he is yet to do so. However he is still way up in this list for the impact he made s1-s2. By far the best legs each season and by far the best hands. He could moss with his eyes closed and juke with 2 broken hands, it was that easy for him. Big ego but he deserved it. 6. Depitus Here is a s1er who really is a great player still. He breaks my ankles every time I try to tackle him but that's besides the point. His wr career is insane, he puts up big numbers for big time teams, however this player is still yet to win a SB if I recall and I'm sure he will try for one s5. He invented the depitus dunk which is what a lot of people still use today. A bit of an ego but just like zepitus he has earned it. 7. HollowSharkie123 Call me bias, idc like I said its my opinion. This wr/cb started his career in s2. After winning the SB his rookie season he went on to get really known in this league. Each season he has been known as a top 10 wr/cb even a top 5 wr/cb in some cases. He has helped coached every season an his influence on players is incredible. Many careers have started from his coaching which is why the teams he is on end up successful. This player is all around one of the most successful players in nfl which is why hes ended up this high on the chart. 8. How2Expose One of the most all around stable players in the nfl. Put him at any spot and he will perform. This sb and mvp winner s2 is a legend in this league and is a top 5 wr/cb. He even went on to hc s4 leading his team to a great record before losing in the playoffs. This player learned how to qb proficiently which made him a mvp nominate once again in s4 (not sure if he won but if he did hes only player in nfl to get 2 mvps). This player will always bring a lot to the table and has had a successful career. 9. Kelvin62202 Most people know this player as the top CB in s3-s4. The amount of ints he has gotten in these seasons is insane. This talented player brings a lot to the table. Not only is he a top 5 wr/cb he also can qb extremely well. He has a ring and has been very much successful in the nfl. He is a good coach and teaches a lot of new players how to become good. All around a great player in his nfl career s2-s4. 10. IncrediblyLegitimate One of the best players on this list but still somewhat underrated. This great player, coach has 2 superbowl rings and is a great wr/cb. In s2 he was shadowed by ncs and hollow but he was also a great wr/cb in the league at the time. In s3 he led his team to the playoffs even when all his players were basically from legends. In s4 he pulled out the dream team perhaps and led them as the hc to a sb4 win. A very successful player with a great career. 11. PumpkinAssassin This is another elite wr/cb in the nfl. He won roty s2 and led the broncos to a sb chance s2, he also helped lead the raiders s3 to go to a sb. Sadly you can't win em all and pum is still yet to win a sb but his impact s2-s4 on the teams hes played on is huge. This skillful player has also learned to qb like a lot of the better wr/cbs in this league making him a great player to have on a team. If I recall this player is retiring if he already hasn't but his nfl impact will be remembered for the seasons to go on. 12. 00raeror Can we all admit hes the god of nfl? a legend I may say. This stud is a s1er. 00 is a qb/wr/cb but that's not what hes known for. 00 is one of the greatest coaches in nfl history. After being part of the s1 sealosers, he brought back this team to win a sb s2. Its funny too because 90% of his team were all rookies yet he helped train these players to be great. He won the sb s2 and kind of retired s3 only to come back s4 and be another successful coach for the broncos. While he team didn't end where they would've liked 00 still made a huge impact on his team. 13.HunterWoods Well this is another legend of nfl. This wr/cb has made a large impact on the nfl. He is a s1er who was an elite in his prime. s2 he was exiled if I recall but in s3-s4 he made his presence heard again. He is a great wr/cb but can also be a great backup qb if a qb doesn't show up or something. His career still is growing and im sure hunter is looking for a sb ring in the seasons to come. 14. WarOnCliff Anyone else remember this guy? War was on of the most elite players in this league s1-s2. He was a wr/cb and like many s1ers is retired but his impact to the nfl in these seasons was amazing. One of the few wr/cbs who could keep up with players like zepitus. while his career was short everything he did in his career was big. 15. Kevin120602 Probably the best De known in nfl history. This s1er made a career off rolls when they were legal. He could sack just about any qb and was a big factor for the teams he played on. Even after rolls were banned he still made a name for himself at De, idk if he is coming back s5 but his career as a de has exceeded what others expected. 16. RbLegendable All I need to say is. 3 rings, another sb appearance. Only player in nfl with 3 rings. Only player in nfl with 4 superbowl appearance. If this guy gets on your team expect great things to come because it seems like every team he goes to has a winning season. 17. ssj4vegetto This player is a top notch wr/cb in nfl. I probably should've put him higher on the list but its hard to take away from the other players. ssj has a ring s3 and a sb appearance s2. He is a always on winning teams and is considered a top 3 wr in s2-s4. He is very reliable when a jump pass is thrown because he can tj even qj at times. ssj really does affect every team hes on in a positive way. 18. BoogeyManHD This is one of the elite players in nfl. He is a s1er and is one of the more underrated players. In s1 he was a huge force and often times competed very skillful players. In s2 he kinda half retired but still got a ring on the hawks. s3-s4 he wasn't on the best teams but he helped those teams grow and improve each and every day with his talent. Boogey is a great nfl player with a great career but is retiring s5. He will be remembered for what he did. 19.ZooClues HEHE pulled that old name out of hat. Also known as zoohawked or vitalzoo, this elite wr/cb has had a big success in his career. He has a ring and is one of the better wrs s2-s4. Even with a suspension s4 he is still considered a top wr/cb for what he did s2-s3. He inspires the teams that he has played for and is a top 20 nfl player. 20. StrangeOBC Also known as 154k. this player is a s4 sb winner but that wasn't the prime of his career. In s2-s3 strange was easily a top 10 wr/cb and made the teams he was on more successful. He has kept a pretty lowkey career but he is a much more successful player than most people think of him. All around a good player, he can even de if you need him to. That is all for the top 20, after or during s5 there will be changes to this chart. Some people may have deserved to be on this list and honestly I probably forgot but heres a few players who I kept trying to throw in this top 20. Basechad, deusix, revy, Raymond, boss, supersayin, homerunman, 98, kingpanther, ximatt, hokage, force, faxu, murk, drgodder, thines, cylinical, and a few more that I cant think of off the top of my head. I know some people up here may not deserve to be up here but once again its my opinion, make your own if you don't like it.
#173654666Tuesday, September 08, 2015 4:20 PM GMT

id all like to add collio, jtt, and theawesome to honorable mentions
#173655866Tuesday, September 08, 2015 4:51 PM GMT

-hangs self-

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