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#176855671Sunday, October 25, 2015 4:28 AM GMT

June 23rd, 2041 The FloraTech employee adjusted his tie as a drop of sweat rolled down his forehead. He was invited to a private meeting that none of his coworkers were invited to, which was odd. He opened the double doors that had the FloraTech insignia. The first thing he noticed was that the President of the United States and his top aids were seated next to him. He gasped, then dropped his jaw, but the President hushed him to sit down. The Employee looked around and saw the FloraTech top executives seated next to him. "Thank you, Alex, for joining us. We shall conduct the meeting." Said the President of FloraTech." Alex sat down in a comfy chairs as his attention was directed towards the President of the U.S. "FloraTech," began the President, clearing his throat after mentioning the company's name. "We are asking you for a great favor. As you know, many illnesses have been coming up in both Third World countries and First. These Illnesses seem to be resistant to many common antibiotics and commercial medicine. Since you've had success In turning famine stricken countries into lands of milk and honey, as well as developing 15% of most commerical medicine for the world, we're asking you to try and combat many of these diseases. The United States Government will fully back all research and development, as well as funding. There's a 3.4 billion dollar grant waiting for you. What do you say?" "We are fully interested in developing a way to combat this epidemic, Mr. President." Said the FloraTech CEO. "Ah, good. Let's meet again some day, shall we?" "Sure. Just remember: The Future of Humankind is counting on you. Good luck." November 15th, 2041 "Channel 10 News, live with reporter Jane Laurens. Jane?" "Hi Brian. I'm outside FloraTech Headquarters in North Carolina. CEO of FloraTech James Mchauffen has stated in a press conference today that the "Cure" for multiple illnesses that plague many countries has been developed. It has been approved by the FDA after extensive testing found no known side effects. It is expected to hit pharmacy stores sometime next week. That's all we have, Brian. Jane Laurens, Channel 10 News." January 26th, 2042 "Channel 10 News, live with reporter Jane Laurens! Jane?! JANE!!" "Help!" "What the?!" "I'm right here! There's plant people on the loose!" "Plant people?! Board Chopper 5, Jane!" "It's overboarded by these plant freaks, damnit! I can see that!" "Behind you!" "Huh? AAAAaaaaaahh!" The camera cuts to black. Brian Shorefield looks up, as if to say a prayer, then back down. He bites hid lip and twaddles his thumbs, obviously having no idea what to say. "Well folks... Uhm... I guess I'm in charge. I'm not going to start with 'Please remain calm,' because the opposite happens. But please, remain civil. Shelter your neighbors or friends. Remain in your homes." RULES 1. You know the drill. No godmodding, powerplaying, metagaming, spotlight stealing, 2. All actions are determined by common sense and logic. 3. Please don't have your character attempt to Rambo a group of plant zombies. 4. Please don't whine or complain over an outcome that isn't in your favor. If you, however, want to reverse the choice that led to your outcome, I shall do this once, and once only. 5. Enjoy the ISRP. Put "FT" in Other if you read these rules. 6. Please don't be a supermlgtacticool prepper. 7. You probably have many questions about what these plant zombies are. You'll find out when you join and advance further. CS Name: Age: Gender: Infected?: (required: yes/no) Appearance - Physical: (if infected put what character used to look like) Appearance - Apparel: (if infected put what characters clothes used to be) Mutation: (if not infected put N/A) Abilities: Inventory: (can include weapons, small handgun and melee only) Bio: Other:
#176855753Sunday, October 25, 2015 4:30 AM GMT

"plant zombie" thts rly rasiist 2 my kind
#176855859Sunday, October 25, 2015 4:31 AM GMT

Hey it's the first plant based apocalypse so I'm hoping you meant mark
#176861437Sunday, October 25, 2015 6:54 AM GMT

Marked, will make a CS when I wake up. I expect my cute redhead.
#176861692Sunday, October 25, 2015 7:03 AM GMT

[Hey it's the first plant based apocalypse so] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Last_of_Us
#176863238Sunday, October 25, 2015 8:08 AM GMT

marked because plants
#176864471Sunday, October 25, 2015 9:12 AM GMT

#176870518Sunday, October 25, 2015 1:19 PM GMT

@stilts in the forums at least
#176879276Sunday, October 25, 2015 4:07 PM GMT

#176896341Sunday, October 25, 2015 8:18 PM GMT

I'm now the first person ever to say "marked" and then actually make a CS on this forum. Also, I was informed that I'd be given "the hottest redhead imaginable." I would like to request that, instead, I be given the cutest redhead imaginable. I like cute things more than hot things, and that's the main reason why I'm going to prison one day. I'm assuming that the "abilities" section of the CS refers to talents and skills. If I'm wrong, please tell me and I'll revise that part of the CS. Name: Adam Venthral Age: 28 Gender: Male Infected?: No. Appearance - Physical: Adam is a man that, while young, has the look of an elder who's seen the world. His fair skin is home to several small scars littered about in various places. The most prominent scar is one that goes across the bridge of his nose horizontally, stopping on each side just below the start of his brown eyes, eyes that, while far from those usually attributed to blonde-haired people, still carry the blue of the ocean deep within. He stands at a height of 5'8 and has an above average build, which is most apparent in his arms. While above average, however, it's fairly clear that he doesn't work out in a gym on the daily for the sole purpose of building muscle mass. His build is mostly a result of his line of work. Or, perhaps more accurately, his previous line of work. His hair is a dark brown color, medium length and stopping just at the end of his neck. Typically, his hair is kept away from his face and forehead, though a few strands of hair still escape such a formation and are left dangling at his forehead, above his eyebrows. Clinging to his face is a short beard, a contrast to his hair being that it isn't very long or grown out. On the topic of his face, he seems to always have a solemn and calm expression, perhaps a testament to some form of inner peace. Or perhaps it's a guise, an expression worn by a man who sold the world, a man filled with some sort of anger at the world, and inner demons brought about by the world. A fine line is walked, then, by this man who is calm on the outside and full of rage within. The end of the world and order can change someone, and for Adam, it may not change him for the better and may be enough to push him over the edge. Appearance - Apparel: As of now, Adam is wearing a comfortable, plain grey t-shirt and a pair of dark brown cargo pants. On his feet is a pair of black biker boots with a buckle at the ankle. These boots go up only a bit farther than his ankle. On his left wrist is a silver analog diver's wrist watch. The watchface and rotating bezel of the watch are black, while all the numbers and markings are white. On the back of the watch is an engraving that reads: "Take care of yourself! With love, your sister." The most obvious part of his attire is a the very nice-looking black collarless leather biker jacket worn over his shirt, an article of clothing given to him as a gift from his sister for his 21st birthday. The zipper of the jacket isn't symmetrical, and is slightly to the right side of the jacket rather than being in the exact middle. There’s a pocket at the jacket’s left breast and on both sides of the jacket towards the bottom. Each of the pockets has a zipper of its own on it. On the jacket’s right breast is a picture of a grey and black globe, the black being the jacket itself. A diamond pattern arranged in a grid-like manner is on both shoulders, going down a bit to the bicep as well. This pattern is the same color as the rest of the jacket, the lines of the design being made through stitching. Typically, Adam wears this hand-made jacket fully zipped up. On the inside of the jacket, at the back, is written in light-grey ink: "For Adam: I'll always be with you. Don't forget to visit! With love, your sister." Mutation: N/A Abilities: Sailing, swimming, repairing his own motorcycle (he doesn't know his way around other vehicles very well, this skill was only learned for his own benefit), excellent navigator, able to handle melee weapons as a result of his build, somewhat proficient in firearms usage, and good at keeping his mouth shut. Inventory: Black 2006 Harley Davidson FLHR Road King Motorcycle with two leather saddlebags, the watch given to him by his sister, a change of underwear, and his wallet with identification, a bit of cash, and a credit card. Repair tools are kept in one of his motorcycle saddlebags in case his motorcycle breaks down (or in case he needs to hit someone over the head with a blunt object). Bio: It's certainly a rough world out there. Even still, no one should shy away from exploring that world. One of the most involved people in that school of thought is Adam Venthral. Adam was born to a cruel family, who was almost as abusive as they were annoying. Every day consisted of dealing with tough love and public education. Adam never got along well with anyone in school, mainly because he wasn't very fond of conversation. With the majority of people, anyway. All humans need social contact, and Adam's form of social contact came from his loving little sister. They took care of each other, since their parents weren't very good at it, and spent most of the time talking to each other rather than to other people. Adam's sister was the only person that Adam could really care about. They'd often go out to the beach to relax and get away from the home. During one of these trips, Adam looked out to the ocean and to the horizon and decided he was going to sail out and see the world. Adam's family had no money for college, and so, for a time, Adam was stuck as a salary man. He had aspirations of travelling out to sea, but no hope of making those dreams a reality. One day, Adam received a call from his sister, who was in her senior year of high school. Things were worse at home since Adam moved out to get an apartment and an office job. After some talking, his sister arrived at his apartment the next day. Adam continued his boring job, finding solace in returning home to his kind sister. One day, Adam returned home to what was perhaps the greatest gift from his sister. As it so happened, a Florida Senator that Adam's sister wrote to had taken pity upon Adam's life, and decided to help him fulfill his dream. The senator had given his approval for Adam to attend a government-funded maritime college, and Adam was off the next day. He left his apartment for his sister, who would go on to find work as the chef for a well-renowned restaurant. Adam went through the maritime college, and during this time in college, his sister sent him a nice jacket. After graduating, he returned home to visit his sister. As she knew that Adam would spend much time at sea, she bought him a vehicle that could easily fit aboard a ship. That is, a 2006 Harley Davidson FLHR Road King motorcycle, with a nice black paint job. Adam spent a few months with his sister, before having to go off and find a job with his new education. He eventually found himself a job aboard a cargo ship. Going to a college that required a senator approval to attend meant that Adam could climb up the ranks on the ship quickly, becoming the captain at a young age. Whenever the ship stopped at a country, Adam would take out his motorcycle to explore, before returning to the ship for another trip out at sea. As being out at sea could last several months, Adam was always given several months' vacation between working cargo at sea. During this particular vacation, Adam elected to travel the United States on the motorcycle bought for him by his loving sister. At the end of his trip, he planned to head to Florida for the remainder of his vacation to be with his sister. Though, things don't always go according to plan. Before Adam was done with his motorcycle trip, news of plant-people struck. As of now, Adam is taking shelter in a motel. But, he doesn't plan to wait this out. He worries about his sister. Soon enough, he'll be back out on the road. But this time, instead of watching for pedestrians, he'll be watching out for plant-people. Other: FT
#176908954Sunday, October 25, 2015 11:12 PM GMT

notice him rock
#176912404Sunday, October 25, 2015 11:58 PM GMT

( i was out the entire day forgibe me pls) Accepted. Your thread will be up shortly.
#176912677Monday, October 26, 2015 12:02 AM GMT

#176915968Monday, October 26, 2015 12:45 AM GMT

#176916193Monday, October 26, 2015 12:48 AM GMT

also i might be roller waitress girl
#176917493Monday, October 26, 2015 1:04 AM GMT

go ahead
#176924327Monday, October 26, 2015 2:23 AM GMT

#176925472Monday, October 26, 2015 2:40 AM GMT

i can be plant monster right
#176925670Monday, October 26, 2015 2:43 AM GMT

Name: Bob Age: -10000 Gender: I don't know? Infected: Some parts are appearance: green face with leaves for hands and a big petal on face apparel: NONE! Mutation: You'll find out. Abilities: Kissing. Inventory: Nothing Bio: i don't know other: is a plant
#176925705Monday, October 26, 2015 2:43 AM GMT

You can minun
#176926113Monday, October 26, 2015 2:50 AM GMT

#176926980Monday, October 26, 2015 3:04 AM GMT

CS Name: Riley Caius Age: 25 Gender: Female Infected?: No Appearance - Physical: Riley is a French non-Hispanic White woman who has light brown hair. Her eye pupil color is brown. She is overall 5'7, weighing 132 lbs. She has a light body form. Appearance - Apparel: Riley wears her drive-in diner uniform, which is a white polo shirt, which was carefully ironed. She also wore her red skirt, which is A-line styled. For skates, she is allowed to wear any kind of skates, so she wears plain white inline hockey skates with white laces. Mutation: N/A Abilities: Good skating skills, slightly faster reaction, a bit smarter Inventory: A photo of the second prototype of the Project 20th android project, which includes a late 70s Harrison Ford android with Daniel Caius, captioned "Daniel Caius with CLONE_NUMBER:_07_13_1942". And her purse. Bio: Riley was born as Sam's grandson. She had an average school life, but she didn't go to college. She had first worked as a police officer, got married to a Canadian man and raised a child named "Darius". She had heard about the Project 20th project and adored it. Her 2nd job was as a drive-in diner roller waitress. Now, as she was getting ready for work, the apocalypse had started, leaving her with her 5 year old son and her husband named "Matt", the same man she was married to during her police woman job. Other: FT
#176927346Monday, October 26, 2015 3:09 AM GMT

Accepted. Thread shall be up shortly.
#176927761Monday, October 26, 2015 3:16 AM GMT

#176927959Monday, October 26, 2015 3:19 AM GMT

So basically a bunch of dopeheads.

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