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#176368187Saturday, October 17, 2015 3:01 AM GMT

Name:Johnathan Payne 'J.P.' Bentley Height: 6'3'' Faction/Affiliations: The Iron Reich Sub-Group: Chancellor's Personal Guard - Border Brigade when Chancellor isn't around. Role: Sniper Age: 26 Gender: Male Ethnicity: English Nationality(Technical): American Background: J.P. Was raised in the woodlands of Appalachia, learning to make it on his own at a young age. He used stolen explosives to blow apart tree groves and sell the logs for his family to be able to escape the area. He eventually found The Black Widows and quickly signed on with them. He uses a sniper rifle for setting off explosives at long range, and carries a wrench. After being captured, J.P. defected to The Iron Reich and offered his skills as a sniper. He now wears his old cap from his first day as a BW member, to remind others of what he's been through. He is often quiet, and when he does talk, he has the accent of an Englishman.

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