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#177229713Saturday, October 31, 2015 3:13 PM GMT

INFO: Lately, many people (including myself) have noticed a lack of entertainment and excitement with SS RPs. People just show up, sit there, and wait to be promoted. RPs consist of sitting around and sighing, with the occasional grunt or mutter. They're not fun. I do understand that a lot of things have already done, and people are out of ideas. So I've made this forum post to explain the basic expectations of hosting, and tips on how to be successful with it. Feel free to post RP ideas in the reply section after reading the following. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TIPS: 1. A lot of times you see the shout say "[RP] Over, no one showed." or something similar. The reason for that could be a load of things, but most of them are usually you have a reputation of doing standing simulator RPs, you aren't hosting at a good time, or you're unheard of. 2. So nobody is showing up to your RPs. That's a problem. It could be the time of the day you're hosting, however, and I suggest logging your hosts by writing it down somewhere. (Notepad, piece of paper, desktop, etc). EXAMPLE: Friday, 4:30 PM EST, October 23rd, ATF Rain, Mall roof. (AFTER RP NOTE) 9 people showed, it was a good RP. Monday, 9:40 AM EST, October 26th, ATF Rain, Plaza. (AFTER RP NOTE) 2 people showed, it was boring. Do something like that, it really helps you know what times or days have the best outcome. You will find the logs very helpful in the future. They're worth it. 3. If you're a stand-around-and-wait type of host, nobody is gonna wanna come to your RPs. Come up with an idea that isn't done too frequently. Be creative, try something new, or just do something that had good feedback in the past. Observe successful RP hosts and what they do to be successful. Try to think of something that you'd like to do in a RP, and do that. (don't break any rules, obviously). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRACTICE: Hosting a RP can sometimes be tricky. You have to maintain and control the behavior of others. Usually, you start off small when you host, but from doing some of the things I've mentioned can really help. If you are unsure you're ready to host and you just got [MR] (the required rank to host a RP), wait a little bit. When you think you're ready, come with a plan or an idea that can keep the attention of SandSharks that come to your RP for however long you plan on hosting for. Be original and be a good image to other members in SS, and you may go further than SS or any faction in ATF. Hosting RPs is just the beginning of success in factions and ATF altogether if you choose to go that far.
#177229799Saturday, October 31, 2015 3:14 PM GMT

tronic's idea
#177229856Saturday, October 31, 2015 3:15 PM GMT

RP suggestion: Frost, Snow day, Snowball fights, Scrap sledging, pranks, Good fun even if there's only 4 of you
#177231458Saturday, October 31, 2015 3:42 PM GMT

This forum is for written rps, ATF stuff belongs somewhere else.
#177233920Saturday, October 31, 2015 4:22 PM GMT

@Levian. Were does ATF belong? Off topic? No. It belongs in the RP forum because its a RP game. And no your wrong, You can Post lore. ETC. Here
#177235882Saturday, October 31, 2015 4:50 PM GMT

harison, ur wrong again and even if it was ok, it'd have to be locked unlocking it is prime example of idiocy and im an OTer, post it there they'll roast you and get the group taken down for copyright somehow
#177236361Saturday, October 31, 2015 4:57 PM GMT

Ahem- Wait wait. Learn how to spell and I'll listen.
#177236426Saturday, October 31, 2015 4:58 PM GMT

@Harison Read the description of the rp forum, it does not say anything about game or group. This belongs in GD or C&G for groups.
#177237472Saturday, October 31, 2015 5:11 PM GMT

lol 10 y/o
#177246829Saturday, October 31, 2015 7:33 PM GMT

i did spele rite el senorita oreo yew bing race ism tuewards meme?
#177251202Saturday, October 31, 2015 8:44 PM GMT

RP Idea: If your'e an HR, and feel like the SS has tensions with a rival gang, NPC them without giving a name, have yourself a fun NPC raid. Remember - raid rules apply!
#177255515Saturday, October 31, 2015 9:51 PM GMT

#177290902Sunday, November 01, 2015 1:09 PM GMT

I really don't care if this is here. It seems where ever you post, someone is gonna be there to criticize. The only reason I have this here is because A. ATF is an RP game, B. The sandsharks falls under ATF and C. If you'd read the full post you'd know that this is about hosting roleplays for the group.
#177291525Sunday, November 01, 2015 1:25 PM GMT

But guess what? This is about a CLAN! THEREFORE IT BELONGS IN CLANS AND GUILDS! Also, yes, It's an RP Game. Which we'd allow if this thread was about a character's OC or something like that. But it's not. Why do all of you keep on neglecting your own forum? I don't understand how you call could be so... Ignorant.
#177291731Sunday, November 01, 2015 1:30 PM GMT

This is for written roleplays. This may belong to Clans and Guilds or Game Design. Even if you think it's going to be criticised you should lock it instead. I don't understand why they are so stubborn.
#177296462Sunday, November 01, 2015 3:05 PM GMT

Well it's here now, and unless a moderator comes along it's here to stay I suppose.
#177296523Sunday, November 01, 2015 3:06 PM GMT

And the funny thing is, if I were to move it to clans & guilds I'd be told to put it back here.
#177296677Sunday, November 01, 2015 3:09 PM GMT

#177296785Sunday, November 01, 2015 3:12 PM GMT

post it in bloxfaires and events where it belongs!!1!!1!!1! Snake? SNAAAAAAAKE!
#177296786Sunday, November 01, 2015 3:12 PM GMT

ok i moved it to prevent more forum police arguments

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