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#180011517Monday, December 21, 2015 5:42 AM GMT

TL;DR: My character did a pretty morbid action for a righetous cause, and now the other players want my character to be considered evil for it. Whole story: The character I was playing was a Lawful Good Crusader. I was playing in a party consisting of an "Honorable" Rogue, and priest and a warrior. The campaign that our DM was running for us was about fighting an undead army, and it was pretty fun. Eventually we found this necromancer's son, and we believed him to have valuable information. I tried talking to the kid but he wouldn't budge, so my character went into the "any means necessary" mode and held the kid down. My character then took out a dagger and began to slightly cut into this kids leg, to try and intimidate him into telling us what he knew. When I was about halfway into the interrogation the druid interrupted and said: "Your character is lawful good, and is hurting an innocent child?" I just said that it was for the greater good, but an OOC disagreement broke out. Right now were taking a break. Please help. And yes I got the interrogation technique from American Sniper
#180016259Monday, December 21, 2015 8:04 AM GMT

Your character isn't evil, but you're in the wrong. If your character is hurting an innocent child, he definitely isn't lawful. If your character ever rationalises something as being for the "greater good," then he's chaotic good, not lawful good.
#180017232Monday, December 21, 2015 8:53 AM GMT

The true evil here is that you're taking inspiration from American Sniper.
#180020651Monday, December 21, 2015 12:33 PM GMT

Lawful good: abiding by the law because it's what everyone thinks is right and it's how a good person is expected to act (not hurting children). Neutral good: being kind to others, trying not to hurt anyone and helping those in need regardless of their situation (definitely not hurting children). Chaotic good: basing actions on the situation and making moral decisions that may inflict harm upon others but are generally for the greater good (might include hurting children). Unless the RP is set in a location where there's no law against harming children, your character is chaotic good, not lawful.
#180020720Monday, December 21, 2015 12:36 PM GMT

The fact OP thinks that horrid propaganda film is a reliable source is still a major sin.
#180037895Monday, December 21, 2015 7:27 PM GMT

@MrStilts Take your political correctness and shove it up your ass
#180038562Monday, December 21, 2015 7:37 PM GMT

That's some aggression right there.
#180041032Monday, December 21, 2015 8:15 PM GMT

depending on how you played it it was either CG or LE

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