#175390852Saturday, October 03, 2015 12:19 AM GMT

"Nobody reads your posts because they're so long. Instead of inflating it with useless crap, thin it down and include the most important parts only. Be concise. Nobody is here to read essays." Most of my longer replies are just quotes from the pervious person. If I never included the quotes, people wouldn't know what part I'd be addressing at that current moment, and would be confused. Even if it's simple, I include them in as a habit. Anyway, you see, in an argument or debate, it is expected for people to actually read eachother's arguments, no matter how long, as long as they are part of it. Rather common expectations.
#175390983Saturday, October 03, 2015 12:21 AM GMT

Actually, the most recent one which I caught him out for not reading it was literally 3 lines long, split off by pressing enter before the line was filled up. Definitely no excuse there.
#175391437Saturday, October 03, 2015 12:26 AM GMT

And anyway, there is a difference between simply not reading the argument, and saying that you don't want to read it because it's too long and asking for a shorter version than acting like you've read it, and trying to call the opponent an "idiot" based on the arguments that you didn't even read.
#175396701Saturday, October 03, 2015 1:34 AM GMT

Your arguments have been proven wrong. You repeatedly spew out nonsense as if your brain was made of mush. You support 80% tax. You act like a big man on the internet while in reality you are a nobody. You refuse to see facts. You stalk this thread even after you've lost all credibility in it because you have nothing better to do. Must I continue? Will you really comment again and further prove my points? What do you have to gain by posting such nonsense that is continually proven wrong?
#175397209Saturday, October 03, 2015 1:41 AM GMT

Another hilarious comment of yours: "Your game doesn't bring in any money for ROBLOX." lmao that's why even with the industrial revolution styled 80% tax I made $15,000 over Summer ($60,000 for ROBLOX). Get out with your empty claims and idiotic, toxic attitude. You do not belong near any of the other people who posted on this thread because to have them read your hilarious comments just damages their intelligence. You still have yet to prove even a single one of your points. So far, I have already proven: -Roblox takes 80% unless an OBC person buys (barely any players are OBC) -Roblox can cover all the server costs off the top 2 games and still have profit left over -ROBLOX's #8 spot makes $742,857 for them a year, so the top 8 would be making AT LEAST $10,000,000 for them a year -20% is a ridiculously bad rate that if was improved to a meager 50%, wouldn't make ROBLOX lose money. -Increasing the rate attracts better developers -Money isn't earned base on effort but based on how much money is brought in. -All of your arguments have been proven wrong Yet, I am almost certain that like a fool, you will once again comment.
#175399325Saturday, October 03, 2015 2:09 AM GMT

"Your arguments have been proven wrong. You repeatedly spew out nonsense as if your brain was made of mush." No, you haven't proven anything wrong. You're just sitting there expecting me to salute you every time I see you like your group members. "You support 80% tax. " That is because it is on a children's website, and the 80% should go towards the people who actually do things to earn money for said site. " You act like a big man on the internet while in reality you are a nobody. You refuse to see facts. You stalk this thread even after you've lost all credibility in it because you have nothing better to do." Ah, here it is. The "You're a nobody" argument. Of course the big hard, famous man would try to use that as an argument. Of course, that is the mentality of "You're not as famous as me, so you don't matter" -- I think this is the reason you refuse to see my facts, and continue to spray bull. You're not used to being shown up by someone who isn't as famous as you. "lmao that's why even with the industrial revolution styled 80% tax I made $15,000 over Summer ($60,000 for ROBLOX). Get out with your empty claims and idiotic, toxic attitude. You do not belong near any of the other people who posted on this thread because to have them read your hilarious comments just damages their intelligence." But you are STILL not answering my question. Where does that money come from? If someone plays your game, how does that earn ROBLOX any more, when your game is completely free to play, and any money earned is virtual currency (Tix or R$)? I've been asking this question for a few pages now, but you are NOT answering it. You are literally sitting there on a computer saying "My game earns money hurdur!" when in reality, it doesn't; It brings in Tix and R$ for yourself, and costs ROBLOX dollars. "You still have yet to prove even a single one of your points. So far, I have already proven: -Roblox takes 80% unless an OBC person buys (barely any players are OBC) -Roblox can cover all the server costs off the top 2 games and still have profit left over -ROBLOX's #8 spot makes $742,857 for them a year, so the top 8 would be making AT LEAST $10,000,000 for them a year -20% is a ridiculously bad rate that if was improved to a meager 50%, wouldn't make ROBLOX lose money. -Increasing the rate attracts better developers -Money isn't earned base on effort but based on how much money is brought in. -All of your arguments have been proven wrong" Hold on, let me try and use your mentality; "ur not as importunt as me so ur all wronggggg". Ah, I seem to have done well. But anyway, let me go through it all; "-Roblox takes 80% unless an OBC person buys (barely any players are OBC)" -- Of course ROBLOX does. They earn the money, it's theirs. Not yours. Theirs. "-Roblox can cover all the server costs off the top 2 games and still have profit left over" -- I know. That still doesn't mean they need to pay you the rest, just because you claim to get ROBLOX some money, when you don't. "-ROBLOX's #8 spot makes $742,857 for them a year, so the top 8 would be making AT LEAST $10,000,000 for them a year" -- No, they do not. You have still yet to provide evidence of this, something I have been asking you to give me for pages, now. I'd like an explanation as to where the $742,857 comes from, because, *mind blown*, ROBLOX doesn't get money from people playing their servers. "-20% is a ridiculously bad rate that if was improved to a meager 50%, wouldn't make ROBLOX lose money." -- They would. You haven't proven this either, another one of your false claims to try and fill up your greed. "-Increasing the rate attracts better developers" -- Which means they need to pay even more and hence lose more money. "-Money isn't earned base on effort but based on how much money is brought in." -- You haven't proven this either. Another false claim, that I have already addressed in previous comments. "-All of your arguments have been proven wrong" -- Noooooope. The moral here is that this is not a job, and you do not bring in money for the company that should make any money be directed towards you. Again, as I've stated, if you want a job for ROBLOX, you should go and actually apply for a legit job. If you are unhappy with doing that and just want a living sitting around doing nothing, do that, but be sure to not spend your R$ on anything and then come to S&I to complain. "Yet, I am almost certain that like a fool, you will once again comment." Oh, I can do that too! I am certain that, like any greedy moron would, you'd continue to defend this idea.
#175407815Saturday, October 03, 2015 4:21 AM GMT

Alright fine, burger king style: you can have it YOUR way I wouldn't challenge a game developer PERIOD, because for 1, you only have 2 active places with hardly any vists, you have got no say in any sort of game development matter and UNTIL YOU MAKE A GAME THAT GETS WAAAAAYY more famous and earns more money then Briano, leave the fourms or stop arguing, but wait, you are stupid, you act like you are the CEO of ROBLOX when your just another user who created a account on this website. 2, you cannot be reasoned with because you are a idiot, and you say your not, when that's exactly what a idiot would say, so shutup already, and go back to stuffing your pigeons and playing with Barbie dolls hypocrite.
#175407904Saturday, October 03, 2015 4:22 AM GMT

This whole thread has just turned into a nightmare. So im going to flaunt my space, this took me about an hour to make, r8 the pl8ce pls http://www.roblox.com/games/263619851/Indoor-Skate-Park #code sudo apt-get install a_life Tx11,520
#175407961Saturday, October 03, 2015 4:23 AM GMT

oh no roblox will become even more savage if it had to give away even more money
#175422674Saturday, October 03, 2015 12:58 PM GMT

not bad immy i wish i actually had the patience and the time to do those things mv /home/siggy /dev/null
#175424931Saturday, October 03, 2015 1:48 PM GMT

------- 'Your game doesn't make money. How would it?' Well, people buy things with robux in game such as gamepasses, and $ / Gold for houses, tanks, vehicles, etc. https://gyazo.com/b91c034ff4ddd45bbb87f8eb84996ba4 (Pending sales = things purchased in the past 2 days~) ------- You litrally called me a nobody which is ironic because you are a nobody. ------- You still fail to understand one of the basic rules of how the economy works. You are not paid based on how much time you spend on a game. You are paid based on how much money you make for a company. ------- As I said, none of your arguments have proof behind them. They're just empty opinions. All of my things have been proven right, once again. Yet, you still have to prove even a single one of your arguments right.
#175425089Saturday, October 03, 2015 1:51 PM GMT

support #code --hello there!
#175425133Saturday, October 03, 2015 1:52 PM GMT

Instead of this being an argument such as: A: "I don't agree because ________________" B: "Well, I can counter that because ___________" A: "Okay well then I guess you are correct" it is more like: A: "I disagree because _________. You are also a greedy nobody." B: "I can prove that wrong. ______________." A: "That's not true because ____________. You're still a greedy nobody." B: "Yet again, I can prove that wrong. ____________." ----------------------------- At this point, it's just an idiotic flame war that is getting nowhere and that is just wasting time. I'd sure you can see why this is becoming a waste for both of our time. So, godm, do you accept my offer to stop this idiotic flame war?
#175425476Saturday, October 03, 2015 1:59 PM GMT

I wouldn't see why you wouldn't support this. It's just true. ROBLOX earns a lot of money which they deserve, but it's a little too much. Let's face it, without top developers like Dued1 ROBLOX would be bankrupt. I can say at least 70% of the ROBLOXians have ever purchased a developer product, or gamepass. All of that money goes to ROBLOX and the developer(s) of the game. What about user made catalog items? A LOT of money gets earned there. Most clans buy their advertisements just from their uniform sales, they advertise with a lot of money. --not only developers use DevEx, some famous shirt makers do it too since they earn approximately 5 to 7 robux per shirt. Let me see, just for an example: http://www.roblox.com/Red-Adidas-Hoodie-item?id=108129063 That's a whopping 1042255 ROBUX if all the purchases were made with TIX and the TIX would be transferred to ROBUX at the current rates -- it's probably even more! #code --hello there!
#175428082Saturday, October 03, 2015 2:46 PM GMT

"I wouldn't challenge a game developer PERIOD, because for 1, you only have 2 active places with hardly any vists, you have got no say in any sort of game development matter and UNTIL YOU MAKE A GAME THAT GETS WAAAAAYY more famous and earns more money then Briano, leave the fourms or stop arguing, but wait, you are stupid, you act like you are the CEO of ROBLOX when your just another user who created a account on this website. 2, you cannot be reasoned with because you are a idiot, and you say your not, when that's exactly what a idiot would say, so shutup already, and go back to stuffing your pigeons and playing with Barbie dolls hypocrite. " So what this is; "You're not as famous, so your opinion doesn't matter"? Hilarious. If anything, this proves my point that he's just being greedy, expecting everything in the world because he's famous. @Brian, "Well, people buy things with robux in game such as gamepasses, and $ / Gold for houses, tanks, vehicles, etc. https://gyazo.com/b91c034ff4ddd45bbb87f8eb84996ba4 (Pending sales = things purchased in the past 2 days~)" But that is R$ and Tix, NOT real money. That R$ and Tix cannot translated in to real money, because it is not real money! "You litrally called me a nobody which is ironic because you are a nobody." No, I didn't. I've actually been saying that you're expecting everything you want because you are famous, which is the opposite of what you're claiming. And of course, this only aids my point that your only real argument is "I'm more famous than you". "You still fail to understand one of the basic rules of how the economy works. You are not paid based on how much time you spend on a game. You are paid based on how much money you make for a company." Maybe this could be a good argument for you if, I don't know, you actually made ROBLOX any money. "As I said, none of your arguments have proof behind them. They're just empty opinions. All of my things have been proven right, once again. Yet, you still have to prove even a single one of your arguments right." No they have not. This is all your argument has turned out to be; Me: "Here is my argument, a brand new one that hasn't been brought up!" You: "I've already proven that wrong!" Me: "Here's my explanation as to why you haven't proven that wrong!" You: "I've already proven that wrong!" "A: "I don't agree because ________________" B: "Well, I can counter that because ___________" A: "Okay well then I guess you are correct"" Oh, so you DO expect everyone to get down on their knees for you? "A: "I disagree because _________. You are also a greedy nobody." B: "I can prove that wrong. ______________." A: "That's not true because ____________. You're still a greedy nobody." B: "Yet again, I can prove that wrong. ____________." 1) I am not calling you a nobody. I have not called you a nobody, I have called you the opposite. 2) You are not proving my arguments wrong. You are ignoring them and claiming you've proven them all wrong already so you don't need to feel the embarrassment of losing to a "nobody". "At this point, it's just an idiotic flame war that is getting nowhere and that is just wasting time. I'd sure you can see why this is becoming a waste for both of our time. So, godm, do you accept my offer to stop this idiotic flame war? " As long as there are new points brought up on this, I ain't going to stop replying to them. An example, with Window. @Window, "Let's face it, without top developers like Dued1 ROBLOX would be bankrupt." Same with the thousands of small-time games that get one server up each day. Do we expect to pay each and every one of those? The majority of games me and my friends play are small-time. They tend to be my "main" games. Of course I still play the big ones because they are normally "party games" which are good for friends to play, but the majority of games I play, as well as the people I have conversed with in these games, are small-time. "I can say at least 70% of the ROBLOXians have ever purchased a developer product, or gamepass. All of that money goes to ROBLOX and the developer(s) of the game." All that money is Tix and R$, something ROBLOX can make with a few lines of code. "What about user made catalog items? A LOT of money gets earned there. Most clans buy their advertisements just from their uniform sales, they advertise with a lot of money." The money being moved around there are R$ and Tix. The majority of these clans get their R$ and Tix from place generated things such as place visits, or 10-tix donations. "--not only developers use DevEx, some famous shirt makers do it too since they earn approximately 5 to 7 robux per shirt. Let me see, just for an example: http://www.roblox.com/Red-Adidas-Hoodie-item?id=108129063 That's a whopping 1042255 ROBUX if all the purchases were made with TIX and the TIX would be transferred to ROBUX at the current rates -- it's probably even more!" But that is R$ and Tix earned. Again, something ROBLOX can make in a few lines of code. The excuse that games/shirts cause people to buy R$ isn't valid either, for two reasons; Not all Tix and R$ spent on these things are from sales. Most are from NBCs saving up 100 or so Tix or getting a wealthier friend to donate through buying a gear at their game, small-time place visits (Which is quite a lot of built up overtime), or BCs trading gear, which can make more R$ than the original $5 was worth. The other reason is that if this was the case for one developer, or some more, then all other developers would need it. If the reason ROBLOX did this was "We think our developers deserve more for bringing more money in to the community", then developers who can't use DevEx would be outraged. You'd be using their work to get more money for yourself. If you got an easy $100k, while still having a lot of R$ to spend leftover, and someone such as kinkocat, who is the current most popular game, got nothing because he's only BC, then people would be outraged. Anyway, who's to say that if I go buy 400 R$ right now for $5, that I'm going to use that for you? Everything is too vague to be able to decide who brings in more money. If one person started getting this, then everyone else would. DevEx is fair as it is; If you actually put effort in to your games, your community, and never spent your R$ or Tix, you'd get a good amount.
#175428897Saturday, October 03, 2015 3:02 PM GMT

1000 robux = $250 so it's easy to translate that into real money. https://gyazo.com/b91c034ff4ddd45bbb87f8eb84996ba4 That's 916,000 Robux gross. That's 130,8571 Robux net (I lost 30% due to the stock tax) Which is $16,357 net. Of which I get $2290, and Roblox gets $14,067. (80 robux = $1 net for ROBLOX, 1000 robux = $2.50 for me) (400 robux = $5 to buy from roblox) That's a horrific 14%. ------ Doesn't matter if they can make games or not. If a game makes them money, and it's not their creation, then that's irrelevant. There are countless companies that could make exact iPhone clones that can't because of Patents. There are also countless companies that also make smartphones, such as LG & Samsung, yet Apple still makes billions from smartphone sales. So you can see why that argument is also invalid. ------ In the past month, I've received 3,500,000 visits which is 4.6 tix per visit. (3500k divided by 760k) So, for 3500000 visits you get just under $100. (760000tix = 39850 robux = $99.5) Yet again, that argument is invalid. ------ As I said earlier: At this point, it's just an idiotic flame war that is getting nowhere and that is just wasting time. I'd sure you can see why this is becoming a waste for both of our time. So, godm, do you accept my offer to stop this idiotic flame war?
#175435998Saturday, October 03, 2015 4:41 PM GMT

"1000 robux = $250 so it's easy to translate that into real money. https://gyazo.com/b91c034ff4ddd45bbb87f8eb84996ba4" That's only if you purchase it. ROBLOX cannot turn R$ into money for themselves. "That's 916,000 Robux gross. That's 130,8571 Robux net (I lost 30% due to the stock tax) Which is $16,357 net. Of which I get $2290, and Roblox gets $14,067. (80 robux = $1 net for ROBLOX, 1000 robux = $2.50 for me) (400 robux = $5 to buy from roblox) That's a horrific 14%." If only ROBLOX could turn R$ into real money, and then maybe this would matter. "Doesn't matter if they can make games or not. If a game makes them money, and it's not their creation, then that's irrelevant." A game does not make ROBLOX money, and ROBLOX has already addressed the fact that when you upload something to ROBLOX, it is no longer yours, it belongs to ROBLOX. "There are countless companies that could make exact iPhone clones that can't because of Patents." But do they own the iPhone? No, they do not. ROBLOX owns this site, and anything on the site. If you upload a game, it is property of ROBLOX, this has already been stated by ROBLOX themselves on their Terms of Service, something you agreed to upon signing up and using the site. "There are also countless companies that also make smartphones, such as LG & Samsung, yet Apple still makes billions from smartphone sales." This isn't comparable to anything to this situation at all. You make games FOR ROBLOX. You agreed that ROBLOX owns all content uploaded to this site. Even if this wasn't in the Terms of Service, your game still does not make ROBLOX money. R$ and Tix cannot be turned into real money, as you've tried to state. "In the past month, I've received 3,500,000 visits which is 4.6 tix per visit. (3500k divided by 760k) So, for 3500000 visits you get just under $100. (760000tix = 39850 robux = $99.5) Yet again, that argument is invalid." Then perhaps you should stop spending your R$ and Tix on useless things, and maybe you'll stop complaining. "As I said earlier: At this point, it's just an idiotic flame war that is getting nowhere and that is just wasting time. I'd sure you can see why this is becoming a waste for both of our time. So, godm, do you accept my offer to stop this idiotic flame war? " If you wish to stop arguing, go ahead, but I don't care to stop as long as you continue pushing this idea.
#175438699Saturday, October 03, 2015 5:11 PM GMT

Your crumbling ego tells me you just want to make it look like you have one, when you really lost, your not even trying hard enough, you already lost, just surrender already and give up.
#175439333Saturday, October 03, 2015 5:18 PM GMT

"Your crumbling ego tells me you just want to make it look like you have one, when you really lost, your not even trying hard enough, you already lost, just surrender already and give up." But the thing is, I haven't lost. You just want to believe I did 'cause you've not been able to argue against my points.
#175442917Saturday, October 03, 2015 6:02 PM GMT

Oh my god. Please don't tell me you're being serious. No body could be this dumb. ------------------------ Obviously they don't turn robux into real money lmaooo People turn real money into robux. ------------------------ Games make ROBLOX money because people spend real money on robux and then spend robux on the games. With your idiotic logic, people who buy steam games with steam cards do not make steam any money. ----------------------- It makes perfect sense because your idiotic argument was that if ROBLOX can make games themselves, then games on ROBLOX don't mean anything. ----------------------- Are you seriously this dumb? Do you honestly think converting robux to $ can be called considered "spending your robux and tix on stupid things" ? ----------------------- If you want to keep posting idiotic comments that are proven wrong 100% of the time, then you are just wasting time and you should just stop for the good of everyone. ----------------------- Yet again, all of your 'arguments' have been proven to be false.
#175443226Saturday, October 03, 2015 6:06 PM GMT

A: "The world is round. I have proof." Godmullen: "It's actually flat, you idiotic greedy idiot. You do nothing for the world." A: "What? Heres some proof: ___________" Godmullen: "You can't prove me wrong. By the way, 2 + 2 = 5." A: "What are you babbling on about? Heres some more proof: ____________" Godmullen: "Greedy liar. You do nothing for the scientific community." A: "Are you being serious? How could someone be so dumb?" Godmullen: "You can't prove me wrong even with proof !!!!11"
#175444620Saturday, October 03, 2015 6:23 PM GMT

"Obviously they don't turn robux into real money lmaooo People turn real money into robux." Then you still haven't answered my question, which your post was apparently about. How does your game generate money for ROBLOX? When I asked this, you tried to say R$ and Tix. "Games make ROBLOX money because people spend real money on robux and then spend robux on the games." You see, this does not mean you make ROBLOX money. If someone bought R$, they do not buy it for specific games. The majority of purchased R$ tends to be spent on groups and ROBLOX-made items in the catalog, such as gears and hats. If I made a game, and someone bought a few gamepasses, does that mean I deserve a huge share of ROBLOX's income because I'm apparently making them money, even though nothing indicates that they bought the R$ specifically for my game? "With your idiotic logic, people who buy steam games with steam cards do not make steam any money." Steam games actually earn real money because when someone wants to play a steam game, they actually buy it, and steam cards also actually but the games. Steam users buy steam games, ROBLOX users buy ROBLOX game-- Wait, no they don't...They buy R$ and memberships. "Are you seriously this dumb? Do you honestly think converting robux to $ can be called considered "spending your robux and tix on stupid things" ?" *facepalm* That is not what I said, and I am rather disappointed that you even thought I said that. I said that if you want the most out of your earned R$ and Tix, don't spend it on things on the site. "If you want to keep posting idiotic comments that are proven wrong 100% of the time, then you are just wasting time and you should just stop for the good of everyone." But they haven't been proven wrong, as I have already said. This is just your way of avoiding the argument. "A: "The world is round. I have proof." Godmullen: "It's actually flat, you idiotic greedy idiot. You do nothing for the world." A: "What? Heres some proof: ___________" Godmullen: "You can't prove me wrong. By the way, 2 + 2 = 5." A: "What are you babbling on about? Heres some more proof: ____________" Godmullen: "Greedy liar. You do nothing for the scientific community." A: "Are you being serious? How could someone be so dumb?" Godmullen: "You can't prove me wrong even with proof !!!!11"" Oh, amazing! Congrats, so comparable to this situation and helps your argument tremendously. All of this is definitely accurate to absolutely everything we have been speaking about. I definitely believe that the world is flat, and that for you thinking otherwise you are somehow greedy. And of course 2 + 2 = 5, how can you disagree?! For thinking otherwise, you are greedy! Hublublu!!!! If you weren't able to catch that, that was all sarcasm. What you have done is try to make me seem like an idiot becasue it makes you feel better about you losing the argument. You have provided no proof to the majority of arguments, and the ones you did bring proof to...I agreed with! Weird, right? You lost the argument, and now you're only trying to make yourself feel better about it.
#175446891Saturday, October 03, 2015 6:48 PM GMT

To make it clear, I would of agreed with this if ROBLOX was to find a way to differentiate between R$ that was paid with real money, and R$ earned freely (Donations/Limiteds/DailyTix/Others).
#175447196Saturday, October 03, 2015 6:52 PM GMT

I feel terrible that we had such a childish, idiotic argument and flame war over this. To me, that sounds 100% fair. People who actually make money for Roblox by selling gamepasses to people who paid money for Robux (gift cards, pp, ccards, builders club) deserve the increase, as godmartin said, while the odd person who DevEx non-monetized Robux (saved up without BC, donations, tix) do not deserve an increase.
#175654263Tuesday, October 06, 2015 12:50 PM GMT

Can I make a map for modern warfare?