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#179213703Sunday, December 06, 2015 3:53 PM GMT

Added 9., 8., 11., and 10.. + Revamped the goals/no goals MOST of the new rules will be from 4.0+ 1. Trading - Trading will be stricter. If a trade is deemed unbalanced, I will deny the trade. Arguing will not help the trade go through. Intelligent discussion on why it is unbalanced will. 1.1 How trades will be unbalanced - Trading several (3+ players) for one player. - Trading a rookie for a veteran. - Trading players that do not have equal skill value. 1.2 How arguing will not help - Your idiocy does not amuse me, I do not wish to see it. - Why would I allow a trade if it's unbalanced and your response is "JUST LET IT GO THROUGH YOU'RE STUPID" - Arguing with me will lead to no progress. 1.3 How Intelligent discussion will help - If you can provide evidence in a non-flamey manner, I will reconsider my verdict. - Using manners will make me a little more lenient on verdicts. 2. Signing - Signing will be more strict. You must provide proof that the player you wish to sign also wishes to sign with you. 2.1 Why? - This is to prevent teams signing players against their will, when that player wishes to be signed to another team. 2.2 How do I provide proof? - A screenshot of a message from the player wishing to be signed agreeing to be signed. - A message from the player wishing to be signed agreeing to be signed. - No Skype, steam, just PM's only. 3. Abuse - This is mainly for player safety. 3.1 What is 'abuse'? - Abuse is when the captain 'abuses' the player. - Purposefully not giving player ice time in spite. - Purposefully not trading a player if they request a trade, and instead cutting them after the deadline so they cannot join a team. - This can be excusable if the captain provides picture evidence that the player was flaming the captain/being very disrespectful when asking for a trade. - Purposefully cutting a player after the deadline in spite. 3.2 Punishments - If a player is cut after the deadline in spite, the cut will be reversed and the player will stay on the team. - If a player is not given ice time in spite (and because of the above punishment), the captain will be punished with a 1-3 game suspension (depending on how many times the incident occurs). - If a captain violates these rules 3 times, they will be unable to captain in the next season. 3.3 What do I do if I am being 'abused'? - Send me a message anonymously (do not tell anyone you are sending the message). - Please include information of the incident, picture evidence will help your case greatly. 3.4 Abuse of the Abuse system. - Abusing the abuse system results from a player constantly sending messages of abuse. - If it is a minor incident that does not violate the rules listed above, the player will be warned. - If the player does this two or three more times, the player will be exempt from the abuse system. - This means that these players can be subject to the rules above without punishment. ~~~~ I will be really strict. 4. Removal 4.1 Staff Removal - Failing to show up to staff assignments - KICKING plays after, before, or mid game because you are butthurt. Do this multiple times, no doubt you will get ur staff removed (this applies with all of these). - Deleting posts for NO reason (unless spam) - Changing ranks without my permission - Overshouting - STUPID SPAMMING (EELEE) 4.2 Captain Removal - Become very inactive throughout the season - Being complete trash and doing really bad ( i.e. PIT, FLA) ~ Above will result you in a season suspension 5. Suspensions 5.1 Alt accounts ~Do this more than once you will get a following season ban, do it after that you are banished from pghl - Playing on fake accounts (i.e. RadrideA'i't) will result in a 10 game suspension. - Letting somebody on your account will result in a 10 game suspension - If somebody plays on account thats new (i.e Afroninga, or whatever paul's alt was) will result in a 5 game suspension 5.2 Throwing games ~ 10+ games, depending on how many times this has happened - Pulling goalie for no reason - Obviously play bad enough to throw 5.3 Unnecessary Reviews - Do it multiple times in a game, your admin is removed - Do it for no reason, your admin is removed - Do it consistently, your admin will be removed and you will be suspended 1-3 games 5.4 Bribes - Bribing people to play for you results in a 5 game suspension - Bribing people to throw will result in a 10 game suspension - Bribing people to play on your account/make an alt will result in a 10 game suspension 6. Good goals + No Goals 6.1 No goals - THIS SEASON LAG GOALS WILL NOT COUNT, but if you leave on purpose, you will be suspended 1-5 games - GAME CHANGING TP'S WILL COUNT AS NGS 6.2 Good Goals - 99% of the time, when the goal horn goes off, it is generally a goal - When the goalie drops the puck in his net - Small tp's / DOESNT CHANGE THE PLAY *7. Stealing players on purpose in the draft, to an extent, this will get annoying i know, but this will just prevent jewiness. - Even DARE to make fake complaints or lying about stealing a player, you will be resulted in a warning then a suspension and a removal of a pick 8. The most important rule: Trading V2 - If you want to leave your team, PLEASE BE NICE TO YOUR CAPTAIN and ask him to be traded - You will not be traded if you showed up to little games - If you want to get traded you MUST show up for your old team until you get traded - If you refuse to play for the team you are on you CAN NOT get traded, unless obviously you are getting abused. - Trading an inactive player for an active player will be declined - No more jew trades - Never PM anybody else about trades but me 9." Exploiting " (no better word to describe this..) - Making your goal keeper faster during a game will result in a warning, then a suspension of 3 games. - When you are a goalie in S/O and you play as a skater then go back at goalie will result at an automatic 3 game suspension. 10. Score Limit This season there will be a limit to the scoreboard to keep games more balanced when you face bad teams. - THE MAX score for one team is 10 - Worded as 10-# /F Ended 11. Signing - YOU MUST be in the group BEFORE the draft to get signed These are the rules so far, if you have an issue, pm me it. I will be adding the rules as we go through out the season Obviously i forget to put some rules on here, my bad.

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