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#174184257Tuesday, September 15, 2015 7:41 AM GMT

EOC Characters.--- Jason 'Dark' Anderson. A: 35. H: 6'4. Bio: Once Jason lost his family, except his brother and son from the nuclear strike in Blackout city, he joined the Insurrection. He now is one, and fights off the blood sucking mutants, and the Renaissance. He ventures out often, with his mask and armor, looking for supplies, and possible survivors.. He get's into deadly situations, but always finds a way to get out of them. He has a child, named Rob. But Rob disappeared during the Nuclear Strike. Jason hopes, one day he will find his only son, Robert. Robert 'Rob' Anderson. A: 36. H: 6'2. Bio: Robert lost most of his family in the Nuclear strike in Blackout City, him and his brother decided to move on and join the Insurrection. He tries his best to stay alive, he is a trained Martial Artist Fighter. He often ventures out, and looks for supplies, or people, sometimes with his brother, or not with him. Robert is mostly a independent man, he doesn't like being told what to do, or how to do it. He tries his best to keep him and his brother alive, and he hasn't failed at it. He is mostly friendly, sometimes can get angry, or agitated quick. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATF Characters- Jason Henderson. A: 24. H: 6'1. Bio: Jason grew up a tough life, he lost his parents at age 5, and he survived on his own for the rest of his life. He is now a trained Fighter, Survivalist Expert, and weapons expert. He does a lot of Parkour daily, and fights daily. He has many partners, and is a friendly person. He doesn't mind helping others, and tries not to hurt anybody if he doesn't have to. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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