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#176961614Monday, October 26, 2015 9:00 PM GMT

Plot: 2604, the century of space. The great human empire that was predicted to have crumbled before they can reach the space age has yet again proved the impossible and has conquered the solar system we know today. This surprise reached the attention of a alien empire to return interest in humanity, hoping to destroy it before a new empire is created, but it was too late. Humanity has technology that is able to meet that of this empire, and attacking it would lead to a universal war. Due to this, the two new empires are left stagnant, almost like a cold war, as they continue to develop technology. The human empire grows rapid, but threats in the forms of military, pirates, and mercenaries attempt to slow down their growth in an attempt to keep them out of the picture. Overview: Essentially, this RP does not require you to follow the plot. You may be allowed to be a pirate, a merchant, or a soldier of any race. This is a free-roam RP. You give the choice, I give the outcome. Private means only certain people can be in this. You will know who you are. Races: You are allowed to create your own race, as long as you give a short description of its appearance, and a small bit of history. Can also come up with its own home planet. These are just examples of defaults. Humans: Self Explanatory Titans: Subaquatic humanoids generally taller and slimmer than humans, whose civilization was found under the large tides of Holben. Two large eyes colored mostly red and black. They have skin that are shades of blue that is able to "sting" like a jellyfish. However, this is controlled by the individual. Most Titans have no hair on their body, but have tough hair, which cannot be cut, with color varying from black, brown and blue. Locations: Locations are also something you can make up on your own, namely planets, but are limited to the two Galaxies, The Milky Way, and Andromeda. Here are some more default locations. Sun District (The Solar System): The world where humans. It includes the Solar System, and half the Milky Way. It nurses home to the Human Empire, and though it is smaller, it is much more stable in economy and growth. Jupiter: Military grounds for the human military known as Squadron 26. Bases are built using large balloon-like structures to float on the gas giant(basic technology to settle on gas giants), and it is almost impossible to access using a specialized breathing vest designed for humans. Holben: What we know as the Andromeda Galaxy, which is completely controlled by the empire of Titans. The largest empire in the GU, but is difficult to enforce and therefore is essentially a birthground for crime, including pirates, in the outer rims of the galaxy. Jungion: Military base of the Titans, located far deep in water that only trained Titans can reach without special equipment. It is structured into the ocean floor, but also dives into a trench, in only the most experienced can actually go to without vehichles. Citadel:Ground of the human black market, which is sparsely spread out in many planets located in the outer rims of Holben, protected by essentially a militia force involving many races. Rules: 1. Romance and foul language at your own risk. 2. No godmodding 3. I'm offering a lot of freedom, so please don't abuse it. 4. Be active. 5. Have fun. 6. Crystal/Hydre is the other admins. Character Sheet: Name: Age: Gender: Race: Role(Pirate, soldier, whatever you want): Crew(optional. Who you start with. Can be with other RPers or NPCs): Ship(optional. if in crew, only captain can describe it. How it looks and how it maneuvers): Location: Appearance/Clothing: Bio: Others:
#176964781Monday, October 26, 2015 9:48 PM GMT

Name: VIBS-628 Age: N/A Gender: Male [?] Race: AI Role: N/A Crew: N/A Ship: N/A Location: Located under a few inches of rubble and debris on a trashed, dark planet known as Vokia. Appearance/Clothing: VIBS are all designed with a sleek, white humanoid body. Their complex wiring and coding is hidden under soft plates of shining silver. Many of their body parts, mostly anything that can bend, twist or move - shoulders, elbows, fingers, knees, neck, to name most - are all covered in a dark, almost black, gray. With a bald, oval head and no nose or mouth, VIBS have a black screen where their eyes should be, looking almost like some kind of raccoon. Their two "eyes" appear on this screen, looking like blue spheres that can change shape and move around the black screen. However, these aren't their true eyes, and they're only there to make VIBS look friendlier and show some sort of facial expression or "emotion." Bio: Made eons ago, VIBS was meant to be an intelligent, versatile soldier. However none of the few made never had any use, or never had the chance to have a use, before they and their civilization were wiped out in a cataclysmic extinction event. Others: Abilities/gadgets - Plasma Cannon - His right arm is capable of quickly shifting into a black cannon capable of firing electric-blue plasma in four modes; the first mode lets him fire slow yet large and powerful bursts of plasma that explode on impact. The second mode allows VIBS to fire a constant plasma particle beam without pausing, but it's very thin and weak and doesn't explode. The third mode is easily the weakest, but it fires small bullets of plasmic energy as fast as a minigun and uses a large amount of energy. Lifting Beam - Both of VIBS' palms have a glowing circle on them. This circle shoots out a medium-range beam that traps and stops any object it touches. While it can be used for defense with great skill and practice, it is mostly used as a utility tool to lift objects that VIBS' arms cannot handle. Jetpack - Hidden within his back, VIBS has a pair of fuel jetpacks used for propulsion. Detachment - As a bit of a last resort practice, VIBS' arm and leg joints are designed so that they can be detached and reattached if they're in an emergency situation. However, for utility, VIBS' arm joints, when detached, hover and float, magnetically connected to the shoulder joint. When any part of his right arm is detached, he cannot use his plasma cannon. Consciousness Transferal - VIBS have the ability to transfer their consciousness to certain ships. When playing as the ships AI, VIBS has the ability to control all systems of the ship; movement, weaponry, gravity generators, etc.. VIBS are vulnerable at this stage and it's not done often.
#176964912Monday, October 26, 2015 9:49 PM GMT

Three modes, not four, I noted that fix to myself and kept reminded myself to change it but crap
#176964997Monday, October 26, 2015 9:50 PM GMT

(We're doing private RPs nowadays? Jesus, we have became archaic again , haven't we?)
#176965232Monday, October 26, 2015 9:53 PM GMT

change VIBS to FIBS because yee. And ultra, this RP's only private because the last thread became an unbearable clusterfyuk
#176967269Monday, October 26, 2015 10:21 PM GMT

(@ultra yes we have) Name: Arthur Riemann; goes by Art Age: 29 Gender: Male Race: Human Role(Pirate, soldier, whatever you want): Smuggler Crew(optional. Who you start with. Can be with other RPers or NPCs): Matthias, Duke, Nina, and some ghosts Ship: /bb1eeeI Location: Sun District Appearance: Art has straight hair swept to the left, colored a dull brown like dark chocolate. He stands at 5'10" and has a lean body. His eyes are large, with gray irises and a distant stare. Clothing:Tan aviator jacket over a fitted black undershirt. Wears blue jeans and brown boots, and a racer's ring on his left middle finger. Bio: Art used to be a pilot racer and was rather good at it. He received his ring after beating the galactic champion Frido, a veteran pilot from the planet of Gilesse. He got involved with drugs from the Citadel, and was exiled from the racing community. He eventually rehabilitated and a Titan named Kandu took him under his wings and trained him to be a smuggler's pilot. Art got involved with a smuggling crew which became the most valuable smuggling crew working for the Citadel. After his crew's actions of destroying the shipments as an act of protest against their current leaders, Gideon and Jericho, bounties were sent to take them alive and Art was captured. He now resides in the Sheriff's office in Cordwell. Others:
#176976412Tuesday, October 27, 2015 12:35 AM GMT

Name: Darren 'Antorak' Bartley Age: Unknown, though at the moment 'he' inhabits the body of a man in his thirties. Gender:Technically Male Race:Unknown alien entity possessing a human body Role(Pirate, soldier, whatever you want): Pirate, Smuggler, Cargo Runner Crew(optional. Who you start with. Can be with other RPers or NPCs): The Eidolon is capable of operating with only a single crew member. Most functions are handled by the revolutionary AI known as Kiria. During the three month period where the crew was attempting to 'break into' Kiria, data was significantly corrupted and now 'she' has a strong vicious streak in her simulated personality. Ship(optional. if in crew, only captain can describe it. How it looks and how it maneuvers): The Eidolon, more commonly known as the Rusty Courier. At one time the Eidolon was a experimental top of the line stealth destroyer sporting the best technology humanity had to offer. In fact, it still IS a top of the line stealth destroyer. Though this fact is covered up by many layers of alloys. For the Eidolon is known as the Rusty Courier now, it's true nature obscured by the hull of a super cargo ship literally built around the original Eidolon. In its current form, the Rusty Courier handles like the large unwieldy vessel it is, a long bulky ship that looks rather boxy. However it sports the Eidolons extremely powerful engines that give it an unexpected high speed. Location: Enroute from the Citadel to the Sun District Appearance/Clothing: Antorak is wrapped up in padded layers of grey clothing to conceal the changes happening to his stolen body complete with a helmet ostensibly used for life support thanks to a crippling injury in the lungs. The reality is that while Antorak looks human from this position, standing at 5'8 with a reasonably muscular build, he is an abomination as the alien within eats out its human host. Antorak's brown skin is rather leathery to the touch, with patches of it being translucent and a chitinous shell showing under. One eye is a pale blue, the other a myriad of colors that seems to change every day. Antorak also sports retractable claws concealed beneath his gloves and boots. Bio: The story of Antorak begins with the story of Darren, a human male born in the Sun District. For whatever reason Darren was driven to piracy at a young age, moving to the Citadel and making a name for himself as one of the most feared pirates in his day. His crowning achievement was the successful capture of the latest human warship, the Eidolon, a highly experimental destroyer that utilized stealth technology. However what would've been the crown jewel of his life of piracy quickly turned sour for Darren. The Human Empire had sunk a lot of money into the Eidolon and were unwilling to let it simply go to some band of pirates. Darren and his crew were hounded relentlessly with huge bounties being posted. Darren began to grow increasingly paranoid, and coded the Eidolon's AI, Kiria, to respond only to him in fear of mutiny. This wasn't enough to deter Darren and hatching up an elaborate plan he orchestrated the supposed destruction of the Eidolon before then sending the actual Eidolon to a backwater planet known as Inashor. There Darren built the frame of a standard super cargo ship around the Eidolon, rechristening his vessel the Rusty Courier. Yet such a plan relied on the trust of men used to backstabbing and deception, and so things went wrong. Darrens crew betrayed him on Inashor, mortally wounding him and leaving him to die on the planets barren surface. And that would've been the end of Darren Bartley, the once legendary pirate that everyone, the human Empire, his crew, thought was dead. Indeed he WAS dead. But as his body lay there, it's last blood seeping into the unyielding ground, it melded with something unique. An alien organism never seen before. This organism entwined itself with Darrens corpse, drawing on his memories, gaining his intelligence, his personality, his memories...his need for revenge. Eight hours after Darren Bartleys body fell, it rose again to avenge itself. Initially, this organism, who would later come to call itself Antorak, was indistinguishable from Darren, and indeed thought of itself as Darren. Three months after those fateful events on Inashor, the Rusty Courier was picking up cargo at the Citadel when a man boarded, a man they all thought dead, a man who moved with a decidedly inhuman strength and agility, slaughtering the crew with the aid of the ships AI, still coded to respond to Darren Bartley and reclaimed his rightful prize. Eventually, the organism diverged from Darren, distinguishing itself as Antorak, and trying to define itself as its own personality, rather than a mere photocopy of Darrens s.ad.i.sti.c personality. Now Antorak performs smuggling and cargo runs on the Rusty Courier. Others: Abilities Antorak possesses strength roughly twice that of a normal adult human male and three times the flexibility and agility. He is capable of seeing in several different spectrums of light and is significantly more durable than a human. Antorak is also capable of gradually adapting his stolen human body to hazardous conditions. "Sure"~Romuluz 2014
#176976682Tuesday, October 27, 2015 12:39 AM GMT

Whoa what Am I still in or do you all switch to hating me now?
#176979185Tuesday, October 27, 2015 1:16 AM GMT

(Accepted) (Not hating but you were kinda inactive so I was advised to not add you. Sorry)
#176979253Tuesday, October 27, 2015 1:17 AM GMT

I was inactive because I was waiting for a reply from you. And before that it was just because of stuff. I do go to school, and I live on the west coast.
#176980390Tuesday, October 27, 2015 1:33 AM GMT

Could I get your skype stuff? I'm on a new PC while mine is in the wash.
#176981298Tuesday, October 27, 2015 1:47 AM GMT

(Am I in?)
#176981850Tuesday, October 27, 2015 1:55 AM GMT

Name:Duke 'Holy Christ Did you Just Dropkick that Man?' Ryan Age: 35? I forget Gender: Yes Race: Pale Role(Pirate, soldier, whatever you want): Unofficial squad medic Crew(optional. Who you start with. Can be with other RPers or NPCs): The Squad, also ghosts. Ship(optional. if in crew, only captain can describe it. How it looks and how it maneuvers): My DSF Buschemy Location: A Hotel Appearance/Clothing: Just look up Raoul Duke, stupid. Bio: Wew Others: Lad
#176981938Tuesday, October 27, 2015 1:56 AM GMT

#176981981Tuesday, October 27, 2015 1:57 AM GMT

A shame this is private; it has loads of potential. Also who is invited? Put a list pls.
#176982405Tuesday, October 27, 2015 2:03 AM GMT

A list of people confirmed in; TheLegoGamerDude bebi Me Deshoras InsidiousRogue Superboy something something Some other person, unsure of her account name yet Wifi of course There's definitely a few I'm missing, and these are just the planned people, so there'll be a few more, and the rest is up to wifi.
#176984066Tuesday, October 27, 2015 2:30 AM GMT

( but I was the first person to even make a CS ;_; )
#176984487Tuesday, October 27, 2015 2:36 AM GMT

(whew, marking. and pirate's cs was pretty cool, i read it.)
#176986971Tuesday, October 27, 2015 3:29 AM GMT

Name: Nina Pelizolli-Waters Age: 27 Gender: Female Race: Human Role(Pirate, soldier, whatever you want): Co-Pilot of the DSF Buschemy Crew(optional. Who you start with. Can be with other RPers or NPCs): Matthias, Duke, Art, and the ghosts. Ship(optional. if in crew, only captain can describe it. How it looks and how it maneuvers): Location: Sun District Appearance/Clothing: Nina is a thin, tall figure, standing at 5 feet and 7 inches. Her skintone is somewhat tan, although not too much. Her facial features are round, despite her thin and oval-shaped, small face. She has nothing exceptional like freckles or dimples, the most interesting thing being her emerald eyes which have become less and less bright with the thrill and lack of sleep that comes with being the co-pilot of a smuggler ship being haunted by possibly the two largest intergalactic criminal kingpins to have ever been double-crossed. Anyways, her long, wavy, easily-tangled hair is of dark auburn colour, usually confused with brown unless it's a well lit environment. Her hands have plenty of burns, one recently acquired after being hit with a laser while hauling ass with Matthias. She usually wears a gray and white sherpa hat with a dark green windbreaker, a white shirt underneath, a pair of aviators, and a pair of black pilot pants with brown boots. Bio: Promising pilot, economic downturn, family murdered, turned to smuggling. Others: No.
#176987153Tuesday, October 27, 2015 3:34 AM GMT

Name: Matthias "Käsi" Kästner Age: 28 Gender: Male Race: Human Role(Pirate, soldier, whatever you want): Gunner for the DSF Buschemy Crew(optional. Who you start with. Can be with other RPers or NPCs): Duke, Art, Nina, and the ghosts. Ship(optional. if in crew, only captain can describe it. How it looks and how it maneuvers): Ubermensch-gunner-Herr-Zerstörung of Art's ship. Location: Sun District Appearance/Clothing: Matthias is somewhat tall, standing at 1.82 meters tall, weighing around 76 kilograms. He's not too muscular or athletic, but he's fit to man the defenses for a spacecraft and at least when faced with arrest, he can run away quickly. His skintone is pretty pale, considering his Deutsche-ness. He has somewhat slightly-longer-than-medium-length hair, really dark brown, really unkempt for the vast majority of time, usually getting tangled with his glasses in the front at times. His weary-looking, sleep-deprived eyes are equally brown, but rather very light brown. His angular face is dotted with a few freckles, and he has a tiny 3-cm, barely noticeable scar on his lower left cheek, although this is from an accident in his childhood. Matthias wears a black jacket with 3 white stripes going along the shoulders. Underneath lies a shirt resembling those worn by the Deutscher Fußball-Bund in the 21st century. He wears black pilot pants with really worn green and white/gray sneakers. He also wears glasses, rectangular framed and light. Bio: Through many different adventures which may or may not include illicit-substances, he decided to call DSF Buschemy his home, along with the rest of the crew. I 'unno what to write, I'm in a hotel and I've been somewhat busy. Will think of something better later. Otherns:
#177024592Tuesday, October 27, 2015 10:39 PM GMT

(okay lets start. sorry to disappoint if you're not in it) Arthur wakes still in a seizure from the taser bolt that implanted itself in his neck. What happened? His vision was unclear. He remembered landing the ship far down the city but that was all. No recent memory other than the ship landing and the taser shot. He looked around the room. Iron bars served as walls as he laid on a crude bed made up of old planks. This was jail. No doubt about it. He even saw the sheriff's office right down the room, but other than that there seemed to be no cops. Sheriff's office, plank beds, iron bars, this wasn't an advanced city. This was a history city, one of those old Earth cities that predates technology. This was Cordwell.
#177025056Tuesday, October 27, 2015 10:45 PM GMT

(am i in)
#177025087Tuesday, October 27, 2015 10:45 PM GMT

#177025119Tuesday, October 27, 2015 10:46 PM GMT

#177025149Tuesday, October 27, 2015 10:46 PM GMT


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