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#174631288Monday, September 21, 2015 2:43 PM GMT

The Officer Guide for Lieutenant Colonel. MUSKET COMMANDS: Shoulder Arms (F) Make Ready (H) Present Arms (Aim) Fire (Fire) Also do Commands Like: Triple Fire, Volley Fire and Fire at Will etc. ADMINS: Colonel Gets Mod, Only Maréchal d'Empire gets Admin Abusing or Abuser? Report the Maréchal or The Empereur! If you abused or someone others did, he will be Demoted to Sergent. Does he do it again? Than its an Exile. OFFICER: Officer's needs to be Mature, Active and have Extreme Loyalty/Honor to the Empereur. TRAINING: If there are 10 People or less, ONLY 3 people can be Promoted not more! If there are 10+ People in Training there can be ONLY 5 to be promoted! OFFICER APPLICATION/TEST: Only General de Division can PROMOTE people to Lieutenant Colonel (No Free Ranking!) Maréchal d'Empire/The Empereur can PROMOTE people to Colonels RULES: 1. No Free Ranking 2. No Admin Abuse 3. Be Mature 4. Be Loyal towards The Empereur 5. Have Respect For Any Rank If we see you if you dont follow the rules, you will be demoted to Sergent. If you do again you can be Exiled! NOTE 1: Hail the Emperor as 'Mon Empereur' of 'His Excellency' NOTE 2: Hail Ranks Above You as: 'Monsieur'

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