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#176517101Monday, October 19, 2015 5:46 AM GMT

Read Part 1 here: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=176320004 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jim Jim spots the mysterious creature... "HOLY CRAP!" Jim Jim yells. He runs off in the complete opposite direction of where he's going and runs towards a cliff, screaming in fear. He jumps off without thinking. "That's gonna hurt..." he thinks to himself. CRACK! He hits the rock and passes out. He wakes up being dragged in a town. "What the heck, is that you, Puppy?" Jim Jim asks. "Sup." Puppy says, dragging Jim Jim. He lets go of Jim Jim. "I was chasing you earlier. I thought you were dead when you hit the ground, so I decided to see if I could sell you somewhere." Jim Jim looks around. "...Is my butt supposed to be on the front side?" Jim Jim asks. "No, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be on the back." Puppy answers. Jim Jim now realizes his neck is broken and screams in pain, passing out once again. He then awakens again to being slapped in the face, in a hospital bed, screaming again. "JEEZ! Calm down! We got you fixed, Jim Jim!" Puppy says. "Really? I'm okay now? Is my head in the right place?" Jim Jim responds. "Yes, but we have to earn 10 thousand dollars for the hospital bill." Puppy replies. Jim Jim gets out of bed, and jumps out the window despite jumping resulting in near death last time. In search of a job, he looks around. "Where are we anyway?" Jim Jim asks Puppy. "We're in Other Town." Puppy responds. "Oh look, there's Helga, fired an employee and threw him into the incinerator." Puppy says. "NOW BURN IN THERE, AND KEEP BURNING!" Helga yells loudly. "Hahaha! Classic Helga." Puppy says. "You think I could get a job there though?" Jim Jim asks. "Sure, just don't try to get fired or you'll get fired... for real." Puppy responds. Jim Jim goes to the food market on the sidewalk. "You're little and if you die you won't have anything to lose. You're hired." Helga says. "Have this package and deliver to the guy in that house right next to here." Helga throws the package at Jim Jim, knocking him on the ground. Puppy laughs uncontrollably. Jim Jim gets up and walks to the house, knocking on the door. A grumpy old man blasts it open. "I TOLD YA KIDS I DON'T HAVE ANYMORE CANDY!" The man yells. He slams the door shut. "It's Halloween, isn't it?" Jim Jim asks. "Of course it is, and he thinks you're trick or treating." Puppy responds. Jim Jim knocks on the door again. The man blasts it open again "I SAID, I DON'T HAVE ANYMORE CANDY! GET OUT OF MY FREAKIN' FACE YOU MORONS!" The man yells. "But we're here to deli-" Jim Jim says, before being interrupted by the door slamming shut. "Well that's great, we're gonna have to break in somehow." Jim Jim says. "Sounds more fun then giving it to him." Puppy responds. "Well glad you think so because we have to break in." Jim Jim replies. "Now how will we do this?" Jim Jim asks. (Insert Jeopardy think music here) TO BE CONTINUED...

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