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#178905273Monday, November 30, 2015 2:37 PM GMT

Hello welcome to "Sword Fighter's or(SF)" I have been a sword fighter since 2013 I have practiced and have been trained by some of the best sword fighter's. This group will not have raids, enemies, or any other thing related to that. I will be holding free sword fighting lessons for those in need of it. For a group that will have raids and enemies join my other group. (R.R.S Roblox Royal Samurai) You must answer these questions to start your free sword fight training. 1. Why are you interested in our training? 2. Have you had other experiences in sword fighting? 3. How good do you think you already are? 4. Do you think you will train others with me once you have finished? 5. Do you ever use guns on roblox? 6. How long have you played roblox? 7. What is your username and date you posted this? I will show you a small guide to help you get started. Here you will learn the basics of sword fighting, different styles, controls, and ways to most efficiently damage your opponent. The way I leaned these things is due both to personal experience and what different clans have taught me. Keep in mind that this guide is for regular ROBLOX swords, not guns. Many things stated in this guide may not apply to ranged weapons. Table of Contents: 1. Controls. 2. The use of jumping. 3. The four styles. 4. What style should you use? 5. Jabs and sweeps. 6. The spin attack. 7. The sidestep. 8. Conclusion. /=/=:CONTROLS:=\=\ -Movement No matter which style you prefer, you should ALWAYS fight with WASD keys. There are several reasons for this. When you press the left and right arrow keys, your camera moves. However, when you press A or D, you character moves. This is essential to every style of sword fighting. You need to be able to move your body side to side, not just your camera. Another reason is simply the placement of WASD on the keyboard. They are close to the numbers, allowing you to switch between weapons easily. They are also conveniently placed so your thumb naturally falls on the spacebar, allowing you to jump easily. -Lunging As you probably know, double click with a sword in your hand to lunge. If you can't do this, it does not matter how good you are at movement, you will lose. Not only does lunging make your reach longer, it does a good deal more damage. If you have trouble lunging at the EXACT millisecond you want to, you should go off by yourself and just practice lunging non-stop, as fast as you can, until you can lunge approximately once a second. -Mouse If you're on a laptop, I highly recommend you invest in a mouse. Although it is far from impossible to fight with the touch pad, it is MUCH easier with a mouse. If you're just learning, it will probably help you learn faster. /=/=:THE USE OF JUMPING:=\=\ In sword fighting, jumping is mainly used to get out of the way of your opponent's sword. However, this can be dangerous. When you jump, your sword will be above your opponent's head, therefore not letting you do any damage. With the classic animations, it's even worse, because your entire sword arm will be raised. Then there's the simple fact of actually pressing the spacebar, which may slightly divert you attention from other things. It does, however, make you harder to kill. At the peak of your jump, you legs will be far above your opponent's sword. With classic animations, it can even cause you to lunge far faster than before when you hit the ground again. There is a risk and reward to jumping while fighting; although you will be harder to hit, you will also have no protection. My advice is this; jump when you have to get out of the way of your opponent's sword. Do not jump more than necessary. If you find that jumping diverts your attention from more important things, don't do it. I, myself, jump very rarely while sword fighting. Some people hold down space bar the entire time, which can sometimes be effective. It's basically whatever works for you. /=/=:THE FOUR STYLES:=\=\ There are four main styles of sword fighting, although each has millions of variations. 1. Moonwalk: Moonwalk is fighting in first person mode, zoomed in all the way. In this style, players use WASD keys to walk from side to side while still facing forward, trying to find an opening in their opponent. This style is pretty safe, and the fight may take a long time. Advantages: Up close view of the battle Realistic feel Reasonably safe. Disadvantages: You must rely on your depth perception You cannot see behind you 2. Mouselock: Mouselock is fighting in third person with mouselock enabled. To enable mouselock, go to Menu, then Game Settings, then, under Character & Camera Controls, change "Classic" to "MouseLockSwitch". After that, just press shift. Now you have mouselock enabled. Mouselock is basically the same as moonwalk, with a few advantages and disadvantages. You walk side to side while facing you opponent, trying to find an opening. Advantages: Bird's eye view; depth perception is not needed You can see behind yourself Your opponent will always be in view, no matter which way you turn. Disadvantages: Bad in tight spaces (your camera tends to do weird things) 3. Classic: Classic is fighting with your mouse free to move apart from your camera. This style is rather dangerous; it involves high damage moves that often put you in danger. To get good at this style you have to have very graceful fingers. Advantages: High damage moves Disadvantages: Lots of Roblox movement skill is needed Cannot turn without facing away from your opponent Moves can leave you open 4. Hybrid: Hybrid is using shift to switch between classic and mouselock mid-battle. It attempts to take advantage of the high damage moves of classic while keeping the mobility of mouselock. This is by far the hardest style to fight with super effectively, although many people try (and usually fail). If done with experience and skill, it is difficult to defend against. If done without this, however, it is extremely easy to defeat. While learning hybrid, you will probably lose a lot before you figure out how to most effectively switch into classic and back again into mouselock. I recommend leaning both mouselock and classic before you start practicing hybrid. Advantages: Combines high damage classic moves with mouselock mobility Disadvantages: Tough to preform effectively /=/=:WHAT STYLE SHOULD YOU USE:=\=\ Mouselock is generally better than moonwalk and hybrid is generally better than classic. This is due to the pros and cons discussed earlier. I know what you're thinking, "But I beat 10 people all by myself with classic and they all used mouselock!" That's not the point. Of course you can be skilled with classic or moonwalk. In basketball, for example, there's a certain way you're supposed to shoot. Does that mean that it's impossible to get good at just chucking the ball with one arm into the hoop? Of course not. With enough practice, you'll be able to make every single shot doing that. Is it, however, the recommended method of shooting? No. Your coach would have a fit if he saw you shooting like that. It's the same with sword fighting. You can be skilled with classic or moonwalk, but they are not the recommended styles. Although classic and moonwalk are not recommended most of the time, there may be situations where you need to use one. For example, in the tight tunnels of The Underground War by stickmasterluke, I always use moonwalk. If I use mouselock in there, my camera will go crazy. When I get out of the tunnels, however, I always switch to mouselock, so I can zoom out and see behind me. /=/=:JABS AND SWEEPS:=\=\ Jabs and sweeps are moves used for mouselock or moonwalk. Sweeps: Seeps are done by turning your mouse viciously to the left and then back to the right. This "sweeps" the air, dealing very high damage. However, a poorly timed sweep will leave you open. Use sweeps only with the correct timing. Sweeps can also be done in classic mode by pressing A and D, but are normally done in mouselock or moonwalk. When done in classic, people usually consider it an edited version of the spin attack that has been stopped half way. This is due to the fact that it uses different controls in classic than in mouselock or moonwalk. Jabs: Jabs are quick, short lunges that use W and S to go forward and backward very quickly. They do not deal high damage, but they are quick and do not leave you open, even if they are timed poorly. Use jabs to threaten and deal small damage until you can get in a sweep. /=/=:THE SPIN ATTACK:=\=\ The spin attack is used for classic. The spin attack is preformed by pressing WDSAW, or WASDW, in quick succession. This "spins" your character, dealing high damage to your enemy. After spinning, users usually jump away because they will be left open. No matter how fast you can spin, don't just spin in place. You will be very easy to defeat if you do that, because most of the time you will be facing away from your enemy. Spin once, then jump away. If you're having trouble getting the spin attack moves down, practice it on ice, or a very slippery brick. It will be easier, and may help you learn. /=/=:THE SIDESTEP=\=\ The sidestep is one of the most useful techniques for mouselock or moonwalk, especially against inexperienced players. I think this is most easily understood with a clock. So you're facing your enemy, at 12 in mouselock mode. He's charging at you. You turn towards 9, so now you're sword arm is facing your enemy. You press D, walking towards 12, and towards your opponent. However, you are still facing 9. Since you're turned, your opponent's sword misses you. Your sword is perpendicular to your enemy's sword, and parallel to your enemy's body. If done correctly, you will take no damage and your enemy will die in one hit. If you're still having trouble visualizing the sidestep, find a skilled swordsman and just charge him. Sidestep is very common, and he will likely do it on you. /=/=:CONCLUSION:=\=\ I hope this has helped you! And remember, practice makes progress! I first learned to fight by playing sword fighting games all day. I died a lot, but eventually figured out how to do better. Clans are also very useful. If you find a good group willing to train you, join it! Of course, I recommend my group, The Northern Empire. Join it and I will train you personally. There are many other good clans though, so go find one! Have a good day!
#178905433Monday, November 30, 2015 2:44 PM GMT

How is this a suggestion? Suspicious signature ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
#178905448Monday, November 30, 2015 2:44 PM GMT

BTW I did not create that guide it was created by "Perci1" All credit for the guide goes to him.
#178905476Monday, November 30, 2015 2:46 PM GMT

#178905509Monday, November 30, 2015 2:47 PM GMT

Niko, care to explain how you ended up in the wrong forum this horribly? Suspicious signature ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
#178905533Monday, November 30, 2015 2:48 PM GMT

It got into wrong forum becouse orginal poster is idiotic nub who thinks he can post it where ever he wants Ah S&I the world filled with baiter, trolls bullies and nubs... Thats where i am from.
#178905611Monday, November 30, 2015 2:52 PM GMT

I feel like most C&G people completely ignore the forum rules these days. Suspicious signature ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)

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