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#179848916Friday, December 18, 2015 5:34 PM GMT

This is for People who vote for ROBLOX on the PS4. If you own a PS4 don't hesitate to say "I would like to see ROBLOX on the PS4" If they released it for one console they can release it for another. Am I right?
#179848991Friday, December 18, 2015 5:37 PM GMT

Cant handle the graphics and before you say 'Call of Duty' there are restricted areas of exploration. ❖|| LuckyTux || August 3rd, 2012 || CEO of Tux Studios || Scripter || Builder||❖
#179849334Friday, December 18, 2015 5:48 PM GMT

Someone asked them why they couldn't have it for XBOX 360 before and they said something like "We tried but couldn't get permission", so I think it's the same case with PS4.
#179849603Friday, December 18, 2015 5:56 PM GMT

PS4 is only the biggest console in UK (From what I can gather, they always get best selling console over here, probably not japan, they live off nintendo). Its probably has more countries in the same situation. But Ps4 isn't going to profit Roblox as much as having it on Xbox One.
#179853080Friday, December 18, 2015 7:40 PM GMT

Say if someone wants to record ROBLOX on the PS4?
#179853129Friday, December 18, 2015 7:42 PM GMT

Horrible idea, Maybe you should go ask Team Mars. You're so desperate for Forum Post.
#179884102Saturday, December 19, 2015 4:42 AM GMT

PC Master Race you console peasants Hey guys, this time I saved the dragon from the princess
#179884214Saturday, December 19, 2015 4:44 AM GMT

#179888709Saturday, December 19, 2015 6:37 AM GMT

Funny story, actually. Around 2013, I went to one of the ROBLOX Maker Faire events. My dad, who works for Sony and has a fair say in everything, spoke with Shedletsky and David about potentially bringing ROBLOX to Sony consoles. He gave both of them his card. He was never contacted. If they wanted to, ROBLOX could easily (well, easily in a "getting permission and working stuff out" sense) transfer to PS4. It's a matter of console favoritism here. The console wars live on.
#179891187Saturday, December 19, 2015 7:56 AM GMT

OP is a console peasant PC master race! [10] Congratulations, you're a http://www.roblox.com/Genius-item?id=114099935
#180030113Monday, December 21, 2015 5:15 PM GMT

I'm pretty sure SOME people would like ROBLOX for the PS4 like me... Because ROBLOX doesn't have the record function on macs...
#180047859Monday, December 21, 2015 9:41 PM GMT

They are already bringing Roblox to xbox One, a console half as powerful as the PS4, and a console that got less sells than PS4, and you are saying that it cannot handle the graphics? If the xbox One is weaker than the PS4, and it can still run Roblox, then the PS4 sure can too. PS4 also comes with cross-play, which an xbox does not have. But anyways, I am sure they are taking it to lots of consoles. If you navigate a bit on Roblox Studio, you might find a folder called 'Platforms' which it contains files of consoles, so this might mean that they are releasing it for other consoles.

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