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#177380570Monday, November 02, 2015 7:57 PM GMT

I have an idea. Its very simple but complex. You know YouTubers? Well some of them want to record Roblox on their Mobile device. I have an Idea. Except this time it is no oridinary Recording like the PC. You can use your mic in the recording if you want to! You could just type like same old PC Roblox. As a YouTuber I think this could bust up my views and subscribers. I could make videos even more often. I know they are releasing Roblox for Xbox one but think! This could bring in more YouTubers to Roblox which means More people will download Roblox then they will want Robux then they will either buy Robux or Builders Club. This Could get Roblox More money which means more greatness! More Greatness means the experience would be great. Now If they would do that YouTubers would find out about Roblox for PC which means if they don't have BC they could see ads which brings in more money. I am very Smart at this stuff! SHARE THIS ON AND ON SO WE CAN GET THIS IDEA BROUGHT TO LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @Roblox @Builderman
#177380754Monday, November 02, 2015 8:02 PM GMT

wow word wall tl;dr pls aha, recording on a mobile device is not practical and only causes bad stuff to happen. "Just don't do it man." - NobleDragon (http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=142900363) http://www.roblox.com/--item?id=79103594

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