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#173951879Saturday, September 12, 2015 5:11 PM GMT

This is my first forum RP, so bare with me... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The kingdom of Aya's capital city. Here are a few key locations. The Palace: It's a medieval RP. There will obviously be a palace. It's octagonal, with a guard tower at each point on the external wall. The palace itself is fairly huge (It's the nerve center of a wealthy kingdom). The Wall: Alright, so this kingdom didn't pop up overnight (It kind of did). There are a few different walls built as the kingdom-and the capital in turn-expanded. The first wall, containing wealthy families, government buildings, and the business district, is 9 meters. The second is 18 meters, and contains the residential areas and smaller businesses. As to be expected, there are guard posts in regular intervals along each wall. A few structures are sprouting up outside the walls, warranting another expansion soon. Rally Spot: This is where the troops will rally for marches, whether it's a parade or war. A cobble courtyard with barracks on all sides. One of the buildings has a balcony looking out on the plaza, where authorities or officials give orders and speeches before combat. Ayan Inn and Tavern: The largest and most renown lodging in the capital. With a very warm, crowded tavern on the ground floor, training rooms in the basement, and rooms climbing up all 6 stories. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's over. Now onto the basic rules. This is to prevent any undesirable role play, and create a friendly RP environment. 1. You know you're better than everybody else anyways. Don't act like it. If you think you know more than somebody, or you're smarter than them, don't be a jerk about it. It doesn't improve the situation, or your reputation. 2. Be reasonable. It's just unrealistic for any one man to wipe out entire battalions of trained guards. It's also unrealistic to assume any character can invade a palace full of elite guards and slit the king's throat. Along those lines, you can't just steal things and escape through an ally way. The kingdom is thriving, assuming the guards can't catch a simple thief is idiocy. 3. No mass-destruction. You can destroy stuff, it happens sometimes, but you cannot destroy the entirety of any key-location, and you cannot destroy the entire city all at the same time. 4. No godmodding (duh). This includes the unreasonable assumption that any one character is powerful enough to destroy legions of soldiers and guards. 5. Character limits: No deity, no death, and ask permission to be a noble. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally, this is the format for character set-up. Name: (And title, if any) Height, weight, age: Background: Skillset and Species: (What weapon/magic you possess, and what you are) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'll be the GM for now. Until we get good characters all up in here, I'll control the guards, the royals, and the tavern owner.
#173952994Saturday, September 12, 2015 5:23 PM GMT

Name: Lord Sam Ferdrick Height, weight, age: 6ft, 160, 29 Background: Sam Ferdrick was born into a long line of nobles in the kingdom starting with his great grandfather. At the age of 71 his grandfather died leaving the castle of Ferion to his father who sadly perished in a bandit attack on a royal carriage leaving Sam Ferdrick lord of Ferion castle about two or three miles north of the main kingdom. Skillset and Species: Trained swordsmen, great bowman.
#173955177Saturday, September 12, 2015 5:44 PM GMT

(Noble approved.) -Letter from HRH Queen Aya IV- Lord Ferdrick, there is much to talk of concerning your recent ascension to the position left open by your late father. The capital is nice in this season (Fall) and the king is returning from his conquests. I just know he'd love to see you, a shining symbol of endurance in this kingdom, upon his return. With adoration, Queen Aya IV. -End Letter- It has long since been known that Queen Aya has ascended the throne following the death of her father, King Frank II. The current king, Cornelius, has been absent for 3 years on a military campaign. The festival thrown in his honor will be known throughout the kingdom, and your appearance there will greatly affect public opinion. Now, the question must be asked, who else will join?
#175134468Monday, September 28, 2015 8:42 PM GMT

*id write a letter* --Letter-- Dear your majesty, I well be ever so delighted to attend the festival for the king's return though i am afraid i will have to be accompanied by my guard as recent attacks have been attempted on my life. I will see you in the coming days after i finish up my tax collection and get a caravan together. ----------end letter---- *id begin preparations choosing the best guards to accompany me and assembling a caravan*

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