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#177787072Tuesday, November 10, 2015 1:27 AM GMT

|INTRO| The port was filled with distant chatters. People surrounded each inch of the beige wooden planks that held the dock up, with loud chatting covering the area. There was a lineup to the port stretching past the horizon, weaving right and left beside the quiet buildings and motorways. The metropolis was being left. Large and small boats putted somewhat fast to the port, although the dock was already surrounded. Some people nearly fell off the dock itself into the water because of the mass of people rushing to get through. The Void was coming, fast. And soon all the boats would be full. They'd leave the city. Thousands would be stuck. First, let me explain to you what "The Void" is. Nobody knows how it first was created, but suddenly some unknown entity was spreading across the world. It would completely displace everything it came across, turning buildings into crystal-like shards, then vanishing everything left. The boats leaving the dock were trying to run from it, but the world was soon going to be gone. Once where a blue-green mass of rock lied would be instead would turn into...nothing. Was there a way to stop it? Or will humanity be gone forever? |PLOT| You play as a citizen of the metropolis that is being evacuated in the intro. You may or may not make it on a boat, but no matter what, you will not be able to escape from the displacing Void. Although, you are one of the few people who happen to get transported to a world mixed with technology and fantasy. The RP starts at the port, before the void reaches you. Explore the world but don't get too curious! |CS| Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Personality: Other: |RULES| Basic rules. Constructive criticism is allowed as long as it's constructive. Enjoy the RP!
#177789299Tuesday, November 10, 2015 2:06 AM GMT

Name: John Mullen Age: 31 Gender: Male Appearance: 5'9, dirty brown hair, grey eyes, purple shirt, brown pants. Personality: Generally calm and wise, but he isn't afraid to lash out at people. Other: John spent most of his time with his mom growing up, and learned how to crochet, among other things. I made this in less than five minutes. ~ "Long live the purple shirt." ~
#177789800Tuesday, November 10, 2015 2:15 AM GMT

just a LITTLE more detail also i forgot a hard-to-forget rule: put "crystalize" in Other.
#177791148Tuesday, November 10, 2015 2:40 AM GMT

well heres this half-assed character i made in jstar eh Name: Allie Slity Age: 17 Gender: female Appearance: Allie is 5 foot tall, with 6 inches, making her of average height, and she weighs, well, she wouldn't want to say how much she weighs. Her wide, young eyes are a dark brown, with a somewhat dull and tired look to it, which is fitted and emphasized by her heavy eyelids and eye bags. Her nose is somewhat flat, though not completely, and her lips are thick and wide. By the look of it, she seems like a completely average young girl, with nothing much special about her. On her face, there's a bunch of acne as well, and things are only just going to get worse, because it's really hard to wash your face in the middle of the damn appocalypse. Her unimpressive hair is a messy dull brown, with a large bunch of strands sticking out from them, and is mostly in a lazy bun, tied with tangled and a nearly stretched out and ruined rubber band. Her skeleton is somewhat slim, with thin hips and thin shoulders with lanky limbs, however, she's somewhat chubby, with most of the fat desposited within the gut of her stomach and her cheeks, rather than her arms. As it stands, she isn't a very athletic person. Her unhealthy body is more due to lack of excersize than really anything else, including genetics. Personality: Allie is an unmotivated and easily tired individual, and is mostly lazy. This is mostly due to the fact that she believes she doesn't really have much of a future. However, that doesn't mean she can't be pushed to action, especially for her own survival. Though, that can just be called mere selfishness, which is a word that fits her, than anything else. Of course she'd be trying to reach for the boats, she doesn't want to die! She can also be provoked, is really easily irritated, and gets real mad for stupid reasons as well. Allie is also relatively grumpy as well, and might be considered annoying. Though, that's mostly because she would much rather go home rather than be here trying to escape a threat that might not completely be escapable either. She might have a good side to her, however, it's probable it wouldn't appear before the death of her. Other: crystalize pls ansr
#177791356Tuesday, November 10, 2015 2:44 AM GMT

Name: John Mullen Age: 31 Gender: Male Appearance: 5'9, pale skin, chubby-ish, dirty brown hair, grey eyes, purple shirt, brown pants. Personality: Generally calm and wise, but he isn't afraid to lash out at people. He eats quite a bit, and you'll never catch him without a granola bar or ten. Other: Crystalize I can't really do much detail without bio. I have no idea what you want me to add. ~ "Long live the purple shirt." ~
#177792168Tuesday, November 10, 2015 3:00 AM GMT

You're both accepted. One more CS after this and we'll start. Name: Craig Elux Age: 30 Gender: Male Appearance: Curly red hair, with crowding freckles covering his cheeks and nose. He wears glasses that he's desperate to keep clean. When he started to go to the dock he was wearing a sweatshirt with a picture of NYC printed: "Good Vibes, NYC". He was wearing acid-stained jeans that seemed to be a bit too tight. He's surprisingly quite skinny, judging by the fact that he tends to eat quite a bit. Personality: He will always try to protect himself in the case of something like, well, the apocalypse. If someone else seems hesitant about something he's doing himself, he's quite affected by it and may not even do it. He does care about family and friends, though. Other: crystalize
#177794472Tuesday, November 10, 2015 3:48 AM GMT

#177808050Tuesday, November 10, 2015 3:12 PM GMT

wow dis is surprisingly successful then everything falls apart
#177809365Tuesday, November 10, 2015 4:05 PM GMT

Dude just have a little more patience (rich coming from me but whatever )
#177809492Tuesday, November 10, 2015 4:10 PM GMT

It is morning. I wouldn't expect anyone to join this early. Plus, i have to go to school soon, and i'll be offline for a while.
#177824547Tuesday, November 10, 2015 11:12 PM GMT

bump ;.;
#177825695Tuesday, November 10, 2015 11:32 PM GMT

|CS| Name: Jack Orenskul Age: 26 Gender: Male Appearance: Jack has long black hair which is pulled back so it all falls down on the back of his head. If his face had looked any different, or his body, people could mistake him for a woman. Ja is a tall fellow standing at around 6 feet, maybe a little less but no more. He's almost a bit handsome, but I wouldn't go that far, his face is more... structured. He usually wears a black shirt with some design on it with a pair of blue jeans. I'm not going to lie, the dark colors he wears really brings out his skin, because he's white. Not pale white, because he's sort of tan from his adventures outside. He likes to take hikes. Personality: Some say he's quiet, calm, or "emotionless", but really he's just angry at the world. He's one of those snobs who thinks he's better than anyone else, and if you saw it from his view, you would agree. Jack can sit there, and be completely silent while the world ends right in front of him. He doesn't scream, laugh, or cry. He's just, angry. People assume he's just always happy because JAck likes to fake a smile when ever someone looks at him. Other: Crystalize Sooooooo bad.
#177826143Tuesday, November 10, 2015 11:39 PM GMT

Accepted. Say if you're ready. Once everyone's ready, we'll start.
#177829386Wednesday, November 11, 2015 12:33 AM GMT

bump could've ghost bumped but nah
#177834764Wednesday, November 11, 2015 2:08 AM GMT

this is going to be one of my chain bumps, won't it?
#177836913Wednesday, November 11, 2015 2:43 AM GMT

We can start tommorow morning :/ ~ "Long live the purple shirt." ~
#177836955Wednesday, November 11, 2015 2:43 AM GMT

#177837634Wednesday, November 11, 2015 2:56 AM GMT

#177853058Wednesday, November 11, 2015 2:39 PM GMT

annnndddd....thank you.
#177856566Wednesday, November 11, 2015 4:37 PM GMT

i may be being impatient, but what's with the inactivity?
#177859259Wednesday, November 11, 2015 5:53 PM GMT

Are you going to do the first post to set the scene, or should we start on our own? ~ "Long live the purple shirt." ~
#177859953Wednesday, November 11, 2015 6:08 PM GMT

I was going to wait for everyone to be ready, but sure. START! I can barely hear anything. My ears are ringing from the huge noise emerging from the crowd. But yet, i still try and get through the mass of people, to the dock.
#177860395Wednesday, November 11, 2015 6:17 PM GMT

WAIT Name: Christopher Campos. Age: 27 Gender: Male Appearance: Brown messy hair, a stubble growing on his face, green eyes thick eyebrows. Ragged sweatshirt, worn over a blue t-shirt. Green shoes with black jeans. Personality: Sarcastic, sometimes thinks out of the box. Can get himself out of bad situations, do to making up something quickly to say, which makes him a person to trust on to lie. He is paranoid at times, with some stuttering problems. Other: he's decent with knives.
#177860869Wednesday, November 11, 2015 6:27 PM GMT

kay accepted now start, my minions or something idk
#177861375Wednesday, November 11, 2015 6:39 PM GMT

He waited on the deck, trying not to b noticed. For whatever the reason, the superiors did not want him to leave. Case in point, right before he was going to get on the damn boat. He was about to take a step, when... "You, you're not allowed to be on here Campos." A voice says, tapping him on his shoulder. "Who is Campos?" He replies, staring at the man. Chris grabs the nearest person, which would be Craig. "Im here with my brother, Steven." "Steven, and Andrew Blanchard." "Right steve?" "Please say yes." Chris whispers into Craig's ear.

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