#179765737Wednesday, December 16, 2015 10:31 PM GMT

"Not me, personally... but I suppose it depends on who you ask." Barith sighed upon mention of the Lich King. He was hoping that wouldn't be an issue. "To be honest, I just want to see what the situation is over at Armidna. I've never been there before, you see. Being a healer, I suppose I could lend aid to anyone over there if this Lich King business starts to get serious." "But, y'know, just visiting."
#179766860Wednesday, December 16, 2015 10:52 PM GMT

Druindar "Ah, I have always wanted to be there.." Then he suddenly got excited. He jumped out of his position, staring at Barith. "Could I go with you!?"
#179768945Wednesday, December 16, 2015 11:26 PM GMT

(Sorry for taking g so long to reply.) "I suppose I'll join you too, this could be pretty interesting." The wolf-taur nods with a small grin. "I'll be ready whenever you are, and I'll stick around the tavern for today. Just let me know when you want to leave." (Also, is it ok to have more than one character?)
#179769104Wednesday, December 16, 2015 11:28 PM GMT

Mali recalled the situation up north in Arminda too, the thing people though was the sign of the apocalypse. "I guess I can focus on that too."
#179770437Wednesday, December 16, 2015 11:47 PM GMT

"Then it's settled. We'll head out to Armidna in a couple hours." Barith stood up. "Feel free to prepare in any way necessary. I'll be heading to my place to get what I need." He stepped outside the tavern and headed to his house to prepare for the journey ahead.
#179771575Thursday, December 17, 2015 12:07 AM GMT

(Gah. Was making my dad's Christmas present. Sorry.) Alek stuck the cheese in his pocket and escaped his chair. "I will be preparing new robes. Please excuse me." Alek then walked out of the bar, trying to find the nearest clothing shop. While walking to the clothing shop, a man bumped into Alek. "Sorry!" the man said, as he ran off. Alek noticed he was on his way to the tavern. Alek checked in his robe for his dagger, and couldn't find it. Despite losing his dagger, Alek continued to the clothing store, arriving. "Do you have any purple robes?" Alek ask the woman who seemed to be the owner of the store. (Vapor, could you please be an NPC?) ~ "Long live the purple shirt." ~
#179776028Thursday, December 17, 2015 1:20 AM GMT

Lionel "This is going to he as weird as I thought, right Mika? Mika?" I notice that the little fairy is chugging on one of the mugs "MIKA!!!"
#179777111Thursday, December 17, 2015 1:36 AM GMT

(Sure) "We do have some purple robes, but only a few remaining." The woman responds.
#179777354Thursday, December 17, 2015 1:40 AM GMT

"Might I be able to view them?" ~ "Long live the purple shirt." ~
#179780102Thursday, December 17, 2015 2:17 AM GMT

Cuthlu'Al'Olok After a relentless rampage of murder various deer and trapped foes, I stand in front of the portal that links the real world to my world. Trying to reach my three clawed hands in, they immediately become rejected. I growl in displease. After that, I walk a few feet to sit down, ever so waiting for another fool to brazenly fall down the hole.
#179780281Thursday, December 17, 2015 2:20 AM GMT

Ichor Ichor continues to just mine and mine through the ore and rock. His chained legs were restraining him so much, he just wished he could just escape, but he knew, if he tried, the Lich King would kill him.
#179781702Thursday, December 17, 2015 2:42 AM GMT

(pfft just do NPCs yourself watch this) Upon reaching his house, Barith was greeted by his dwarven patient. "Barith! Thank ye kindly for the aid. I had thought it were only a flesh wound at first." Barith smiled. He went to grab a satchel and started filling it with medical supplies and other items. "Well, I'm glad you're alright now. You'll have to take care of yourself from now on, though. I'm heading out to Armidna with a bunch of people from the tavern." Upon mention of the town, the dwarf reacted with a shocked expression. "Gods be damned! Armidna, of all places! Have ye not heard of the peril the kingdom is in? Have ye not heard word of the terrible summoning that is happening?" "Do you not understand, man?" Barith's tone was angry and uncompromising. "It is precisely for this reason that I have to go and provide aid to those who are in need! Who knows what the inhabitants of Armidna are suffering through right now? I cannot stand and watch while everyone there is in danger!" The dwarf was silent. He spoke his next words quietly and carefully. "Barith... I understand. Yeh've always been concerned for others, and I can see there ain't no changing yer mind now. "Sadly, I cannot join ye on yer journey. My wounds ain't healed to the full yet. But I wish the best of luck to ye." The dwarf walked over to the bed and laid down with a solemn expression on his face. With his point made clear, Barith finished packing up his supplies and left the house, walking back to the tavern.
#179784500Thursday, December 17, 2015 3:27 AM GMT

Cultho'Al'Olok My body sits, back bend from boredom. My legs bend as my feet touch each others' soul. I look up to see the portal with my eyeless gaze. It ripples, then something comes out. This is my chance. Immediately, I get up, towering over the wounded body. It has the looks of a princess. With golden blonde hair and an elegant pink dress. Looking up to the portal, I can see the trotting and clopping of horses. I can hear the roaring of men. She must be important, so, I wait. To be careful, I do a barrel roll, ducking behind a dark wooded area. She gets up, completely clueless to where she is. "Am...am I in the woods?" She mutters. Well, she can't do much without me. Seeing that I have a chance of escape, I rustle some of the shrubs I hide in, somehow undetected as being almost 9 feet tall. "Wh-who's there?!" She stutters in fear. Then I approach, in all my pale and horrific glory. She screams, as I react emotionlessly. She scoots back, hitting her back on a tree, she hyperventilates and mumbles. I walk closer to her, then, she jerks her head back, closing her eyes. I hold out one of my hands that contain only three claws. It is twice the size of her own delicate hands. She stops closing her eyes, "Huh?" I say nothing, as she reluctantly puts her hand into my grasp. I lightly grip, pulling her up gently. I point to the portal, then I point to her, then I point to her arm. My tentacle barbs continue to flicker and writhe when I gesticulate. "Uh...uhm...ok." Holding out her arm, I gaze at it. Then, as a flash, I scrape it. "Ah...!" A drop of her blood lies on a black claw. Studying it, I cast it to the portal. It opens. The princess walks towards it. Bending down, I lift her up out of the portal. It works. Pulling my self up, the princess faces me down in the cavernous pit covered with vines and fallen trees. "Thank you kind....thing. I will never forget this." She walks off in the distance. Finally! I am free from that prison! Enjoyed, I jump high up into the tree, climbing the tops of them like an oversized primate. Not far afar, in my vision, I can see of what looks like a tavern. Quickly, I jump on top of it, making a loud... WHUUMP!
#179785885Thursday, December 17, 2015 3:56 AM GMT

"What the?" Kai jumps to his paws when he hears the thud, surprised by the sudden noise. "What could have caused that noise?" He wonders aloud, tail swaying. He picks up his scythe, and trots outside. Backing up so he can hopefully see whatever landed on the roof, he studies it closely, eyes narrowed slightly.
#179786109Thursday, December 17, 2015 4:00 AM GMT

Cultho'Al'Olok Surprised to see whatever the hell that it, I emit a loud whooping noise. Then, I disappear, turning into a large shroud of darkness.
#179786855Thursday, December 17, 2015 4:17 AM GMT

Zolcan I hear a loud noise outside the tavern then use my Mysticism to see if there are any threats around and go outside of the tavern to see what made the noise.
#179786875Thursday, December 17, 2015 4:18 AM GMT

"OK." She said as she walked into a storage room and then came out with three robes to choose from, all purple. MEANWHILE... Mali heard a whooping noise outside. She rushed out, only to see nothing. "What was that?" She asked herself.
#179787136Thursday, December 17, 2015 4:25 AM GMT

"Kai!" Barith was coming to the tavern at a sprint. He had just barely gotten a glimpse of... "What in the hell was that thing? Kai! What did you see?"
#179787570Thursday, December 17, 2015 4:34 AM GMT

(I'm just in the mines, not knowing anything.)
#179788159Thursday, December 17, 2015 4:49 AM GMT

"Not quite sure actually. It was some sort of tall shadowy figure, but that's all I really saw of it." Kai says, a confused look on his face. "I've seen some odd creatures while traveling, but I've never seen that thing before." He admits.
#179788828Thursday, December 17, 2015 5:05 AM GMT

Lionel Me and Mika went out of the tavern and then we walk away. Barith said that we should be heading to Armidal in a couple of hours so it is best that I should buy supplies before heading on.
#179789507Thursday, December 17, 2015 5:24 AM GMT

I probably won't join, but I've been wondering about the fantasy species. Does that mean I can use golems?
#179789950Thursday, December 17, 2015 5:40 AM GMT

(Golems, constructs and stuff like that are within the realm of fantasy so probably. Better wait for Vaporeon to respond though.) Barith shook his head dismissively. Hopefully, the figure they'd seem wouldn't be an additional issue during their trip. At least, not right now. He checked his satchel to make sure he had everything. "Heading out to Armidna in under an hour. Everyone make sure you're prepared before we leave."
#179796022Thursday, December 17, 2015 1:38 PM GMT

(Sorry about my constant inactivity.) Hearing the "WHUMP" way over at the tavern, Alek did absolutely nothing about it. Alek grabbed the most plain looking robe, paid, folded the robe neatly, and put it in his bag. Alek stepped outside of the clothing store, and walked to the tavern, ignoring the other adventurers who were going to Armidna with him. When Alek walked in, he noticed the man who stole his dagger, talking to a young lady. The man had not noticed Alek, so Alek decided it was a great opportunity to get his dagger back. "Indespectus solum intus tuus mens." Alek said, before casting a spell. Nothing seemed to happen. Alek walked up to the man who stole his dagger and took the dagger back. The lady, worrying that Alek was a thief, said "Hey! Give him back his dagger!" The man looked at the lady with a confused face, as he was unable to notice Alek. Alek turned towards the lady. "This is my dagger, he stole it from me." The lady looked at the man with a shocked face, before getting up and leaving. The man was utterly confused. Alek stepped outside, this time focusing on the other adventurers. "What was that noise? How long do we have before we go?" were the two questions he asked, as he was not at the tavern earlier. ~ "Long live the purple shirt." ~
#179796078Thursday, December 17, 2015 1:40 PM GMT

Lionel After buying a crap ton of potions, bread, rations, and whatever kind of stuff, we went back to the tavern, holding two sacks. One sack contains the potions while the other are just food.