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#176747702Friday, October 23, 2015 6:17 PM GMT

[ So yeah, this chapter might be a little short, depending on how much I want write on my iPad. There's an original thread where I asked if anyone would be interested in being in this story and a few people did so I decided to go along with it. I normally don't write scary stuff, but I do enjoy it. I'm normally asked to write something adventurous or humorous, since that's what my teachers think I'm probably more comfortable writing in. Also it might take a few days to get another part of the story up, since I have to write an essay for English and write a whole political manifesto for Citizenship in the two week - now one week - holiday I have. I haven't written much lately so excuse it if it is a little mediocre. I'm using your ROBLOX names, by the way. ] 1. ‘Introductions’ Hissey pushed himself between the massive rocks. The huge weight of stone pressed in on him, and a greater weight of terror squeezed him more. Without lubrication from the ancient growth of moss that coated the rocks he might never have made it though the narrow gap at all. ‘I could’ve died, WiFi. I’m highly claustrophobic and trying to get my phone out of there? Totally not worth it. I actually think I might throw up. Excuse me for a second.’ the blue-haired boy said plainly, his hand resting on his stomach as he vomited on the bed of leaves below him. WiFi opened his mouth to say something, but let it slide as the drama queen continued with his traumatising story. ‘Yep. Sometimes I regret a lot of things. This time I regret not taking the bikes down to the camp.’ he continued, gagging even more. ‘Alright then, Barden Bella. Get it all out, then let’s get moving again.’ WiFi retorted, facing the opposite direction of the puke. Or just generally looking away from the stomach-churning puddle of puke that was only below his feet. A few gagging sounds later, the two continued along the path to the campsite. ‘So... tell me again, who invited us to the campsite, again? And don’t say we weren’t invited, oh dear god, please don’t say we weren’t invited and I just saw you puke for a camping trip we’re not even invited to.’ WiFi warned, his face turning red as he raised a finger at his friend. ‘We’re not even invited, are we?’ The boy claimed, protesting as he stopped walking. He crossed his arms, waiting for the ‘Yes,’ to escape his friend’s mouth. The two began to walk down the path again. ‘Exactly. We’re not invited, but-’ ‘JESUS CHRIST, HISSEY!’ ‘- we got invited by Pick and Pawz. Caicee told them they could invite one extra person each, since there we’re extra spaces. Okay?!’ ‘Ah, right. Well, this is awkward. Sorry for shouting in your face buddy.’ ‘Spitting.’ ‘Spitting?’ ‘You were spitting in my face when you screamed ‘JESUS CHRIST, HISSEY!’ at me.’ ‘I don’t spit.’ ‘But you just spat at me right now.’ ‘You just spat at me.’ ‘WiFi, I’m not rude. I don’t spit.’ ‘So you’re calling me rude now?!’ WiFi grimaced, waiting for a response from the boy as they walked down the path, only a few minutes away from the campsite. At the campsite, Caicee greeted Yadomi. Yadomi reached for a handshake, but Caicee backed away. Weird. Yadomi had purple, spiky hair that would’ve caught Caicee’s eye the minute he walked through the entrance. ‘Hey, Caicee!’ Yadomi waved, a fake smile plastered across his face as he lugged a large suitcase behind him. Oh how he longed to be at home. ‘What’s up?’ Caicee replied, holding a baseball mask with demonic markings across all of it. ‘I have a question. What is that,’ he paused, pointing to Caicee’s baseball mask that kinda freaked him out, ‘and who are all these people?’ ‘Oh, this it’s for tonight’s game,’ Caicee laughed, punching him playfully on the shoulder, ‘and that guy over there, is Deshoras, or whatever you wanna call him. He’s pretty mysterious. And weird. I dunno, go talk to him, you’d guys would hit it off. That girl over there, that’s Kattniss. She’s super clumsy and idiotic. If this was a horror movie, she’d probably die through a rotten floorboard. That’s Pick, she’s les. Like super-duper-wooper-les. She’d be like a fun les shopping friend, y’know? And she’s also very sensitive, emotional and all that mellarky. That girl next to her is Purring. She’s quiet. And a good hider, apparently. She’s a great artist too. And that’s Tails. He’s pretty smart and stuff, and likes sammiches. Next to him is Pawz, good person. Be nice to her, she’ll be nice to you. And that guy is Damaging. He’s wearing a purple shirt, pretty nerdy and likes computers. WiFi and Hissey should be here soon. Anyway, I’ll introduce you to the others later... if they survive.’ Caicee finished. ‘Wait, wha-?’ Yadomi quickly said, his eyebrows were furrowed as his mouth was closed shut by the cold fingers of Caicee. ‘If they MAKE IT, some people have trouble travelling and stuff.’ Caicee quickly interrupted, laughing, walking and smiling at the same time, ‘anyways, happy Halloween dorkus.’
#176749681Friday, October 23, 2015 7:05 PM GMT

>im les thanks
#176749724Friday, October 23, 2015 7:06 PM GMT

you're welcome. i'll have a chapter more about you later, I've got some things planned for a few select people.
#176752907Friday, October 23, 2015 8:12 PM GMT

>I'm not in it. I feel like I've failed in life.
#176755450Friday, October 23, 2015 8:58 PM GMT

I’ll add you in a fashionable way.
#176813610Saturday, October 24, 2015 5:14 PM GMT

>Wears a purple shirt >Is nerdy >Likes computers Yay! Long live the purple shirt! ~ Brought to you by the certified purple shirt wearing, tap dancing, candy throwing, paper folding, water bottle taping wizard ninja pirate zombie clown soldier werewolf fox cowboy fairy. ~
#176813865Saturday, October 24, 2015 5:18 PM GMT

hmm what about me
#176814365Saturday, October 24, 2015 5:25 PM GMT

Yus! I'm important for once!
#176815953Saturday, October 24, 2015 5:50 PM GMT

cries where did i go wrong, i lost a friend, somewhere along in the bitterness
#176816465Saturday, October 24, 2015 5:57 PM GMT

hye hi yep um mm-hmm can you uh add me?..
#176819656Saturday, October 24, 2015 6:46 PM GMT

i'm sure the rest of this will be "add me"
#176825616Saturday, October 24, 2015 8:17 PM GMT

tru pls ansr
#176833936Saturday, October 24, 2015 10:37 PM GMT

thank you that word is rare for me
#176838388Saturday, October 24, 2015 11:51 PM GMT

ad me or i wil steel ur acownt11!1oen1!!! jk but add me pls
#176839530Sunday, October 25, 2015 12:10 AM GMT

Add me pls.
#176843789Sunday, October 25, 2015 1:20 AM GMT

Guys, it's too late for him to add you. He made a thread about earlier, so you should've said so then. ~ "Long live the purple shirt." ~
#176844186Sunday, October 25, 2015 1:25 AM GMT

I don't remember there being a thread.
#176844273Sunday, October 25, 2015 1:26 AM GMT

Could you like it to me?
#176845783Sunday, October 25, 2015 1:47 AM GMT

yes, i like it to you
#176845955Sunday, October 25, 2015 1:50 AM GMT

#176847202Sunday, October 25, 2015 2:09 AM GMT

. . .
#176847330Sunday, October 25, 2015 2:11 AM GMT

Well, I don't know how I would fit in it anyway. ;)

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