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#179649804Monday, December 14, 2015 10:07 PM GMT

Authors Note: There is a slight alternate history in which there was no discrimination against minorities in Germany. Wilhelm Rauch was born Jewish on October 28, 1907 in Vienna, Austria. His mother, Elisabeth Frauns, married his father, Hans Rauch, in the Spring of 1905. During the First World War, his father was an Oberst in the Austrian military. After the war, his father returned, and Wilhelm lived a peaceful childhood. He went on to attend the University of Berlin from 1925 until 1930. In 1932, Wilhelm Rauch joined the weakened German military. Because of his father's position in the military, Rauch attended officer's training. In 1939, Rauch became a popular high ranking official in the Wehrmacht. Come 1941, he earned the rank of Oberkommando and was sent to Occupied Denmark. (Come Current time, will be updated in-game yearly)

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