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#17707956Friday, December 11, 2009 11:33 PM GMT

[This is based off Ned's declassified school survival guide.I somehow find that show funny...Somehow] Your an average student that goes to Polk Middle school,it looks nice at first,but you haven't seen the whole deal.Wierd and funny things happen in this school,and sometimes you get involved!Many students love Friday's Bus no. 9 mainly because it hits a pothole and everyone jumps up.Mondays give students "Monday blues",which makes them EXTREMELY tired and messed up.Wednesday is the top of the hill,because it's the middle of the week,and it reminds students they only have 12-14 hours of school left until the weekend! ~RULES~ 1.No spamming 2.No noobs. 3.No uberring 4.No godmodding 5.No going extemely over the top/ E.g: Getting shot out of a cannon 3 hundred feet in the air. 6.Put "The Guide" at the end of your character sheet if you read the rules. Character sheet: Name: Age: Gender: Clothes: Special features: Appearance: Necklaces/wrist bands etc.: Friends: In love?: Bio:
#17708302Friday, December 11, 2009 11:39 PM GMT

Name:Kyle Chamol Age:15 Gender:Male Clothes:Red T-shirt,black vest,straw fedora,blue jeans and black sneakers. Special features:N/A Appearance:Tall,slim,black hair covering one eye.Tan-ish skin and blue eyes. Necklaces/wrist bands etc.:Dogtag that says "Kyle" Friends:None yet.. In love?:Not yet...
#17708693Friday, December 11, 2009 11:45 PM GMT

#17708992Friday, December 11, 2009 11:50 PM GMT

Bump...Come on,Why do my threads go down fast?!
#17709040Friday, December 11, 2009 11:50 PM GMT

Cuz this one stinks. Badly.

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