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#177045799Wednesday, October 28, 2015 3:36 AM GMT

This is what I've got so far in a journal of mine, for a rewrite of a story that I wrote called Tales of Infinity. Warning, content may be a bit gory, so if you're not a fan of that sort of thing, I suggest you leave. ------------------------------------------ "How long has it been? I can't tell. I just know that I've been a human shish-kebab for way too long.I'm thinking clearly, so that's a good sign. Maybe the water helped, after all." I say to myself. I barely notice the pain of three separate spears of wood embedded in my chest. I've either gotten used to it, or I've gone insane. I'm guessing it's the second one. My name is Blue. Don't ask me my last name, reader, I can't remember it. It's been too long... too painful. Fog clouds my view of the area around me, the same way it has clouded my view of the world for four hundred years. I'm serving a sentence of several life times, all for something that I was born with. I suppose you could say that I can live forever. Nothing can kill me... and that's a tested fact. I could start at any point in my miserable life to prove it. Well, most of it has been spent impaled on three spikes, so... yeah. I can remember what happened as clear as day. It was my 16th birthday, and my family was celebrating. We were poor, but we didn't live like it. I suppose I was too old to be having parties, anyway, but as my father said, it's good to be alive. Back then, I actually believed that. It was that fateful night that the king issued a proclaimation: Any persons believed to be capable of eternal life must be punished. For what reasons he did this, I have no idea. Action was swift. The soldiers knocked down our door, and took us prisoner. They split us up- my parents were brought to the capital, apparently, and me and my sister, Jannet, were tested at the ancient Fort Dalsma. When I say "tested", I really mean brutally tortured and destroyed. Several times over. My sister was the unlucky one. The first test done on her... well, she wasn't immortal. She died after 10 torturous minutes of screaming. I, on the other hand, was unable to die. My body was drenched in oil, and then lit on fire, multiple times. They even used magic to completely destroy me. Each time, I reformed. Each time, I felt unspeakable agony... I was violated countless times. To say I don't still have nightmares about it would be a lie. Every night, I relive that pain. As I think about this, I realize that I feel a stabbing pain in three parts of my chest. It grows more and more agonizing. Several days ago, when I felt this pain, I wasn't able to scream. I was too dry. Now, though... The once tough-as-nails-trouble maker Blue screams at the top of his lungs. His scream echoes throughout the valley, into the village nearby... ------------------------------------------------ I didn't rewrite this by choice. The other version might actually be better than this- I just can't find it to save my life. If you've read this far, expecting more gore, if I find the other version, you might be happy. I'm a bit unsatisfied with my original events of the story that took place after Blue get's rescued, because it turned from a darker story to a much brighter one. Suggestions for events of the story might be accepted, and I fully acknowledge that this version may royally suck. It probably does.
#177045875Wednesday, October 28, 2015 3:38 AM GMT

"My name is Blue" 10/10 originality
#177046069Wednesday, October 28, 2015 3:42 AM GMT

His name is Blue. Because he's a blue person. Actually, I'm thinking that Blue might not be his real name, just the name he remembers. He started as more of a superhero-like character in a futuristic society, but then I realized that I didn't really have anywhere to go with that story, so he became a tortured immortal. The original Blue steals hover-skate boards and unhealthy amounts of chocolate and glazed donuts.
#177046214Wednesday, October 28, 2015 3:45 AM GMT

"My name is Blu." OMG YOU DONT KNOW!
#177046322Wednesday, October 28, 2015 3:48 AM GMT

Needs more eric johnson
#177047129Wednesday, October 28, 2015 4:08 AM GMT


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