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#17773064Sunday, December 13, 2009 2:04 AM GMT

The room was practically silent. Everything in it seemed to have been stopped; a winged man stood in the corner of the room leaning on a cane, chairs were knocked over, and in front of a desk stood a anthro wolf girl lying a handgun's barrel right between the eyes of a well-dressed fellow sitting on the otherside of the desk... "It's always about the money isn't it?" The formal looking man growled, "Always wanting more, and more, you're all the same you greedy dirtbags." The wolf girl tightened her grip on the gun's handle. "Just more, and more of it... Gets you turned on, doesn't it?" The fellow insisted. The girl fingered the trigger, her tail began to swing back in fourth in agitated anticipation. "How else do you think we'll be able to live?" She barked in rebuttal, "They don't exactly hand out jobs to freaks!" "Maybe, it's because freaks like you don't deserve jobs!" The man thundered. Maddy growled and pushed the pistol barrel up against her target's head. The temptation to shoot him grew in her. But she just couldn't bring herself to do it. What stopped her? Was it the possible consequences of her actions? Was she too good to do it? She pulled her gun away, she just couldn't bring herself to do it. The fellow relaxed, he no longer had to fear this creature. He broke into laughter. He had won this test of wills. The winged man shifted uneasily in his corner. The girl looked away in humiliation. She then walked out of the room, the winged man following close behind. She hated being the creature she was... Maddy was a wolf girl in a world of humans, she couldn't show her face in public in fear of experiments on her and she definitely wasn't in the mood for another experiment. So she ended up having to live a life as a illegal merc with her angel-looking foster parent, whom she had come to treat more like a friend. Life wasn't glamorous, but when has it ever been? To every one they met they were no more than trash littering the highway, but to their employers they were trash that could be payed cheap. Besides one friend that is. But things change, and many often dissappear when not looked after well enough... __________________________________________________________________________ How would you feel if you were an experimant and all you could do is try your best to hide in the underworld of society. But even then the worries of being found out bit at you at all time. Could you trust your friends, your family anyone? Hardly anyone cared for your welfare, hardly anyone cared for your existence. Would you go insane? Would you try your best to isolate yourself from the rest of the world? Would you hope fr your own end? Would you try to make something of things and find a way to live against the law itself? OR What if you were a human who knew of these experiments existence in society. Someone who was often thought crazy for such beliefs. Often ridiculed by their colleagues. Someone no one believed in, the person everyone made fun of. Would you try to purge the Earth of these unnatural monsters? Would you suck it up and keep it to yourself? Would you try your best to meet one of them in person? Would you try to give proof to the world of their existence? __________________________________________________________________________ Char sheet ~Human~ Name: Gendar: Age: Appearance: Inventory: Bio: ~Experimant~ Name: Gendar: Age: Appearance: Inventory: Experiment side-effects:(What changed about you from the experiments) Bio: (Talk about what life was like before your experimentation, and then tell of what happened to you, how you got experimented?) ~Supported by The RΘlερlaγing ELιtεs of ROBLOX
#17773199Sunday, December 13, 2009 2:07 AM GMT

Atuhors nose- A special thanks goes out to Grolala, and Fighterman481 for being inspirations for this RP. Thank you guys... Sorry for the large opening plot. You'll also have to excuse the opening plot I tried my best to make it seem somewhat legit, I think I did ok...
#17773305Sunday, December 13, 2009 2:10 AM GMT

Name:Aarod Brachuin Gendar:M Age:17 Appearance:Black jeans,A black t shirt, Green eyes, Black hair that is unkept Inventory:A pistol with 10 shots left, A knife, Matches Bio:Learned about these expiriments though an encounter with one. He just brely escaped with his life. He now will stop at nothing to kill them.
#17774069Sunday, December 13, 2009 2:25 AM GMT

i probably will only play when my rpgs arent filled up Experimant Name:firebane Gender:M Age:23 Appearance:half dragon, human with a red tail with a pont at the end and bat like red wings Inventory:a knife, a flask of life, and bandages Experiment side-effects:my back started growing little humps, then it turned into wings, and my tail started to grow, little things have formed in my throat, i also started to have nitrous in my stomach i could realease when i wanted, i realized i need to put flint in the things in my mouth Bio:i joined the millitary 7 years ago, i was about to quit, then the weird men in black came and took me far away, they straped me up, they brang me to a lab, it looked like the movies, shelves of parts, even full bodies, then there was a table, it had leather straps, they straped me to it, they inserted a needle and let me rest, i yelled and screamed for 2 days, finally the fluid set in, i started to grow humps on my back ant bottom of my back, the ones on my upper back grew into red bat-like wings, the one at the bottom grew into a tail with a spike at the end, i had a weird feeling in my mouth, i had 2 little things in my mouth, and a weird flap, the scientists came and stuffed peices of flint into my mouth, it went down my throught, but it got stuck, it was the little things, they held the flint, and the flap must'v held a flammible gas, then after a couple hours, more effects came, ny skin, it grew red, and more wrinkles, my skin got harder, they turned into red scales, i looked like a dragon, even my tongue slithered and moved, i was a dragon-man, my power grew along with my new parts, i busted the leather straps like cutting paper, i broke out, then i flew away, it was difficult learning to, but if they cuaght me i new i could get my way out with strenght.i walked alone in the desert, i lived eating bugs and lizards, i finally fainted, o awple back in a lab.a different lab.but as i awoke, i heard "hello, are you alright?" i said "no, look at me!do you think im alright?", he said"well, look at me" i gazed upon his body, he had grew 2 extra arms, he was very large, he said theres more, he said were not the only ones, he told me his story, i told him mine, he said he was in an organization, to help the world, and i said, "so your X-men?" he sad "well you can say that" and i lived on defending the world sorry for the long thing, but its cool right?
#17774363Sunday, December 13, 2009 2:31 AM GMT

~Experimant~ Name: Maddy Gendar: Female Age: 16 Appearance: A tall female anthro gray wolf with light colored, long hair. She wears a long-sleeves shirt with a vest over it, she's also got some modified jeans tofit her tail. Inventory: A beretta handgun, and some pocket change Experiment side-effects: She became a wolf anthro... Bio: Her early life with her original parents is vague in her memory, but from what she could recall it was nice 'til her father started drinking... Things happened and she became an orphan. Luckily she was eventually adopted by a mysterious fellow who called himself Dante at the time. They became friends, but that was as far as they got. No more no less just friends. She once made met someone she whom she became close enough to call family, but something happened and he disappeared just like anyone else she considered family. Maddy now lives her life as a merc working with whoever could get her a decent meal... ~Experimant~ Name: Dante Gendar: Male Age: 32 Appearance: A tall human looking male who usually wears a trench coat, and a fedora. Another unigue feature about him is that his face is often wrapped up in gauze only revealing his right eye. But he also has long black straight hair. One result of an experiment that is quite easy to point out is his wings. He also likes to carry a cane around with him. Inventory: A cane, wad of cash he uses to pay for living expenses. Experiment side-effects: He's had many experiments on him with many side-effect but the one that had remained with him to this day was his wings. Bio: Lived a pretty normal life until he met a scientist who experimented on him. But in a final act of desparation Dante escaped, but ended up killing the father of another child. Dante had been followed by this guilt his entire life until he tried to redeem himself by taking on the task of raising another parent-less child. Throughout his years with her he had only become friends with her, but to him she was his daughter, and as most parents would do he'd put his life on the line to protect his child. He had made friends with someone who had followed him during his journey, but unfortunately disappeared, now he makes the money for his small famly through merc jobs his daughter participates in.(Which he usually advises against)
#17774551Sunday, December 13, 2009 2:34 AM GMT

(IS all cool...)
#17775013Sunday, December 13, 2009 2:42 AM GMT

(Ok everything's going to start out in a fictional city called Hremies, large city, and what not...)
#17775067Sunday, December 13, 2009 2:43 AM GMT

#17776083Sunday, December 13, 2009 3:02 AM GMT

Name: Tori Jet Gendar: Female Age: 15 Appearance: Raven hair,blood red eyes,elbow sleeve blouse with blacke tie and black and white checkerd skirt with black skulls inside the white and white skulls inside the black and a pair of black boots and puts a small tiny pony tail all the way up and on the side with a black x-clip and three black bangles. Inventory: knives inside of boots one in each Experiment side-effects: Super athletic, super strength, and can under satnd and talk to anything. Bio: Just a new girl who moved into town and when she was walking home from school she was knocked out and woke up in a lab after they injected something, she broke out and never told anyone.
#17776265Sunday, December 13, 2009 3:05 AM GMT

~can we start?~
#17776285Sunday, December 13, 2009 3:06 AM GMT

(Ah, ha ha! Thank you Diana!!!!!) Maddy walked out of the building through the back exit into an empty alleyway. The day couldn't have gone worse. She felt so terrible and so pathetic at the same time it was those type of people that could often easily crawl under her skin. She leaned up against the wall and slid down to the ground, and began to weep. She hated those people so much, but she always thought that maybe, just maybe they were right... It hurt her thinking about it... Dante walked in and noticed her crying... He sat up against the wall next to her and put his arm around her. Noticing the act of kindness she leaned against his shoulder and continued to cry...
#17776321Sunday, December 13, 2009 3:06 AM GMT

(And yes...)
#17776687Sunday, December 13, 2009 3:13 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#17777028Sunday, December 13, 2009 3:19 AM GMT

(Begin whenever you want)
#17777295Sunday, December 13, 2009 3:24 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#17777298Sunday, December 13, 2009 3:24 AM GMT

Name:Experiment 127 A.K.A Razarel Alexander Zexion Gender: M Age:39 Appearance:red running shoes, red jeans, red drape coat, red fingerless gloves, red Polo shirt, red neck gaiter, black smith shades, blood red eyes, red fedora with a black band and flat rim, 7'1", Caucasian skin tone, muscular, very skinny Inventory:Sawn off shotgun, bowie knife, 3 frag grenades, Smith&Wesson Magnum 500 Experiment side-effects:they did experiments on me to make me the perfect war weapons and they almost finished before I went ballistic Bio: I have none i was created in the Lab when i escaped those idiots decided i wouldn't last 1 year
#17777488Sunday, December 13, 2009 3:28 AM GMT

Razarel walks out of his house with the Shotgun strapped to his back
#17777519Sunday, December 13, 2009 3:29 AM GMT

(I have a thread called Outskated that you might wanna join.) Name: Xyrolu Gendar: Male Age: 24 Appearance: Black fox anthro w/ red tipped ears. Green T-shirt, jeans w/chain, green running sneakers. Inventory: NN-13 compact revolver- 7 bullets. Bio: Considers these experiments to be a total waste of time.
#17777732Sunday, December 13, 2009 3:33 AM GMT

Dante tried scratching behind Maddy's ears to lighten the mood. Maddy Looked up at Dante, and smiled finding his attempt somewhat humorous. "Come on, we can't stay here." Dante lifted himself to his feet, and helped Maddy up. The two headed to an old factory ran by their employers...
#17777814Sunday, December 13, 2009 3:34 AM GMT

Name:Vanare Gendar:Male Age:19 Appearance:Black eyes,black hair,tan skin,black t-shirt,jeans Inventory:Leadpipe,picture of his family. Experiment side-effects:Changed his eye color,his hair,his personality. Bio:Lived as a normal teenager... Until he moved to where he is now....He was taken away and tested on.
#17777841Sunday, December 13, 2009 3:35 AM GMT

Razarel grabs his heart area and coughs up some blood
#17778281Sunday, December 13, 2009 3:42 AM GMT

I walk around an old factory,waiting for something to happen.
#17778337Sunday, December 13, 2009 3:43 AM GMT

I walk near an old factory.
#17778373Sunday, December 13, 2009 3:44 AM GMT

A fellow in a black suit wearing sun glasses sat across from Aren. He stared at her in curiousity.
#17778439Sunday, December 13, 2009 3:45 AM GMT

A gang of five people ran into the old factory two of them carried bags over there shoulders.

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