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#175430614Saturday, October 03, 2015 3:30 PM GMT

If you are going to leave a bug report, please don't just say "This broke", you need to give me a brief description of when and how the bug happened, thanks!
#175439116Saturday, October 03, 2015 5:16 PM GMT

This broke: You have to keep buying the same trails when you already have them
#175440831Saturday, October 03, 2015 5:35 PM GMT

(Painter) Paints: Green, Blue, Yellow, Red, Orange, Black, White Easy Mode: cars Normal Mode:Houses Hard Mode: Buildings 0_0 Its Known 0_0
#175444309Saturday, October 03, 2015 6:19 PM GMT

excuse me, I bought this pet, now I do not want it anymore. Is there any way to remove a pet? Or does it stay forever.
#175445232Saturday, October 03, 2015 6:30 PM GMT

why did you remove the mini map? it was super cwl
#175445873Saturday, October 03, 2015 6:37 PM GMT

When playing as a miner, equipping the gravity coil and putting it away will make you lose your jump boost that you normally have when playing as a miner
#175447793Saturday, October 03, 2015 7:00 PM GMT

race car driver has to drive a certain number of laps around a oval track student has to answer all questions correctly before time runs out, based off Science,Math,etc pet store worker has to feed pets so they don't die goal is to have no animals dead when time runs out prisoner has to escape jail before time runs out (make like a prison themed obby for each difficulty) cashier has to take a certain amount of orders correctly before time runs out (like work at a pizza place) deliverer has to deliver pizzas to certain houses (also like work at a pizza place) singer words appear on your screen and you must type them as fast as you can if another line of words appear before you type them then you either could lose or maybe you are just trying to type a certain number of words before time runs out (sorry if that was too confusing) prison guard stop AI prisoners or players who are prisoners from escaping jail (grounds keeper except with a pistol) bus driver pick up AI passengers and drive them to locations around the map swimmer do a certain amount of laps in your swimming lane before time runs out astronaut must control a rocket and successfully land it on the moon before time runs out (make a moon some where in the air, and have a tracker for this job they know where to go) dats it for now its not sarcasm its the truth
#175447901Saturday, October 03, 2015 7:01 PM GMT

Cashes on mobile.
#175452411Saturday, October 03, 2015 7:54 PM GMT

everything is all ###### up and ####### in the ###### please fix it because it is annoying to get passed everything
#175452643Saturday, October 03, 2015 7:56 PM GMT

storm chaser has to deploy a probe in the tornado before time runs outv #code local OP = game.Workspace.Idiot while true do existence.avi = false end
#175453279Saturday, October 03, 2015 8:03 PM GMT

That's how it works. You can only have one at a time.
#175453336Saturday, October 03, 2015 8:03 PM GMT

#175453438Saturday, October 03, 2015 8:05 PM GMT

There's a glitch where you can be a murderer and KILL IT! Muhahahahahahahahah!!!
#175453866Saturday, October 03, 2015 8:09 PM GMT

Musician: Choose an instrument, such as clarinet You need to press A,B,C,D,E,F,G On keyboard as shown on sheet music infront of you faster pace and more skips as difficulty increases Babysitter: Dont let kids get out of your range or make messes more kids as difficulty increases and more messes Farmer: For 30 seconds each, collect eggs from chickens, shear sheep, milk cows, and feed horses. President: write a speech sitting in your office, and for the last 30 seconds of time, you say the speech to a crowd. Dog walker: walk a dog past obstacles, such as fire hydrants, other dogs, if the dog is distracted and pulls you to the obstacle, youre teleported to start cooler than the other side of your pillow
#175457419Saturday, October 03, 2015 8:51 PM GMT

Can you make a #### core expert job?
#175457925Saturday, October 03, 2015 8:56 PM GMT

Other people can interfere with the plumber thing
#175458479Saturday, October 03, 2015 9:04 PM GMT

Bank Robber - Steal all the money without being caught Hacker - Hack into .... something e-e Since Halloween is coming maybe some Halloween jobs?
#175461707Saturday, October 03, 2015 9:42 PM GMT

i have a 6 story house and i joined a game of 2MT and i only had a one story house and my garage. can you do something about this?
#175467404Saturday, October 03, 2015 10:54 PM GMT

suggestion: potato farmer
#175468265Saturday, October 03, 2015 11:04 PM GMT

Suggestion: Pokemon Trainer You have to train your Pokemon to a high enough level to defeat the other Pokemon before time runs out. Maybe you can also make it to where you have to battle for a short time before battle runs out. Easy = Lv. 2 Normal = Lv. 8 Intense = Lv. 20
#175468498Saturday, October 03, 2015 11:07 PM GMT

This is a bug for the new job Exerciser:Every time you finsh it you get 0 tokens.Once i was on a server everyone was complaining about that.Please fix it. Thanks.
#175468690Saturday, October 03, 2015 11:09 PM GMT

That sounds awsome! Its me klc Do it!!!
#175475821Sunday, October 04, 2015 12:32 AM GMT

Survivalist: Survive on a island long enough, tools become more scarce as difficulty progresses. For the island, maybe three far off on the Sailor track? Superhero: Save all AI Citizens from baddies before time runs out. You can have a tracker locating citizens in peril. Inventor: Use tools to build a project based on your difficulty level. Easy: Man-Snail Normal: Oversized Swiss Army Knife Hard: Time Machine Teacher: Give AI Students or Player Students (See Below) pieces of paper and in 30 final seconds collect papers and grade them based on the performance. Student: Receive Schoolwork from AI or Player Teacher (See Above), last 30 seconds you become "Civilian" while Teacher grades schoolwork.
#175477008Sunday, October 04, 2015 12:44 AM GMT

Seems that no zombies spawn on grounds keeper job, at least on the server I was on.
#175477377Sunday, October 04, 2015 12:48 AM GMT

Blocks in the demolition job that travel too far away from the working area should count as destroyed

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