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#179605723Monday, December 14, 2015 12:23 AM GMT

Plot: Ever since the beginning of time and before there was an immensly powerful being. He created the entire universe and everything in it. He was so powerful, but there was nothing he could do to stop himself from dying. And he knew it. So before he died he created six powerful beings, and instilled some of his powers inside each of them. Three of them held his good attributes, Bravery, Compassion, and Strength. The other held the power of his bad attributes, Anger, Cruelty, and Hatred. Soon after their creation the being died, and the six gods began a war. The war lasted three hundred thousand years before they finally decided on peace. In the center of the universe there was a plant called Theodos and in the middle of that planet there was a magic barrier which seperated the enter universe into to the territory of the evil gods, and the territory of the good ones. On the good side of the planet, the gods created three races, beasts, elves, and humans. This side of the planet is good and dwells in harmony. On the other side the evil gods also created three races, Orcs, Goblins and Demons. The good side is always light and sunny, while the dark is constant night. And that is how it is today, the six races and the six gods don't bother each other and continue to dwell in their own habitat. Nothing could ever go wrong....or could it? Locations for the good side: The capital, which is in the center of the good side, It has a large castle in the center of the city, and surrounding it are all of the shops and merchants. Surrounding the shops, is the residential district, and surrounding that is the poor district. The forest, which is 60 miles long and 120 miles wide. Its location is directly south of the Capital. Some say that inside the forest lives fairies who can grant wishes, but nobody has actually seen one. At the south end of the forest is a village, which contains 14 houses, three food merchant, two clothing merchant, and town hall. To the east of the capital is a set of three mountains which are the height of mount everest, mount st. helens, and the third is around half the size of st. helens. On the top of the second tallest mountain is a village with countains 23 houses, three food merchants, four clothing merchants, a town hall, and camp fire in the middle of it. To the west is a valley which contains one village which as 18 houses, 5 food merchants, 2 clothing merchants, a blacksmith, and a town hall. Three miles east of that village is a medium sized city called Sorun with the lords hall in the center, the shops in the east side of the city, and the poor and wealthy residential districts in the west side of it. To the north is a large field which contains a large sized city called Moruns with the lords hall in the center, the shops the north half, the poor and rich residential districts in the south, and five villages that all have fifty houses, two clothing shops, three food shops, and a blacksmith surrounding it. Locations for evil side: The evil side is the same as the good side, except the grass is a burnt color, mountains are replaced with volcanoes, and the sky is dark. The shopkeepers are replaced with thieves, so that means you must hunt for your own resources. It's kill or BE killed! Classes: Warrior (Good version)/ Brute (Bad version) The Warrior/Brute uses medium armors with two handed weapons Knight (Good version)/ Tank (Bad version) The Knight/Tank uses heavy armors with a sword and shield Wizard (Good version)/Mage (Bad version) The Wizard/Mage relies on destruction magic for offensive power and usually wears robes Paladin (Good version)/Warlock (Bad version) The Paladin/warlock uses heavy armors with a mace in one hand, or healing or support spells in the other. Rogue (Good version)/Assassin (Bad version) The Rogue/Assassin uses light armors and a dagger to sneak around the enemy and quickly dispatch them by surprise Archer (Good version)/Ranger (Bad version) The Archer/Ranger relies on medium armors to protect themself at clost range, and a bow for the main offensive. They always have a sword strapped to the side to make sure they can protect themself at close range. Elementalist (Good version only) The elementialist can control elements, and the only reason they are good side only is because the only element that exists in the evil part of the world is fire and earth, uses light armor. Destructionist (Bad version only) The destructionist uses the power of fire and explosives. No actual explosives, he can just set things on fire. He uses Medium armor Races: Humans: Their main strength is combat with mele weapons and medium to heavy armors Elves: Their main strength is combat with magic,bows, and robes to light armors. Beasts: They are animals which are incredibly slow with large attack power. They include Giants and Snow Beasts. ((ADMINS ONLY)) Orcs: Bad version of Humans Goblins: Bad version of Elves Demons: Bad version of Beasts. They include Trolls and Flame beasts. ((ADMINS ONLY)) Notice: Any race can be used for any class, it's just reccommended to use Elves for mages, or Humans for Knights. Character Sheet: Name: Age: Personality (Optional): Apperance: Gender: Side (good or evil): Class: Race: Items: Class: Other: Bio (Optional): Rules: 1. No godmodding! 2. Romance is allowed to a certain extent. 3. Follow the rules! 4. Dumo and Baby > Admins > Rules > You, you worthless maggot 5. If any questions, refer to rules number 3 and 4! 6. You can have two characters, admins may have three. If you say one more thing bad about Fedoras I'll slit your throat-neck.
#179606848Monday, December 14, 2015 12:42 AM GMT

Not to insult anybody, but this doesn't seem well thought out. The sides are not unique, there's no difference except in ideology, and the fact that you have to steal or bargain for goods on the evil side. Some of the class names are ambiguous, at least in my mind, possibly belonging to either or even both sides, and one is in fact opposite, as Rangers usually are protectors and good people. There doesn't seem to be a plot, no conflict to start the RP with, at least in the OP, just a backstory.
#179607565Monday, December 14, 2015 12:53 AM GMT

We made it in like twenty minutes. And the conflict comes later. If you say one more thing bad about Fedoras I'll slit your throat-neck.
#179609378Monday, December 14, 2015 1:21 AM GMT

bump If you say one more thing bad about Fedoras I'll slit your throat-neck.
#179609665Monday, December 14, 2015 1:26 AM GMT

lol for the cs we put class twice... YOU'RE A HERO AND A SQUID, BANG BANG!
#179609782Monday, December 14, 2015 1:28 AM GMT

"We made it in like twenty minutes. And the conflict comes later." *twenty hours Name: Zach Age: I dont know???? Personality (Optional): mean? uh... is there really anything else to put? cruel? Apperance: Looks like the demon from Castle Crashers (if you dont know what he looks like, look it up) Gender: Male Side (good or evil): evil Class: Destructionist Race: Demon Items: A coffee mug Other: nothing Bio (Optional): do i need a bio? hes a bad guy, nothing special. YOU'RE A HERO AND A SQUID, BANG BANG!
#179610085Monday, December 14, 2015 1:33 AM GMT

those are some boring ass races
#179610548Monday, December 14, 2015 1:40 AM GMT

Have to agree with the others for the most part. The story is bland, lacking, and seems downright uninteresting. But maybe if you spend the entire night working on this you might come up with a masterpiece
#179652957Monday, December 14, 2015 10:52 PM GMT

#182256567Saturday, January 23, 2016 9:25 PM GMT

#182257334Saturday, January 23, 2016 9:36 PM GMT

I honestly thought the title was a misspelled "Thedas" at first. Now I see it is just an insanely similar name.
#182832055Monday, February 01, 2016 3:47 PM GMT

this could of been neat but we decided to slack off after we made the good side of things.

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