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#17676133Friday, December 11, 2009 1:06 AM GMT

What happened was, a black portal appeared and dragged us into a forest of unknown....what will happen? will you find your way back home? or not..? Character Sheet: Name: Race:(You can be anything you want to that's why it's UNKNOWN) Appearance: Gender: Age: Bio: My Character Sheet: Name: Emma Watson Race: Vampire (good) Appearance: Black hair, Brown eyes, a white t-shirt and jeans, looks like a normal human besides her fangs and pale skin Gender: Female Age: 16 in human years, 120 in vampire years Now we are ready to roleplay...this thread epikly failed on my other account, thought i'd try it again...
#17676188Friday, December 11, 2009 1:06 AM GMT

(Oh, forgot my bio.) Bio: Wasn't dragged into the portal, has been living in the forest of unknown
Top 25 Poster
#17676303Friday, December 11, 2009 1:08 AM GMT

Name: William Kenka Race: Human Appearance: Black and red sweatshirt,dark blue jeans,glasses,dirty blond hair Gender: Male Age: 12 Bio: He was dragged into the portal.
#17676357Friday, December 11, 2009 1:09 AM GMT

(Maybeh this won't fail since billy is here :D)
Top 25 Poster
#17676459Friday, December 11, 2009 1:10 AM GMT

(YEPZ L:D l:D) I fell onto the ground after falling out of the portal.
#17676599Friday, December 11, 2009 1:12 AM GMT

I sat on a rock by the portal and see William. (I can't remember your char name but I think it's usually William so I guessed xD)
Top 25 Poster
#17676705Friday, December 11, 2009 1:13 AM GMT

(RIGHT :DDDDDDDDD) "Hello?" I said.
#17676753Friday, December 11, 2009 1:13 AM GMT

"..Hello." I said, walking up to him.
Top 25 Poster
#17676956Friday, December 11, 2009 1:16 AM GMT

"What is this place?" I asked.
#17676982Friday, December 11, 2009 1:16 AM GMT

"The forest of unknown." I explained. "Who are you?" I asked.
Top 25 Poster
#17677032Friday, December 11, 2009 1:17 AM GMT

"William and do you know the way back to the town cause this weird portal brought me here" I said,
#17677187Friday, December 11, 2009 1:19 AM GMT

"No, unfortuantly I don't." I said to William.
Top 25 Poster
#17677226Friday, December 11, 2009 1:19 AM GMT

I smashed my head on a nearby tree. "Dang it" I said quietly.
#17677300Friday, December 11, 2009 1:20 AM GMT

"Uh, are you okay?" I ask. (your character is clumsy xD)
#17677505Friday, December 11, 2009 1:23 AM GMT

Name: Twillig Race: Gnome Appearance: Looks like Toon Link, only with a brown beard, brown pants, and a bronze badge with four stars. Also, wields a crossbow and quiver instead of sword and shield. Gender: Male Age: 129 in human years, 43 in gnome years. Bio: A four-star captain in the gnome military, has been living in the forest of the unknown.
#17677619Friday, December 11, 2009 1:24 AM GMT

Twillig: *is leading a gnome patrol through a nearby row of oaks* *swivels head to the left and notices Will and Emma* O_o *runs over* Hey there, Emma! Who's this?
#17677668Friday, December 11, 2009 1:25 AM GMT

"This is William, he's kinda clumsy.." I say, chuckling.
#17677837Friday, December 11, 2009 1:27 AM GMT

Twillig: *turns to Will* Howdy there, chap! Put 'er there! *lowers crossbow and holds out hand* (Incase anyone was wondering, "Put 'er there" means an offer to shake hands)
#17677897Friday, December 11, 2009 1:28 AM GMT

(billy Are you there?)
#17677947Friday, December 11, 2009 1:28 AM GMT

#17678003Friday, December 11, 2009 1:29 AM GMT

#17678035Friday, December 11, 2009 1:29 AM GMT

(Hang on, I'll PM him)
#17678112Friday, December 11, 2009 1:30 AM GMT

#17678169Friday, December 11, 2009 1:31 AM GMT

Name: Larka Fang Race: Animorphic (A person that can morph into animals) Appearance: Medium length white hair, dark blue eyes, a black t-shirt, black jeans, black DC's, and a black pinstriped fedora with a white ribbon around it. Gender: F Age: 17 Bio: N/A
#17678215Friday, December 11, 2009 1:32 AM GMT

Name: Lucian Race: Fallen Angel Appearance: 7 foot 8 inches, pale, long black hair, black eyes, shirtless with thick black monk pants and wings that are pure black and can appear and disappear when he needs them to. Gender: male Age: How old is the universe supposed to be again? Bio: He fell from heaven for his crimes and has found himself in a forest.

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