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#178096432Monday, November 16, 2015 2:19 AM GMT

ABOUT THE GAME: Heroes of Eternity is an upcoming MMORPG scheduled to be released during 2016. WHAT WE'RE AIMING FOR: We intend on providing players with one of the best RPG experiences that ROBLOX has to offer. Players can explore a huge and immersive world filled with breath-taking locations and a wide range of unique characters, both good and evil. The game will be very "lore-heavy" to make the world feel more real. Lore will be present in NPC dialog, interactive objects, cutscenes, and quests. Apart from the solo experience we intend on giving our players, we also believe that good social activities are an absolute necessity for RPG games. A large portion of "end-game" activities that give the top-tier loot will require multiple players to complete and require extensive teamwork and cooperation. Because what are rewards if you don't have to work for them? THE STORY SO FAR: A hundred years ago, an evil King by the name of Cryanox cast a spell that shattered the realms. Cities were reduced to rubble in a matter of seconds, and kingdoms were torn to pieces. You are a Hero, an immortal protector of the realm. As a Hero, your job is to defeat the evil that lurks in the shadows and help restore the world to its former glory. GAMEPLAY MECHANICS & WHAT TO EXPECT: The world will be split into island zones designed to cater to the needs of players in specific level ranges. These islands will be huge, detailed, and filled with things to do. Quests will play a major role in the game as the most efficient way of "leveling up", as opposed to repeatedly killing the same enemies for EXP. Combat will be ability-based, and inspired by many mainstream RPG games. Three player-classes will be present in the game, each class boasting its own set of abilities and gear to collect. These classes are: The Warrior, a melee-based class that can wield a variety of weapons in close-quarters combat. The Ranger, a class that uses daggers and bows to get the job done, whether up close or from a distance. The Arcanist, a class that manipulates the Arcana to cast spells, defeating enemies and aiding allies. Along with classes, professions will also play a role in the game. Each player can choose a primary profession and a secondary profession. With professions, you can craft rare weapons and materials, and gather items from the map. SOME FINAL NOTES: NOTHING IS FINAL. release date is subject to change. ~egmen
#178096591Monday, November 16, 2015 2:22 AM GMT

this post came out a lot uglier than I meant it to also to bypass filters, I had to remove a paragraph on contributing to development. essentially, if you want to help out you can build something, PM it to me, and I'll take a look at it.
#178096720Monday, November 16, 2015 2:24 AM GMT

So, who's the 'we' that's developing this? Is it your primary?
#178096761Monday, November 16, 2015 2:24 AM GMT

It'd be interesting to see an RPG about an unpopular peasant, instead of some guy the prophecies foretold about.
#178097019Monday, November 16, 2015 2:28 AM GMT

@hobo man, The "we" would be my not-so-successful game development studio, Team Paragon (which in its current state is pretty much non-existent) and anyone else who wants to lend a hand. @champion, It certainly would be. I haven't really worked on the player's background yet, but that's always a possibility. There's a character early on in the game who's pretty much the lowest of the low, and later on becomes... well, not so low.
#178098363Monday, November 16, 2015 2:50 AM GMT

Why does this sound familiar... OH I know. http://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=173355574 The title's of our posts: Mine: Legends | Large MMORPG Project Yours: Heroes of Eternity | Full-Scale MMORPG And the ideas seem to be very close, if you read my post..
#178098515Monday, November 16, 2015 2:53 AM GMT

Hey Shadowforged That's just me but... But all MMORPG look alike to me. You didn't invent the genre nor how it is played.
#178098973Monday, November 16, 2015 3:01 AM GMT

@Shadow http://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=119976047 ^ is an old first draft of Heroes of Eternity, nearly two years old you can see the similarities I have more "update logs" from 2013-2014 if you wish to read them, as well as solid evidence in the form of trello boards that I've had these ideas long before you posted your thread. however, you're right about one thing - if it weren't for your thread, mine would've been titled "Heroes of Eternity: Full-Scale MMORPG" instead of "Heroes of Eternity | Full-Scale MMORPG"
#178099208Monday, November 16, 2015 3:05 AM GMT

No, I'm fine with your ideas! But yea, I was commenting on the titles.
#178099362Monday, November 16, 2015 3:08 AM GMT

ahah, yeah lol. definitely guilty when it comes to thread titles, sorry >:P
#178108844Monday, November 16, 2015 7:42 AM GMT

Hello :D I'd love to contribute to your project by possibly making weapons... If you are interested then please check out the swords I made so far (I started recently but Im expanding my horizons and getting better every day) I have a decent amout of freetime and I would love to help
#178116682Monday, November 16, 2015 4:21 PM GMT

I'd love to be an alpha tester. But aside from that, I'm on board the hype train I want to ask some questions: 1) Will there be dungeons/caves? As in areas like instances in WoW. Blackwing Lair for example. 2) Is there going to be open PVP areas? 3) Is there going to be an economy, if there is, an auction house? Thanks for replying, and again, if I could, please contact me if you need an alpha tester. #code print "Talk grit get lit"
#178116734Monday, November 16, 2015 4:23 PM GMT

#178139310Tuesday, November 17, 2015 12:59 AM GMT

I'll message everyone who asked about contributions tonight :) Perry, I'd love to have all the things you listed. A player-run economy would be interesting. It worked great in SAO: Burst until the economy exploits started, I might experiment with that. Concerning PvP areas - maybe. I'd need to find a way to please both the casuals and the PvP-goers. Arena PvP is something I definitely plan on having, and PvP seasons could be a possibility. Instancing would be hard. I've thought a good amount on how I'd go about doing that. I could generate a private dungeon with Local Rendering and teleport a player into it, but I'm sure there are better ways. Definitely something I want, but not something I can promise.
#178139427Tuesday, November 17, 2015 1:01 AM GMT

xLyon is making swords for me now. :p
#178392725Sunday, November 22, 2015 9:32 AM GMT

I started coding the client framework today, and I've been working on some basic world design. The first zone in the game will be the city of Sanctuary on the Island of Avalon, and will serve as the main social hub for the game. I'll post some pics on the twitter tomorrow. And speaking of which, the project now has a twitter! If you're interested in the game, be sure to follow the twitter for sneak peaks at stuff to come! @RBXHeroes
#178392895Sunday, November 22, 2015 9:44 AM GMT

looks like you're going to have a few competitors.
#178393082Sunday, November 22, 2015 9:58 AM GMT

Shadow and I have similar concepts, but I doubt we'll be getting in one another's way, if that's who you're talking about.
#178393125Sunday, November 22, 2015 10:03 AM GMT

Nope. There's a few people doing MMORPGs right now, including me. Still, good luck on yours :D
#178393150Sunday, November 22, 2015 10:04 AM GMT

Thanks, and good luck with yours as well. Hopefully both of our projects will be in the minority of games that grace the front page. :)
#178393154Sunday, November 22, 2015 10:05 AM GMT

All aboard the hype traiiiiinnnnn. #code print "Talk grit get lit"
#178398819Sunday, November 22, 2015 2:42 PM GMT

Meh. Good luck. ATM I have 3 projects. Guest Quest Reborn (Battle Quest) Guest Defense Reborn is becoming Onslaught Legacy Legends.
#178418274Sunday, November 22, 2015 8:19 PM GMT

Good luck, don't overdo it xD
#178519465Tuesday, November 24, 2015 8:43 PM GMT

Quick update: I've been working on combat over the past two days, as well as small datastore tests ('cause I suck at datastores). My idea as to how combat will play out is this: Players can select a target by clicking on it, and while they're within range, they'll always turn to face the target. I've actually, for the most part, finished this. I just need to find ways to simplify the scripting and reduce lag. Once they've selected a target, they can click to attack (duh) or use the 12345 keys to cast abilities which, while definitely being more effective than just clicking, cost resources (energy/mana/rage). Since the player is always facing the enemy, making aiming attacks easier, the player's weapons will always need to make contact with part of the enemy to deal damage, as opposed to a more traditional WoW-esque combat system where weapons don't need to make contact. oh and btw this whole idea was created while thinking of warrior gameplay; ranged abilities will always hit the target also, I'd love to find a way to incorporate the right mouse button into gameplay. if anyone has suggestions as to how I can go about this, please post them! Hopefully, I'll have this system up and running in the testing place on my profile tonight or tomorrow if anyone's interested in checking it out.
#178864234Sunday, November 29, 2015 9:57 PM GMT

Upd8: I have some animations running in the place on my profile, as well as some basic AI tests. A lot of the stuff there is a WIP, but if anyone wants to check it out and provide feedback, I'd appreciate it. Anyways, I'm looking for people to help me with lore and story design. Interested? Hit me up with a PM!

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