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#179644878Monday, December 14, 2015 8:52 PM GMT

Hello there. I am xtociz.As you may know I want to be your City Major.I haven't been the best in all the jobs I have had but I can assure you one thing and that thing is for true.I will full fill all your needs.I will come anytime you need me.I want to be your voice.With your help I can become Docklands voice.Together we can make Docklands an better place.But this dream is like Mount Everest.To reach the summit we will have obstacles.But those obstacles will determine if we are ready or not.And I think we can pass those obstacles. [Goals] []Transportation -Update the airport to help our transportation industry.This will be achieved with the help of Hugne123 and many others in the DDOA -Reinforce buses for the transportation of citizens that are ''lagging'' or don't know how to drive. -I will also try to bring less ''laggy' cars. []Commercial -I will lower the price for the business so more business emerge and we have an more open economy.This will benefit the city a lot. []Political -I will try to make Docklands more open to other cities,states or countries.We need to improve our exterior business.With more allies they can help us develop Those are my goals and plans for Docklands.This mountain of goals can be climbed with your help,with your vote.Thank you for your time and remember to vote for me.
#179644894Monday, December 14, 2015 8:53 PM GMT

Support Hugne123.PAWA CEO
#179649469Monday, December 14, 2015 10:03 PM GMT

Why would you run for this? All you do is Abuse qq

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